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I like boats


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Hi! My name is bote. And I like boats. My Fav Monotypes are Water, Flying, and Psychic, because I can use these types with next level stratagies. I personally cannot do nuzlockes because I can't stand grinding mons (or in general) Because they were late to the team or forcing myself to kick a mon overboard because they died. Usually I like my pokemon and I can't stand replacing them. Afterall Nuzlockes sure are some rough waters That I hope I don't accidentally fall into and screw myself over.

Anyhow I've beaten Ep 14 of Poke Reborn within like what, a week and a half. Once I got my 6 mons together, honestly my team just became unstoppable. I also like other video games, like competative TF2, so if you think that I am cool you can add me here. (that last link is not a boat meme, I promise).

Surprisingly I'm somewhat good at pokemon battling, and I am a Driver in the Roleplaying room on the Main PS server. Does this mean I'm sorta a big deal?

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How'd you find the game, if i may ask?

Honestly I just got bored and around like 4th gen, and early 5th gen, I played a bit of comp pokemon. I probably was like "Hey, I want to try comp pokemon." probably when I was playing the games. I guess I just got bored TBH.

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Welcome to the Reborn forums, bote!

If you have any questions, be sure to ask myself, an Ace Member, or a moderator. If you are interested in competitive battling, or just wanting a place to chat, check out the Showdown Server. There's also a FAQ page, which is pretty self explanatory, so be sure to read that if you have any simple questions. Finally, be sure to read the rules as well.

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I like Quagsire and Goomy :D

Welcome to the Forums!!!!

I like Quagsires too. But IDK about Goomy...

Pokemon, boats, Team Forretress2 and moar boats!!! (and a Meowstic)

I know we're going to be friends.

Enjoy your stay here!! If you need anything ask around. People are almost always helpful.

Yay! Friendship!

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