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Help for my team pls !!!


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This is my team: (i need item so recommend me something)

Jolteon evs:252 sp att , 252 speed , nature:impish, ability:voltabsorb , moveset; (i need help for this)

Chandelure evs:252 sp attack, 252 speed, nature:mild, ability :flame body , moveset ;heat wave , shadow ball,will o wisp,flametrhower

gardevoir: evs 180 sp attac, 180 speed (other evs are random), nature:hardy , ability :trace , moveset : moonblast, psychic, calmind, shadowball

these are the pokemon that i want to change because all the evs are random and i didn t like them so much

mamoswine : i want to breed him so that he can have icilce crash and i want to evs him in attack and speed , for the moveset help me

scrhafty: evs random , nature sassy , ability :shred skin , moveset :high kick,rock climb , crunch , brick break

swampert : evs random , nature ;lax ,ability:torrent, moveset ; sludge wave , earthquake, muddy water, hammer arm

i am going to beat luna so help me on how to discover instruments , for the team said to me pokemon that i can t obtain yet too

Edited by LollosoExt
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Since you're about near Luna, head back to 7th street with a Heart Scale, and try to get either a Timid or Modest nature on Jolteon. Impish is really bad.

For a moveset, maybe:

-Shadow Ball

-Volt Switch (?)


-Charge Beam

I don't think it learns really good moves.

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For Jolteon, Hidden Power (Ice/Grass would be ideal), Discharge, Shadow Ball and Thunder Wave/Yawn/Charge Beam are your best bet, really. And change it's nature to something that boosts Special Attack (other than Quiet).

For Chandelure, pretty much no point in having Will-o-Wisp on it. And check out the pinned guide in this section, Chandelure can get both Energy Ball and Psychic (though I prefer HP Fighting/Ice over Psychic) if you go back to pre-E13. The guide gives the chain as well as a download link for E12. And I'd recommend keeping Heat Wave over Flamethrower for Doubles Battles (you can go Yanma hunting, wild ones can hold Wide Lens which you can use to boost HW's accuracy). And make it Timid, this thing hits hard enough already while really needing all the Speed it can get.

Shadow Ball does next to nothing for your coverage on Gardevoir. Instead, Charge Beam would be great for it.

Also that Scrafty set is waaaay worse than what is available. You can get it both Dragon Dance and Ice Punch via Hitmonchan>Loppuny>Scrafty. DD alone makes it way more useful (Moxie is also it's best ability then). And Sassy is not that great on it, Adamant is the way to go. Note that if you go for DD, it's better to invest EVs in HP than in Speed since you'll be outspeeding stuff anyways.

Mamoswine is really easy to figure out: Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Body Slam. Body Slam is definitely it's best 4th move since the high para chance works really well with IC's high flinch chance. Give it Jolly or Adamant.

You can soon make Swampert much more useful, since the "TM" for Dive is immediately after Luna and Waterfall is found 2 gyms after that. After Luna, it also takes some walking, but you can get what you need to get Avalanche onto Swampert. A Heart Scale will also get it Rock Slide. Curse is also an excellent move for Swampert.

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