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Rate my Reborn Team


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Here is my almost finished team (still need to EV train) for episode 15. I don't remember there IVs at the top of my head but I will edit this post later today when I get home from work.


Pressure / Calm / Spooky Plate

Planned EVs: 252HP/204SpDef/54Def

Moves: Shadow Sneak, Will-o-Wisp, Ice Punch, Trick Room


Battle Armor / Adamant / Black Sludge

Planned EVs: 252HP/252Def

Moves: Cross Poison, Crunch, Bug Bite, Rock Smash


Guts / Adamant / Toxic Orb

Planned EVs: 252HP/252Atk

Moves: Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Rock Slide, Strength


Sturdy / Modest / Air Baloons

Planned EVs: 252SpAtk/252Spe

Moves: Discharge, Flash Cannon, Tri Attack, Thunder Wave


Blaze / Modest / Charcoal

Planned EVs: 252SpAtk/252Spe

Moves: Flamethrower, Air Slash, HP Ice, Cut


Torrent / Adamant / Splash Plate

Planned EVs: 252Atk/252Hp

Moves: Earthquake, Brick Break, Waterfall, Surf


Unaware / Sassy / Quick Claw

Planned EVs: 252Hp/252SpDef

Moves: Earthquake, Yawn, Dive, Surf

(I plan to switch between quagsire and swampert depending if I need waterfall or dive, hopefully there won't be a lot of parts where both HMs are needed).

All suggestions and critisism are welcome. Know that I would like most of the HMs be usable with this team while I am playing reborn, as I'm not really a fan of HM slaves.

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Dusnkoir would appreciate Hex. Hex+willowisp is a good combo. You really don't need priority.

No Rock Smash, Hone Claws or SD are good options, and night slash instead of crunch with a scope lens.

Bulk Up instead of strenght. You can also use facade.

Change the ability to analytic and the nature to quiet. Give it screech and charge beam instead of twave/triattack.

A physical variant is way better with dragon dance, dragon claw, flare blitz and shadow claw.

No surf, get avalanche and curse via avalugg. You really don't need fighting coverage when you have a conkeldurr.

This thing is really not great. Just use it as HM slave, it's definitely not going to help a lot in the battle field. Instead, a grass type like roserade or lilligant wil really come in handy.

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Didn't you hear? HM's work like TM's now, you can switch them up freely so you can have surf, dive and waterfall pretty much at the same time! :D

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Dusnkoir would appreciate Hex. Hex+willowisp is a good combo. You really don't need priority.

No Rock Smash, Hone Claws or SD are good options, and night slash instead of crunch with a scope lens.

Bulk Up instead of strenght. You can also use facade.

Change the ability to analytic and the nature to quiet. Give it screech and charge beam instead of twave/triattack.

A physical variant is way better with dragon dance, dragon claw, flare blitz and shadow claw.

No surf, get avalanche and curse via avalugg. You really don't need fighting coverage when you have a conkeldurr.

This thing is really not great. Just use it as HM slave, it's definitely not going to help a lot in the battle field. Instead, a grass type like roserade or lilligant wil really come in handy.

Dusknoir: Will replace Shadow Sneak with Hex, that does sound like a better option.

Drapion: Don't have a scope lense on hand at the moment, but that sounds like a good idea, will give it a try.

Conkeldurr: I'll give it Bulk Up instead of Strength now that I am aware HMs work like TMs now =).

Magnezone: I actually prefer sturdy, as it let's magnezone get attacks off on pokemon that would normally OHKO him. I'll give an Analytic version a try though. I also do like thunder wave, as it let's me cripple faster pokemon

Charizard: I like my charizard as a special attacker, i considered physical variant, but overall just personally prefer special charizard for this team.

Swampert: I'll begin the breeding process of trying to get avalanche and curse on the swampert.

Quagsire: Don't judge, this guy got me through a good number of tough spots in this playthrough so far =P.

A grass type to rotate in when needed is probably a good idea, i do have a bublasaur sitting in my box at the moment, how does venasaur fare in reborn?

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I'd personally go for a faster grass type, like Whimsicott, or a well bred Roserade(by that I mean the right moves).

I don't know where you're at in the story but there's a scope lens available in the Derpartment Store(not sure which floor)

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I'd personally go for a faster grass type, like Whimsicott, or a well bred Roserade(by that I mean the right moves).

I don't know where you're at in the story but there's a scope lens available in the Derpartment Store(not sure which floor)

I have beaten Terra and waiting for episode 15. I'll check the department store when i get home for the scope lense.

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With it's health:bulk ratio, Dusknoir is the thing to use Curse with. Don't bother with Hex, 65 base attack is nothing, not even with a 130 BP move. Your team doesn't really...care about Trick Room, so that can go too, though keeping it is also perfectly fine (the main idea of Trick Room is for not-so-bulky and not-so-fast hard hitters to do their hard hitting without worries of Speed. You've got 5 bulky things and a Charizard). Shadow Sneak should also definitely stay, it's attack stat is good enough that some last-ditch damage from it is definitely worth a move-slot. You could temporarily use Payback, which works well with it's low Speed, but, although it's not really an option now since you're out of Reaper Cloths, when we get back to Reborn City legally (or right now, if you have a copy of E13), you can buy a new one, when you should breed Pain Split onto your new Dusknoir. With it's high defenses yet really low health, it'll do a ton while doubling as great healing for it.

Yep, as stated above, Night Slash+Cross Poison+Sniper+Scope Lens is the way to go. But SD is a great thing to have on it. Also, this thing is no wall. Sure, it's bulky as hell, but letting the naturally high physical defense do it's thing while piling EVERYTHING into Speed and Attack is most definitely the way to go. Be Jolly, have an SD under your belt and start destroying!

Also, Bug Bite literally hits only 20 more things super-effecitvely. The same Ninjask that could get you SD can also get you Dig, which does a ton for your coverage.

Facade. Game Corner. 140 BP Get 'em. Bulk Up isn't too great since you're on a timer with Toxic Orb and all that. A timer you could cheat, mind you. If you go back to pre-E13, you can get Rest. Rest removes your Toxic, fully heals you, sends you to sleep (which is generally no issue with it's huge physical bulk), then once you wake, Toxic is reapplied on you and the damage-increase per turn starts all over. Way better than healing items since Toxic can take ~30% a turn. Thoough you'd have to give up on either of the Punches you currently have.

Tri Attack is pretty much always weaker than your STABs. T-Wave is also almost pointless with it's bulk and Discharge around. Either give it Mirror Coat and Charge Beam/Hidden Power or make it Analytic, Quiet and give it Charge Beam/Hidden Power. Any Hidden Power that covers your weaknesses, especially HP Grass/Ice for Ground types are best for it. Also, Speed EVs are a complete waste on it. Give it HP

I agree with the above DD set, though in that case HP EVs are better than Speed ones since you'll be outspeeding stuff anyways, might as well have an easier time setting up then. Also, Wing Attack is better than Shadow Claw. Not only is it stronger due to STAB (not by a lot, but hey), it also has better coverage. There's more you'd be hitting Super-Effectively with Shadow Claw on paper, but the age of Ghost and Psychic type foes is one that has ended in Reborn.

Ditch Brick Break and Surf, get Avalanche (Bergmite) and Rock Slide (Heart Scale). Curse is also a great move for it.

Ditch it. The only reason Swagsire is competitively used despite Swampert's existence is because of Toxic, Recover and Unaware. Competitively. In Reborn? The game is simpler than competitive play. Toxic-stalling is unrequired since it's a lot easier here to brute-force it after setting up Curses (both Swampy and Quagy can do it). Recover is pointless since we have access to healing items. Unaware is of no importance since, honestly, when's the last time you saw a foe set up after Serra's Cloyster? Swampert does all the important things Quagsire does too (yes, it even also gets Yawn), but it does it better.

Your biggest weakness is to Ground types, which mostly also have Rock-type coverage too and, as is, Grass, Bug and Fairy are the only types you have no attacks of. Lilligant is a great, fun to use and easy-to-figure-out-how-to-use Pokemon (Own Tempo with Sleep Powder, Petal Dance, Quiver Dance and HP Rock). Leavanny is pretty great too,especially since only one type-gym Grass is weak to is left, plus Sticky Web support is all your Drapion needs to clean house. Bulk Up Gogoat is also very good.

Also, Gourgeist. Gourgeist is a thing that you can just send up against a physical attacker to laugh at them. With Protect, Will-o-Wisp (both gotten from Yamask pre-E13), Phantom Force and Leech Seed (to maximize DoT damage, you'll be doing 1/4th health every turn while Protect and PF make you hittable only once every 3 turns, and on the third turn not only will burns decrease physical damage, it's huge physical defense means you'll be losing ~80 HP form SE physical hits (and Ground and Rock only have like one special move each, so it's perfect for what you need)).

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Before we fight Noel, if you talk to Shelly she says "We're going to have a rematch someday", which means that we're probably going to rematch the gym leaders. So shadow claw is a thing to keep around.

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Before we fight Noel, if you talk to Shelly she says "We're going to have a rematch someday", which means that we're probably going to rematch the gym leaders. So shadow claw is a thing to keep around.

Eh, I doubt it, unless it's some post-game stuff. To me, that felt like your standard "Man, that was fun. Gotta do this again some time." which is no guarantee it'll happen during the duration of the game (if ever). Still, Radomus and Shade really aren't that difficult.

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So did some breeding, and managed to grab a few more egg moves on my pokes. Thanks for the advice all!


Pressure / Calm / Spooky Plate

Planned EVs: 252HP/204SpDef/54Def

Moves: Shadow Sneak, Will-o-Wisp, Ice Punch, Pain Split


Sniper / Adamant / Scope Lense

Planned EVs: 252HP/252Atk

Moves: Cross Poison, Night Slash, Hone Claws, Knock Off

(Gave it knock off just for the utility of getting rid of items)


Guts / Adamant / Toxic Orb

Planned EVs: 252HP/252Atk

Moves: Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Rock Slide, Facade


Analytic / Quiet / Air Baloons

Planned EVs: 252SpAtk/252Hp

Moves: Discharge, Flash Cannon, Charge Beam, Mirror Coat


Blaze / Modest / Charcoal

Planned EVs: 252SpAtk/252Spe

Moves: Flamethrower, Air Slash, HP Ice, Sunny Day


Torrent / Adamant / Splash Plate

Planned EVs: 252Atk/252Hp

Moves: Earthquake, Avalanche, Waterfall, Curse

New Subs:



EVs: 252Atk/252Spe

Moves: Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Brick Break



EVs: 252SpAtk/252Spe

Moves: Quiver Dance, Petal Dance, HP Rock, Sleep Powder

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What? But... what's the point of having sunny day on a charizard with BLAZE?? Solar power is necessary.

I mean it's mostly because I couldnt think of a better move for the 4th move slot, and I don't really feel like breeding this charizard for one with dragon pulse. I ended up making him Timid instead of Modest, and his Item is now a life orb. So sunny day is there, not as a constant thing, but more of a utility move, like I would use it when an oponent would use a potion.

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I mean it's mostly because I couldnt think of a better move for the 4th move slot, and I don't really feel like breeding this charizard for one with dragon pulse. I ended up making him Timid instead of Modest, and his Item is now a life orb. So sunny day is there, not as a constant thing, but more of a utility move, like I would use it when an oponent would use a potion.

I think he's questioning the Ability rather than the move. You'd get much more benefit out Sunny Day if you used an Ability Capsule on your Charizard and gave it Solar Power as it's ability.

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