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Over rated games


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LoL. It isn't that addictive and I don't see how number crunching when trying to figure out some sort of meta is fun.

It was nice knowing you man.

Well, Square games in general are overrated because when people talk about rpgs they usually just mean their games. I really shouldn't being saying that considering my avatar pic.

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Don't hate on Square. They may be falling behind recently, but they pushed out some amazing games in their time that also happen to be traditional turn-based RPGs. Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy 7, and Crisis Core all have amazing storylines. Sure the combat in a turn based RPG may not be as exciting as an action RPG, but I don't think combat was really their focus. The point of most traditional turn-based RPGs is to get the story told. And the turn based combat was still fun, you must admit.

And on the topic of Square...


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Don't hate on Square. They may be falling behind recently, but they pushed out some amazing games in their time that also happen to be traditional turn-based RPGs. Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy 7, and Crisis Core all have amazing storylines. Sure the combat in a turn based RPG may not be as exciting as an action RPG, but I don't think combat was really their focus. The point of most traditional turn-based RPGs is to get the story told. And the turn based combat was still fun, you must admit.

Overrated =/= hate. I actually love a lot of square games with FFV and FFIX being two of my favorites. Square used to be the Juggernaut of RPGs at one point. Since we're on the subject, I actually prefer Bravely Default more. It took everything from FFV and made it better. Hopefully the sequel will fix the problems in the first game.

I thought of another one. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. As much as I love that game, it really overshadows Majora's Mask which I felt was the better game. (Seriously, that game deserves more recognition than it got).

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Oh look, these are my feelings towards pokemon.

This^^^ lol

Personally, I think that FPSs in general are overrated. Which, actually isn't to say they're bad though most of them are imo, just that they're not the be all end all of gaming that a lot of people make them out to be. Same goes for Pokemon owo

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FPS are considered bad because they are so easy to make and they come out by the hundreds. However there are good samples. CoD wasn't bad back in the day. I still play CoDII (yes the one with the rooftops) and many people do (or all others are bots on the server). TF2 is another, even better example. Sure most recycle the same story, but we can't put all of them in the same sack because among the rocks some gems get lost. Canon pokemon games are all the same tho.

Do you know what's overrated? Dragonball games, oh and Yu-Gi-Oh

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Overrated =/= hate. I actually love a lot of square games with FFV and FFIX being two of my favorites. Square used to be the Juggernaut of RPGs at one point.

It's a figure of speech... I guess I'll have to read everything I post from now on and nitpick away everything that can be taken literally in the wrong context. Anyway, I was actually talking more about how you phrased the other part of that sentence. You said "when people talk about rpgs they usually just mean their games." Honestly, I see no reason why Square's games shouldn't instantly come to mind when talking about RPGs. They broke a lot of ground in their time and were really some of the first games to succeed on that front. But I digress. This topic is off track anyway.

I could never stand Majora's Mask tbh. I hate that game with a burning passion to this day. The story interested me, but the thing that killed the game was the damn TIME LIMIT. I hate time limits in almost all games and almost all forms. Maybe it's just me, but I hate feeling restricted in how much time I have to do something. I like to see the sights, take a deep look at the game and really appreciate what I'm doing, what puzzle I'm solving, where I am. I like to have time to look for secrets and time limits discourage all of that, which I personally think is a terrible thing for a game, especially one with an open world like Majora's Mask, a game I wanted to explore but felt like I never really had the opportunity to because of the game's time limit. Yes, I know that you can reset the timer, but the fact that you have to constantly be worrying about it bothers me to no end. I played the game for an hour or two before I just quit from frustration. It's a game I could see myself enjoying but for that one factor that makes it completely unplayable for me. Granted, my hate for time limits in general probably makes this somewhat worse than it is, but every time I think about going back to finish that game I get upset just thinking about it. So for me personally, Ocarina of Time is literally about a million times better than Majora's Mask.

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I think the Devil May Cry series is overrated, but that may just be because I suck at them.

And I'm one of the few who will say this: EarthBound sucks.

I tried getting into Earthbound, but it's kind of weird and hard to get used to. Mother 3 on the other hand I fell in love with.

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The God of War series to be honest. While the combat is spot on, the story is easily summarized as: "Kratos is one pissed off dude" And it has no replay value at all. When I beat God of War 3 I began questioning it's existence that is currently sitting in my shelf.



Edited by Gentleman's Hat
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LoL and pokemon RSE.

I like some of the concepts, characters, and central ideas surrounding the games, but those games aren't as good as they are hyped imo.

A few others that most people here don't play;

Mortal Kombat

Dead or Alive

King of Fighters


Metal Gear Solid

Ninja Gaiden

Final Fantasy

Simple Competitive shooters like...

Call of Duty


Team fortress

Cheap horror games like...




Five Nights at Freddie's

Nintendo platformers like



(best Donkey Kong games were Country 1 and 2 as well as tropic Freeze, the rest were meh)

I also personally think that Capcom and Sony made better 2D and 3D platformers than Nintendo and Sega did.


Oh Ya, remembered a few more that I know quite a few people like that I think are overrated...

Crono Trigger


All the tales of games

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You can't say Mortal Kombat is OverRated and think Tekken is fine.

Same goes for Metal Gear Solid and its substitute, Splinter Cell series.

Ninja Gaiden is the ninja version of God of War, so it's cool by default.

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