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Strongest Pokemon Type?


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Fighting probably with their stats being pretty good even among the worst of the kind. Dragon is tough yes but being super effective to nothing makes it not so reliable and the fact that a fraction of them are 4x weak to ice since a lot of them also are fliers. Fighting takes down rock, steel, ice, dark and normal and is one of the few types that even in a bad situation like against a weakness can still hold its own given a decent setup. (that and fliers arent exactly winning strongman competitions). I swear if they would just make a fighting electric type it would be the best in the game. Likely OU tier speed with paralyze and crazy attack.

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Water is probably the best type overall. Only two weaknesses, and grass isn't terribly common offensively (but I could be and probably am wrong, because I don't play meta all that much). They're also the most common type, so they can fit all sorts of roles.

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I would say Poison, it has only one actual weakness; and it is only totally ineffective against one other type as well. Using Poison/Bad Poison is always nice, because there isn't much that can really resist it without items; a few specific abilities; and a few specific moves.

It's definitely not a type that gets enough credit. Even then, consider many poison types are power houses in their respective areas, Crobat in particular coming to mind. A good Poison Team can wreak total havoc.

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In terms of offense, ground and fighting. Both deal super effective damage to five other types, and are both ineffective against just one type each. Not only that but their attacking stats, specially the fighting type, tend to be above average. A close third would have to be fairy, it just has a key advantage against all common attacking types.

I don't know what is it that people has for dragons but they are quite away from being the strongest type; only super effective against itself and ineffective against other type, is redeemed only by its strong moves and above average stats, to be a good type for neutral coverage, similar to normal.

Defensively speaking, poison, steel and ghost are the best in my opinion. Two of them have a key resistance to fairies and steel types cannot fall to poison, which is always good. Ghost has more immunities and resistances combined than weaknesses.

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I'd say Fairy, since they are super-effective against Dark, Fighting and Dragon, three very common types, and only have Poison and Steel as a weakness. Poison isn't really an offensive type, while Steel totally is defensive oriented.

Edited by DICK
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i saw dark tpyes are more powerful than any type. 1.) their attacks can affect any pokemon type. 2.) they have some of the most powerful attacks and can learn powerful attacks. and 3.)even though they have three weaknesses they can still conquer them easily if trained right.

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I'd have to say Normal.

I personally hate the Normal type, but there are some amazing powerhouses in the Normal tier. Wide movepools, and STAB on some of the strongest attacks like Hyper Beam, Double-Edge and many more I can't think of right now, Normal is a very strong type.

Could be me personally, but Norman, Lenora and Noel gave me the most trouble out of any gym leaders in any game.

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Steel type because it tank even dragon can't touch them and it can deal big damage,flash canon is one of my fave move.

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