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Not sure where to put this question.



So, I'm having an issue. The game mentions quick saving on the front page, yet I cannot actually find the quick save button. I looked through the controls, I have even googled it, yet I cannot find it anywhere.

Either I am just terribly blind (which is a possibility), or there is no quick save.

Is there some magical button I'm missing, or is there just no quick-saving?

Sorry for the really silly question :#

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So I would just press D to quick save, then which key to load it? I just checked the controls, and there is nothing in the binds that has the button "D" registered, but there is a hotkey "D" registered under Z, which is the "A" button from the regular games. I'm prolly just really dumb. (I started this game 3 days ago)

Note: I haven't changed my controls at all.

Thanks for the quick response though!

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If by checking the controls, you mean that F1 thing, I think that does not work whatsoever. Basically, that's not Quick Saving, at least not in the way emulators and what-not do it, this is just a keyboard shortcut. You can't just press a button and bam, you're back exactly where you used to be. You can press F12 to have the game restart instead of closing and relaunching it, but that's about as close to quicksaving as RPGMaker (the stuff the game is made with) will ever get.

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Ah. That's what I was wondering, more or less if I could press a button and instantly re-appear where I was. I knew about the f12, but that's about it. Was trying to see if there was a button to "reappear" where I was before.

The F1 console, I have no clue what that is, and what Lostelle said didn't make much sense, so I was asking for confirmation.

Thanks for the responses, sorry for me being stupid :#

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