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Adrienn's Gym Speculation


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i have speculation of my own on this theory of adrienn's fairy type team and field affects. first the team theory which is possibly "carbink,wigglytuff,azumarill,florges,togekiss, now the non legend megas could consist of mawile,gardevoir, and altaria but to be able to combat the steel or poison types that one would use against xyr, xe will probably have mega mawile," now for the field where she will probably have moves that can counteract the players chance to try to rechange the gym and having moves like "misty terrain, moonblast, moonlight, and crafty shield (to prevent statis effects)" now on to the gym itself, i agree with fighting possibly fairy trainers but maybe they are trainers dressed as alice in wonderland characters that use fairy type pokemon that represent them and to move on the trainer has to go through a set choies of mirrors or doors.

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We know already that the badge order is inaccurate. It's changed throughout each episode, and seeing as the one listed above does list Ciel as our next gym, I doubt it's accurate. We don't have a ticket to battle her yet.

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I personally expected to battle Hardy next... then again can't remember where his gym was.....

Ciel, Titania or Amaria seem the most plausible next ones....

By the way I only just noticed....

12 out of 18 leaders are female, 2 undecided and only 4 male(that are still alive, that is) is Ame such a feminist or..?

Secretly hoping Amaria dies and we get a new water type leader somewhere.

Edited by Helia
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I actually think we'll face Xyr next...considering the fact that we're going down to the sewers which'll end up with us either exploring it and getting to water restoration place or finding Amaria and Titania either of which,Adrienn can help us with.

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I actually think we'll face Xyr next...considering the fact that we're going down to the sewers which'll end up with us either exploring it and getting to water restoration place or finding Amaria and Titania either of which,Adrienn can help us with.

That ^

Adrienn, Hardy, Titania, Ciel, Amaria, Saphira


Adrienn, Titania, Hardy, Ciel, Amaria, Saphira

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I personally expected to battle Hardy next... then again can't remember where his gym was.....

Ciel, Titania or Amaria seem the most plausible next ones....

By the way I only just noticed....

12 out of 18 leaders are female, 2 undecided and only 4 male(that are still alive, that is) is Ame such a feminist or..?

Secretly hoping Amaria dies and we get a new water type leader somewhere.

Hardy's Gym is located in Agate City, and currently the sleeping signal is still going strong so it'd be completely out of logic to have him the next leader.

I actually think we'll face Xyr next...considering the fact that we're going down to the sewers which'll end up with us either exploring it and getting to water restoration place or finding Amaria and Titania either of which,Adrienn can help us with.

That is; if there is sewers to actually go to.

Edited by Lostelle
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I saw the badge order, but it looked like Adrienn's badge was the 15th, after Ciel.

Here's Adrienn's bio with badge:


Here's the badge order. The 15th looks like Adrienn's.


The one you got is wrong. According to mine, next is

Amaria > Titania > ...... > Adrien

And I am pretty sure mine is accurate at least as it is planned now, Ame can always change it.

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The one you got is wrong. According to mine, next is

Amaria > Titania > ...... > Adrien

And I am pretty sure mine is accurate at least as it is planned now, Ame can always change it.

Considering there has been nothing to prove that any of these lists are 100% accurate, I wouldn't count on any of them being truthful.

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The one you got is wrong. According to mine, next is

Amaria > Titania > ...... > Adrien

And I am pretty sure mine is accurate at least as it is planned now, Ame can always change it.

Yep like how the others said, don't trust the badge orders too much.

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