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Contrary to my expectation having two separate threads was more awkward than not, so this is doubling as the status update thread and the discussion thread. Knock yourselves out.

Here's an explanation of what these categories refer to.

Prior updates (100%)

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  • #################### | Event Updates (100%)
  • #################### | Graphic Updates (100%)
  • #################### | Misc Updates (100%)
  • #################### | Scripting Updates (100%)
New content (100%)
  • #################### | Mapping (100%)
  • #################### | New Field Effects (100%)
  • #################### | Eventing (100%)
  • #################### | Sidequests (100%)
  • #################### | Story (100%)
Total Completion:
  • #################### | (100%)
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I said this before as a status post, but we should have Fennekin in episode 15! I mean, it's considered the least good of its starter trio (sorry fans of it but it's kinda true), yet we got Chespin first and STILL no Fennekin?

EDIT: I guess a similar case could be made for Turtwig.

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There, fixed it for you. Typhlosion and Meganium are already in the game.

Also... 2% sob

No... Sheer Force makes Totodile WAY too good. Like, Contrary Serperior or Iron Fist Infernape kind of good. I say Fennekin and Turtwig because they're the only "not that good" starters left.

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No... Sheer Force makes Totodile WAY too good. Like, Contrary Serperior or Iron Fist Infernape kind of good. I say Fennekin and Turtwig because they're the only "not that good" starters left.

Check the characters folder

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Yeh, Sheer Force Feraligatr is OP but someone already cheated a way through Ametrine and found the event. But it's not necessarily next episode where we'll access it. Or who knows, Ame might change it.

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Yeh, Sheer Force Feraligatr is OP but someone already cheated a way through Ametrine and found the event. But it's not necessarily next episode where we'll access it. Or who knows, Ame might change it.

While that's true Sneasel is also there (2 episodes now) and we only need Waterfall

Guess what

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only 2% after 3-4 months im done :angry::( i aint waiting 10 years for an update

Two things:

First of all, this is a non-profit project subsided solely on voluntary work. If it does take ten years, so it will; We're all working for free here, I think we at least have the right to take our time.

Second, we haven't been working on 15 over the last "3~4 months". We were working on 14.5, which just released. 15's development has barely started.

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No... Sheer Force makes Totodile WAY too good. Like, Contrary Serperior or Iron Fist Infernape kind of good. I say Fennekin and Turtwig because they're the only "not that good" starters left.

lol, you haven't used a turtwig before. Torterra is bulky as fuck, he gives no shits. He even overcame Blake. although that was when Blake was stupid

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only 2% after 3-4 months im done :angry::( i aint waiting 10 years for an update

I promise you all, of all the impatient people on this website, I am the worst of them. It is almost physically impossible for anyone to be more impatient for this game to release than me. I get the concern, and we're doing our best here, but if I can hold out, so can you. Please consider conducting yourself more respecfully in the future.

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Hey, we could interpret his words as "Oh guys, you just started making this episode. Make sure it doesn't take too long. After 2-3 months it should be ready right? Take 4 and I'm out there trying to find you and help you. You said it's going to be light in content, so I won't be waiting 10 years for an update, haha"

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Not surprised with the current progress, Essentials updates really screwed you guys over. (And of course episode 14.5 took a fair amount of time) Each episode is worth the wait, and I hope development for episode 15 goes as smoothly as possible.

Edited by Mighty Kamina
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Geez... there are still some people that are disrespectful like that? It's not like you have contributed to the progress of the game or anything like that

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