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For those of you talking about the pulse Muk, you're making a very big assumption. In reality, Team Meteor only needed to poison the water through the blacksteam factory. Even without the Muk, the water was still poisonous as Amaria said and it'd take the water treatment center a long time to fix. Let's assume Meteor took over the treatment center, then the water would then never be treated for poison. While Muk is likely, it's possible there isn't even a pulse machine their.

Possible. But I've been under the impression that Team Meteor do their damndest to make sure things get progressively worse in Reborn, so it'd be almost a waste of opportunities to do nothing more with the treatment center than to merely stop it from working.

Making it work as the opposite of what it's supposed to do seems more beneficial.

While it certainly doesn't have to be a PULSE, I'd be surprised if they didn't try anything destructive.

It's just that so far, PULSE seems like their default way to go.

...Of course, they might also be shifting towards maintaining the current state and instead focus on other missions, most especially obtaining the sapphire key.

It's fun to think about what might be encountered c:

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i want to see:

  • the whole eli arch come to an head.(i knwo someone who is going to want his beating heart soon.)
  • fynn dead. yeah i have enough of his crap.
  • saphira evil from the bracelet. (we dont know what the F*** those things do but we all know that it isnt good. and i am placing my bet on an evil jirachi!)
  • mr. shade. (he has a mouth where his gut is!. he is a good guy in my book....or a good partying buddy!.)
  • nuclear pokemon. (can i dream? please?)
  • terra dead.....or not on team meteors side......she is deadpool of reborn: you cant kill her...sorta.

still, ame, if you are still in the clutches of kurotsune: happy thoughts!

EDIT: had to fix some things

Edited by helix
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Mr. Bigglesworth Round 2?

Pls no.

For some reason, I think that Titania will be the one partnering us in this episode.

I would actually like this, but I'm still wondering how she's going to be, I mean we know that Amaria is probably going to lose her memory for the fall, but in what state would Titania be? She fell too after all.

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I would actually like this, but I'm still wondering how she's going to be, I mean we know that Amaria is probably going to lose her memory for the fall, but in what state would Titania be? She fell too after all.

Titania probably gonna be mad for causing the whole chain of events to happen but she'll focus on dealing with Meteor first before starting to rage.

I wonder if we'll have a double battle with Taka and Zel or have a singles against another Meteor admin...

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How about a Pulse Weezing? He is part of the pollution trio(Weezing,Muk,Gardobor) representing respectively air,land and water pollution.We already faced Muk and Mr. Bigglesworth so i think we should not separate Weezing from its pollution brothers and realize its dream of polluting all the air he wants.

Edit:Make it Poison/Dark With levitate and it has no weakness

Edited by Bessi
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I'd rather have a M-Weezing that's poison/fire, but your PULSE idea is not bad. However I don't see any air pollution in the region being a thing, because everything would be dead, including Meteor agents.

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I'd rather have a M-Weezing that's poison/fire, but your PULSE idea is not bad. However I don't see any air pollution in the region being a thing, because everything would be dead, including Meteor agents.

Air Pollution wouldn't kill you, take a look at China. But yeah I don't see it either considering there is already a pulse related to the air (cough Agate cough).

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Air Pollution wouldn't kill you, take a look at China. But yeah I don't see it either considering there is already a pulse related to the air (cough Agate cough).

No, but exposure to severe pollution over extended periods of time can certainly lead to shortened life spans.

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And shortened life spans would be something Team Meteor wants people on the surface to have because they want to drive everyone out. Pulse Weezing confirmed? I'm still against it personally. I'd rather want Pulse Muk again, but whatever floats your toxic boat I suppose.

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I don't think that PULSE Weezing isn't plausible, I simple don't think it really matches with the WATER Treatment Plant. My money's on Dragalge or Muk, personally. I'd say Tentacruel, but his Poison is more like a Jellyfish's than a personified pile of sludge.

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Nothing is known about the desert yet as of now... or is there? I won't say anything yet, but based Pyrrhon will just say certain things have been found. Some things were also found completely on accident on the great hunt for 14.5 mega stones. Anyway back on track here, yes Pulse TTar/Hippo is possible. We know something has to be out there, the railroad even runs through there and is presumably the way we got to reborn city... Unless we got there from chrysolia before the whole teleporting madness and bomb shenanigans. PULSE Muk 2,0 is a possibilitie, it's not an unfamiliar concept, just look at the three tangrowths we had to fight and the upcoming mime quadruplets. Speaking of those:

Enjoy :]

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Nothing is known about the desert yet as of now... or is there? I won't say anything yet, but based Pyrrhon will just say certain things have been found. Some things were also found completely on accident on the great hunt for 14.5 mega stones. Anyway back on track here, yes Pulse TTar/Hippo is possible. We know something has to be out there, the railroad even runs through there and is presumably the way we got to reborn city... Unless we got there from chrysolia before the whole teleporting madness and bomb shenanigans. PULSE Muk 2,0 is a possibilitie, it's not an unfamiliar concept, just look at the three tangrowths we had to fight and the upcoming mime quadruplets. Speaking of those:

Enjoy :]

Dr. Connall and his Electivire would like to interrogate you.

Anyway. Unless Player Character is Flash Gordon, I doubt we did manage to see Amaria take her tumble, then run all the way to Calcenon, then then go back to the Circus, cut our way through the ice blockade, deal with the business on the mountaintop and return to the Circus again, all that in three days. Amy and Tania may be there for a bit of a while already, they may or may not have made some noise "PEOPLE JUMPING IN THE CASCADE IN NORTH OBSIDIA" or maybe "FAMOUS GYM LEADERS TITANIA AND AMARIA FALL DOWN THE CASCADE", so I doubt their presence would go unnoticed by the Mets. What would the Mets want with them? You guess. So, the Mets, being really lax up in Labradorra, where they're invulnerable, could dispatch their forces, storm the Center and grab hold of the dungeon, the princesses and the treasure.

Why a PULSE in the WTC anyway? The WTC is right under the city authorities nose, it ain't no private factory nor a lone research facility in the middle of an empty island. It was the perfect bluff, while the WTC tried to actually clean the lake, PULSE Muk did tenfold damage. Good luck with that.

I think that in the next episode we'll get a bit deeper into the Mets leadership dichotomy which pretty much started showing when we met Lin, and then we got more -confusing- info about it from Eclipse and one episode later, Cal. We could easily meet a certain Met who is tasked to snatch the jewel, and it's propably the one guy who isn't warm enough to the stuff they're into, but ranks high enough to land such a mission. I mean, Solaris won't even bother showing his face for the Ring in the mountaintop, Lin is pretty much unreachable, Sirius is propably tasked with Calcenon, the Doc and Ayas bitching, ZEL have a lot of PULSEs up there to keep 'em busy, and we haven't seen Taka since the events atop Pyrous Mountain.

That's my prediction, no PULSEs, we meet with Taka. We fight either together with Taka or with (wild card) Adrienn, my most hated job placement in the whole game.

Srsly, haven't gotten over the fact that Reborns own Viridian Gym hosts a fairy-wielding Rip Van Winkle. From that old ladys description in the Coral Ward before we meet xyr, I always thought the Leader was a Meteor Leader, or was dispatched by them.

If I get it right, I want a cookie.

Also, 2 separate 1% jumps, mean, HYPEEEEEE

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That's my prediction, no PULSEs, we meet with Taka. We fight either together with Taka or with (wild card) Adrienn, my most hated job placement in the whole game.


Teaming up for battle with a Meteor member has been my secret wish for a whole while now. Dunno, I have a thing for plots where you have to help out the villains to get something done. And it's not like they are above asking you.

If Zero and Eve can (well, yes, okay, Zero kinda needs to practise this whole "ask" thing), Taka might as well.

That said, I like your predictions.

Never really thought about realistic passage of time, to be honest. It never seems to matter much in the official games, so I brushed it aside.

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Teaming up for battle with a Meteor member has been my secret wish for a whole while now. Dunno, I have a thing for plots where you have to help out the villains to get something done. And it's not like they are above asking you.

I'd really like to Team Up with Solaris one day to battle Lin and Sirius in a double battle. Since Sirius is loyal to Lin afaic, and Solaris is actually against Lin's ideals (Some of them, at least).

Yeah, it would be cool.

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solaris has no problems killing people with his pokemon so they have SOMETHING in common lmao

Of course. Their means of achieving their goals are similar, even if the objectives are different.

I still feel that Solaris would try to kill us, and Lin would try to kill both the player and Solaris at the same time. An "alliance out of need", if nothing else.

hey i can imagine things right? :I

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Solaris and Lin may both want the player dead, but if it's more efficient, I think neither would be above using them for their gain if the opportunity presents itself.

They pride themselves on being clever, after all. They could always kill us later. Or so they think.

The thought of teaming up with Solaris is hilarious and unsettling at the same time. Player may as well walk backwards for all the times they'll watch their back.

Though I'm not sure how high the chance of that happening would actually be...

I'm a bit torn regarding the Solaris-Lin-conflict.

Both of them are responsible for nasty things, and neither of them are particularly charming characters.

The game seems to steer us into the direction of dealing with the mystery surrounding Lin first, but taking her out probably won't stop Team Meteor from being a threat.

Gimme a team-up with ZEL. The dialogues would be priceless.

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Lin thinks she's so cool because he has a Hydreigon which can be wiped out pretty easy if you have cool pokemon..or maybe she has one or more legendary pokemon!?

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