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Something about Planets and stuff


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[spoiler](11:14:42) +Amethyst: Because, it's always been a planet. We don't want to have to re-write all the old text books and magic school bus episodes just for a scientific technicality. Screw technicality. Ask the scientists this: How would you feel if you were Pluto? And I'll tell you how Pluto feels. Pluto feels rejected. It feels cast aside by the world and [i]rejected[/i] as a being, just because it's a little smaller, and as we all know size doesn't matter. They're reason for casting it aside was even worse, "Oh, sorry, Pluto, but if we accept you, we have to accept all these other people, and you're not worth keeping because of that" And then pluto feels [i]alone[/i] because he was cast out of the solar system structure hierarchy which is all it's ever known. And you know what else, is that all it has to make it feel better is a tiny little moon called Charon that also got rejected, and the its vacation every two years it gets to take to say hi to Neptune as it orbits around it. And of course, Neptune now feels so much mightier than Pluto because it survived the lay off. No, it was included in the exclusive group. [/spoiler]

[spoiler](11:14:42) +Amethyst: And as the Stanford Prison Experiment concluded, the role playing will get to it, and in time it will start to ind Pluto annoying and inferior, when they uses to be best buds. And you know that Pluto's psyche is going to be [i]completely destroyed[/i], because not only was ripped from the only system it's ever known but it's now been completely [i]isolated by everything[/i] in its own little corner of [i]shame[/i]. Plus, what are we going to tell our future kids? "You know, when I was your age, we had nine planets." "Really?! No way! What happened to the ninth one? Did it blow up because of an alien attack!?" But, no, it didn't. [i]It just vanished into memory and obscurity[/i], eclipsed from the hearts of all. Because of a [u]technicality[/u]. Yeah, nothing cool. The core of Pluto didn't melt in a stunning light show that fascinates scientists to date, and no aliens from Alpha-Centauri 3 attacked it with their high tech laser beams, sealing the mysteries it may have contained to be shielded from the eyes of humanity forever.[/spoiler]

[spoiler](11:14:42) +Amethyst: Nooooo. It just sank into its [i]lonely doomed fate[/i] as that hunk of rock that's cold, pretty big for an asteroid, and is only a moon every two years. Its little brother Charon is even worse. Its only hope was [i]decimated[/i] by a technicality, and now that whole family is [i]stranded in the depths of despair, drowning in the abyss of a forgotten glory, left to wallow in a piteous sorrow born of their own death to the world around them[/i]. To be forgotten by everyone you know? Completely abandoned? Have you ever considered how that feels? Probably. But you dismissed it because you knew there was no way it could ever happen. [u]But it happened.[/u] And pluto has nothing to show, nothing to do, nothing to save, it is reduced to [i]a nothingness empty existince on the placidly silent beach of melancholia, slowly rotting away into oblivion.[/i][/spoiler]

Amethyst spammed Reborn with this, [b]BAN!!![/b]
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Bedtime Story (more like horror story, not for kids):
[spoiler](17:14:54) +Amethyst: Once upon a time there was a little girl- though perhaps not quite little, she was as old as any of us. And although not so childlike, dragged she was by a spiteful family to a circus deep within a dark forest; a circus fabled to be more fantastic and wonderful than any other in the land. Wondered she did among the mazes of beautiful women in fanciful costumes, men who stood twenty feet tall without a single stilt, children whose bodies had curled into vases, a wooly old man who ate plates of human flesh, and two little girls conjoined at the neck. But as the sun fell, she found her parents but vanished. Abandoned she was in a theme park by the "family" that cared more for her inheritance than her presence... Innocent and lost, she wandered back inside the tent, where now scantily clad girls made men's dreams come true. She stared on in horror, until spotted by the ring master. A whistle was blown, and from the dark came two clowns, grinning with disgust, who seized her and bound her, and dragged her down to under the stage in a dark steel cell where the only light left was her diminishing soul, left in the stench of acid and blood drying across a floor laid with stone and rotting feathers.[/spoiler]
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