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[IN PROGRESS]Koyo's Pokemon Reborn Guide


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Hi, my name is Koyo. I've been playing pokemon reborn for a few months atleast, and, after awhile, I kept getting stuck at places asking, "Where do I go next?"
I would look for guides on the forums, and I would find a few, but most of them don't go very far into the game, so eventually I thought: "How about I make my own?"
So here we are.
Also, if anybody has any information that I miss, feel free to scoot it my way and I'll add it to the guide!
PART 1: Intro/Opal Ward


This is where you meet Ame, who manages the Reborn League.(Ame is also the creator of pokemon reborn.)
You can view the controls here, or not.
Ame tells you that in Reborn City, there aren't many pokemon left because of the destruction the the local enviroment.
After reading what she says for a bit, you get to choose your gender, with choices of two different models for each gender.
For this play through, I'm going to be going with one of the non-binary players.
After you choose your gender, you're told that you're arriving to the reborn region via train, and that someone will meet you when you arrive.
Ame asks you if you hear something then...


Here, you meet Julia, a fellow trainer who really likes explosions.

She's also the first gym leader.

Ame thinks Julia did it, but Julia claims not guilty.
After a few more conversations, Ame tells you to meet her at the Grand Hall.
Choosing to talk to everyone or not, you'll find that most roads are blocked one way or another, meaning that the only place you can go is the Grand Hall.

If you talk to the lady with purple/blue hair in front of me here, she'll give you a potion.

As you go up the stairs to enter the hall, you're stopped by a lady with black hair.
Her name's Victoria, and she'll be one of your rivals for this game. She uses mainly fighting types.
She tells you that Ame asked her to help you get set up.
She takes you inside, and you get to go talk to Ame and get your first pokemon!

You can choose whichever you like, but some of these you can actually get through events in game: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Piplup, Tepig, and Chespin.

This time I'm going to be choosing Froakie.
Fun fact, when you get these pokemon, there's a chance they can get their hidden abilities. My Froakie got Protean, for instance.
After you choose your pokemon and talk to Ame, she lets Victoria go choose a pokemon.
Here, you meet Cain, one of my favorite characters in the reborn region.
Cain will challenge you to a battle:
Pretty Boy Cain would like to battle!
Nidoran: Scratch/Leer
(Watch out for its ability, Poison Point)
Win or lose, you go heal up at the center in the hall.
Victoria comes back, having chose her pokemon. You get to battle her, too!
(She'll have a Tepig no matter what starter you choose)
Apprentice Victoria would like to battle!
Tepig: Tackle/Tail Whip
If you started with Froakie like me, the battle should be easy overall, because Froakie has bubble level 5.
Win or lose, Cain comes and tells you that Ame is waiting for you, and he leaves.
You and Victoria go and register for the league, and Ame gives you the running shoes.
Victoria tells you that her master, Kiki, is the fighting gym leader. She also gives you 5 pokeballs to get started.
I also suggest you buy some potions, antidotes and pokeballs from the mart inside the hall.

Before you leave, you can pay 500 to buy a pokemon from the fisherman, but it gets stolen!

As you leave, a cutscene happens that shows Ame in a torture room, and a captured Meteor Grunt, who refuses to speak.
Outside in the grass is your first chance to catch pokemon, as well as two trainers.

Pokemon available to catch here are: Pidgey, Bidoof, Meowth, Rattata, Patrat and Ekans.
If you catch a Bidoof, you can trade it as a Bibarel later for a Litleo.

Blocking your way is a lady who's Snubbull wont obey her because she doesn't have a badge.

Later, she can give you that Snubbull.

If you go to the right up Opal Bridge, eventually you'll run into trainers bullying a pokemon, either a Panpour or a Pachirisu. Not sure what determines which one is there, either way you're able to get both through separate events.
You have to have two pokemon to get it, but you enter a double battle and you can get the pokemon they're bullying.
There's not really too much left to do in Opal Ward, so we can go to Peridot now...

Part 2: Peridot Ward

Note: Check every surface. I wont be saying specific locations except for rarer items, but there is stuff EVERYWHERE
One of the first places I always go when I get to Peridot is this house here:
Inside, you'll find a fisherman who will give you his old rod. Off the sides of the road you're able to fish and catch Grimer.

I also go to this house here, inside you'll find a trainer with a level 10 goldeen. If you beat him, he lets you into the door behind him and there's a pool. You can fish there to get Goldeens and, rarely, Finneons. I suggest trying to get a Goldeen with its hidden ability, Lightningrod. It's extremely useful in the first gym.

Also, in the building right below the pool guys house, there's an old man with a pokesnax in his house.
In the alleyways, you're able to run into Poochyena and Trubbish.
Old Man's Garden:

As you're walking through Peridot, you find a building with a garden.
When you talk to the old man, he doesn't want to let you into his garden, but if you talk to the lady in the building, she'll tell you about it. Talk to the old man again and he'll battle you. If you beat him, he lets you into the garden.

Pokemon in the garden:
Caterpie, Wurmple, Cherubi(Only on sunny days), Spinarak(Night Only)

If you tried to buy that pokemon earlier, you'll find the robber in this house:
Inside, you fight the guy and the fisherman who sold it to you, only to pay again trying to get the pokemon!
But, alas! It is not to be, because the robber was robbed! The new robber went to somewhere in Obsidia Ward.


So this is Fern. Fern is everyones best friend. *Sarcasm Intensifies*
He's one of your rivals in the game, and you'll learn to hate him real fast.
Time for a battle.
Swag Jockey Fern(MORE LIKE HUGE JERK FERN, AMIRITE???) would like to battle!
Lotad(Lvl 10)- Absorb/Growl/Astonish/Nature Power
Snivy(Lvl 12)- Tackle/Leer/Vine Whip/Wrap
Budew(Level 13)- Mega Drain/Growth/Water Sport/Stun Spore
After you beat him, Fern gets very salty and says, "Whatever, I don't have time for this anyway."
"Unlike you, I actually have places to be."

Wow, sass master Fern.

After you beat fern, there isn't too much left to do if you've already battled all the trainers, so let's go to the gym...
But wait!
When you go to enter the gym, Julia charges out. She says she'd love to battle, but there's trouble!
Julia isn't okay with Team Meteor blowing up her stuff, so she goes to meet people at the power plant and invites you to come along.
You meet Julia at Mosswater Factory, and she blows up the entrance to the factory. Then, in the wake of the explosion, two other people come running. Fern(ugh) And Florinia, or, as Fern calls her, Flobot.

Flobot is the second gym leader

You and the others enter the factory, and, much to your dismay, Florinia and Julia team up, leaving you to work with Fern.
You make your way through the factory with Fern following behind you, deactivating locks as you go. Don't worry about healing, Fern will heal your pokemon for you.




After you unlock the door, you find Florinia and Julia in the next room. Your problem is a locked door and Julia's solution is explosions. You and Fern go and look for dynamite, while Florinia tries to hack the door in order to not explode things.
Go into the room south of you.
You take the dynamite back to Julia and are about to explode the door when...
Florinia finishes hacking the door. Oh well.
You head into the room and meet ??? Sirius and Aster & Eclipse.
You're going to fight these guys a lot, so prepare.
Meteor Grunts Aster & Eclipse would like to battle!

Elekid(Lvl.16)- Swift/Low Kick/Shockwave/Thunder Shock
Magby(Lvl. 16)- Feint Attack/Fire Spin/Smoke Screen/Ember
They should have 1 potion, so watch out for that.

After the retreat of Meteor, Julia walks up to the console and presses a few buttons, then says that we should start running.
Because KABOOM.
Julia says that you're welcome to go to her gym now.
By this time, you should have ~3 level 16 pokemon, and should be good to challenge her gym. Though, you might wanna buy a few potions.
When you're ready, go fight her Gym. The trainers should be relatively easy.

Remove the doors that are blocking you from continuing by using the Voltorbs to explode the doors. Do this 5 times and you get to go challenge Julia.
Event Pokemon Locations:


Need a Pokesnax


You also meet Shelly, the Bug gym leader.


When you enter Peridot Ward, if you go north towards the gym, there's a homeless guy sitting in between two buildings. He asks for 50 dollars each time, but eventually after paying him so much, he goes and takes a nap.
In the building, you'll find an Espurr. If you have pokesnax, you're able to get the Espurr.


Around Peridot Ward, you can find a Teddiursa. If you find it around 5 times, you can catch it.


If you press C on this fountain during rainy days, you can get a Surskit


In this house, you'll find a lady and her Panpour/Pachirisu(Depending on which pokemon was being bullied on Opal Bridge), its running rapidly around the house. The lady doesn't want it because its so hyper, and you can catch it. You need Pokesnax in order to catch it, though.


On rainy days where there's thunder/lightning, if you go to beside Julia's gym, you can get an Electrike

Rare Item Locations:

Ability Capsule(The first you're able to get); You HAVE to pick it up before the factory explodes or you can't get it. (Thanks, Eagleby18!)

Edited by Koyo
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Thanks guys! :D I'm trying to add as much info as possible because when I first started, I was completely lost so many times, so its nice for people to have something to help them out.

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I wrote this speedrun guide awhile back sort of as a makeshift bare-bones general guide: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9358

Feel free to use it as you please. I have screenshots saved for the hidden items, but they're only saved on my hard drive. It's also slightly outdated. I'm planning on writing a new route when E15 is released.

Edited by dondon151
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Might wanna make note concerning that Ability Capsule, you HAVE to pick it up before raiding the factory or you'll never get a chance to get it again.

I think Ame remove that, as the last time I passed from there my Itemfinder doesn't found it

Oh! and good luck Koyo

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Might wanna make note concerning that Ability Capsule, you HAVE to pick it up before raiding the factory or you'll never get a chance to get it again.

Oh! Thanks c: I didn't know if it was there or not after the factory explodes. Updated the guide!

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