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Pokemon for EP15


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Ha, look at all these Pseudos and Aegi's being asked for. Amethyst unfortunately won't give them out this soon, perhaps later on.

Still wanting that Tentacool tho.

I mean, Deino isnt exactly all that powerfull, since heigreigon's move pool is limited by TMs, and it an absolute pain to level up to 64 since he is basicaly useless until then XD. Hydreigon would have some use against charolette and Terra, but we all know that at this point one of the E4 will be bug type, and we still have the fairy gym, both of which will show Hydreigon the door. But I am willing to wait for how ever long Ame feels is necesarry for the floating hydra.

I agree with Staryu, or slowpoke since I want to make a mono-psychic team work at some point, but would need a water type.

Edited by deadpool848
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Go fishing with Good Rod on Azurine Lake

But that's impossible. When I use my good rod next to a body of water, I get "can't use that here/"

edit: discovered I need to register my rod

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I hope for Charmander,Deino,Delphox,Dragonair and much more.

Pseudos...? We probably will have to be satisfied with the fact that Ame gave us one before the E4.

Edited by Xiri
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Mandibuzz and jellicent sometime before Radomus would be amazing.

More dittos.

Addition of drowzee and hypno before aya.

Corsola before shelly

Tentacool. Very odd that we haven't gotten this yet.

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Sneasel would be really nice, but I think it will be at a rock climb-accesible spot... :/
And indeed, it is tenta-cruel to not have the tentacool line in the game at ths point (...I'm not going to try defending that one), it isn't an incredible pokemon.
In that vein, chikorita should've been obtainable too.

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Sneasel would be really nice, but I think it will be at a rock climb-accesible spot... :/

And indeed, it is tenta-cruel to not have the tentacool line in the game at ths point (...I'm not going to try defending that one), it isn't an incredible pokemon.

In that vein, chikorita should've been obtainable too.

You get chikorita now instead of bulbasaur in the azurine isle event.

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Sneasel has it's own event programmed into Reborn already. You just need Waterfall to get it. So it's confirmed for episode 15.

For Lapras all you need is Dive and Waterfall, however the conditions for getting it to appear are a tad awkward to make happen so that's a thing.

We will be getting a new starter in Episode 15... At least I think...

There is a Dragon Scale that needs Waterfall to be reached so if Ame takes Dragon Scales away from Horsea and Seadra, have no fear, Episode 15 has your back.

Fun fact there is also a link stone and another X door underwater in Ametrine Mountain... The question is how do you get there ;]... But is it the only X door?

Along with underwater shenanigans we also have stuff like Deepseascales and Deepseatooths.

The more interesting of the mountains is definitely Celestinine to me. Hiding some X doors, TM's and other goodies.

Edited by Pyrrhon
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