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Just beat Terra... Time to showcase!


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Yeyy. Temporary-Hall-of-Fame thing.

So, I don't need any big help with this team, they're working very well, but I'd love move/held item/ability suggestions. I'm not breeding and/or replacing my bros though. :P

Asha || Typhlosion @Brightpowder ♀ ★



Nature Power

Flamethrower <== Thinking of replacing with Eruption to be able to affect Field Effects...

Smokescreen <== Yep yep. It saved my in too many battles. My team is woefully unprepared for Fairies, so lowering Nomos's accuracy then chipping away won me the badge.

Brick Break/Cut/Bulldoze <== ...Yeah... they all suck because Typhlosion's attack is pitiful -- just as its movepool. Suggestions very welcome.

Staple offensive 'mon with bonus evasionhax.

Diego || Skuntank @Black Sludge ♂




Night Slash

Flamethrower <== His Sp.Atk. sucks, but the coverage is still useful.

Strength/Shadow Ball <== Just a HM/coverage slot, suggestions welcome.

This guy. Without his Toxic I would have lost so many battles.

Ghislain || Seismitoad @Life Orb/Mystic Water ♂ ★


Poison Touch


Drain Punch <== His Attack isn't bad, and this heals AND sometimes poisons.

Earth Power <== I actually bred for it and hatched until a shiny, woo me.

Rain Dance <== I think I only used it twice. Thinking of replacing, maybe with Sludge Wave for those pesky Fairies. Or??

He just completely walled Terra's Garchomp. :P Great typing, great stats, etc.. If only he learned Dive...

Sander || Heliolisk @Big Root ♂


Sand Veil

Parabolic Charge <== I love this move. Being able to attack AND hit all opponents AND heal at the same time? Heaven.


Thunder Wave

Surf <== Weeell, he did some damage to Terra. Now I may replace it with Round for that STAB, or leave it against other Ground types... Suggestions welcome.

Glass cannon to the max. His Special Attack is amazing though, and he's been very useful, even despite squishiness.

Beatrix || Noivern @Assault Vest ♀ ★



Dragon Pulse


Air Slash

Water Pulse <== This was for Terra, I may replace it with Shadow Ball or Flamethrower, or something.

Bea has been surprisingly fierce even as a Noibat, and now, well, she just kills everything.

Flay || Scrafty @Rocky Helmet ♀



Low Kick <== It's great for tripping those big fatties.

Brick Break <== For smacking those smaller foes.


Grass Knot <== Again, for Terra. I might keep it, though the coverage is questionable, or replace it with Head Smash or Dual Chop... Suggestions?

I was considering centering my team around rain - with Swift Swim, Dry Skin, Thunder, Hurricane etc. - but it hasn't really been necessary, I guess. And it would not help my Typhlosion at all.

Edited by roqi
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Well, maybe give the Assault Vest to someone bulky, like Seismitoad. Life Orb Noivern is more useful anyways because it's fast & hits harder; so maybe swap their items?

Maybe you could switch Helioptile's ability, even though Dry Skin / Rain wouldn't be good for Typhlosion, I think it'd be more useful than Sand Veil.

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Seems like a pretty solid team to me,

and if you can get head smash on scrafty rather than grass knot I think it'd be worth it.

Also typhlosion's movepool is very limited, it used to be oke back in the day when thunderpunch was still counted as special so he'd have a bit more coverage, but now you're very lucky if you can get focus blast, eruption/flamethrower, sunny day, and solarbeam as coverage.

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Well, maybe give the Assault Vest to someone bulky, like Seismitoad. Life Orb Noivern is more useful anyways because it's fast & hits harder; so maybe swap their items?

Maybe you could switch Helioptile's ability, even though Dry Skin / Rain wouldn't be good for Typhlosion, I think it'd be more useful than Sand Veil.

I like the Vest on Noivern because it rounds her out, in a way. And Seismitoad has enough HP to not suffer from the Life Orb too much. But I may switch them for a time and see how it works out.

Yeah... Maybe I should, Sand Veil certainly has not been useful. I only chose it because Dry Skin can be harmful as well as helpful, and it's somewhat random due to the changing weather and Field Effects in Reborn. Maybe I should teach Rain Dance to Heliolisk...? But, he's too frail to waste turns on setting up. :/

Seems like a pretty solid team to me,

and if you can get head smash on scrafty rather than grass knot I think it'd be worth it.

Also typhlosion's movepool is very limited, it used to be oke back in the day when thunderpunch was still counted as special so he'd have a bit more coverage, but now you're very lucky if you can get focus blast, eruption/flamethrower, sunny day, and solarbeam as coverage.

Thanks :)

Yeah, it's a level-up move, so Head Smash is a Heart Scale away.

It sucks. I'm hoping we'll get Solarbeam as a TM/Tutor move so she can be more useful. At least she has Nature Power, it has been a godsend, I love how great that move is in Reborn.

Edited by roqi
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Venoshock might work out on skuntank, since he already has toxic, and it getting both stab and double damage on a poisoned foe can probably still hit pretty hard even if his sp.atk is on the low side, I would probably use the 4th slot for it, keeping flamethrower and night slash.

I think solar power or dry skin would be better than sand veil, which one you choose depends on which pokemon you want to help with the weather. As for moves, I would go with: parabolic charge, dark pulse, thunderbolt, and surf/round. Surf if you use dry skin, and round if you go for solar power.

I would probably go with shadow ball on noivern, as it's rare something resists dragonpulse/boomburst/airslash, flamethrower is another option since the only type i can think of that would resist your other 3 moves is steel.

Also, offtopic here, where did you get that assault vest :P

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I would get rid of Nature power for eruption(unless you really want to keep it) and try seeing what hidden power your typhlosion knows, it might be beneficial for type coverage. Lava plume may not be a bad idea either, that burn chance could reallly come through. Brick Break is also another option so for Typhlosion the set would look like



Hidden Power/Nature Power/Brick Break

Eruption/Lava Plume

Also, offtopic here, where did you get that assault vest :P

Was just about to ask that lol, and the Life orb too XD

Edited by SexyMilotic
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Assault Vest could be obtained by taking it from one of Aya's mons (forgot which one specifically...) through Thief/Covet. Life Orb, on the other hand, is obtained through a somewhat complex matter that I'll just let you look at this thread -> Ame probably didn't intend this but it's awesome. However, it involves a glitch, so if you don't want to obtain it like that, you may just have to wait til we're able to get it without the glitch.

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-Change its nature to Modest
-KEEP Flamethrower (Eruption is useless with low HP)
-Ditch Smokescreen
-Do some E12 breeding to get Will-o-wisp


-Change its nature to Adamant
-Get rid of Flamethrower and Shadowball
-Breed Crunch and Play Rough


-Change its nature to Swift Swim (You have Rain Dance)


-Get rid of Water pulse
-Teach it Flamethrower


-Get rid of Grass Knot Low Kick and Brick Break
-Teach it Crunch
-Breed Dragon Dance and Ice Punch

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I forgot about this thread lol.

Venoshock would be amazing but I don't have the TM... has it been available? :blink: Lemme search the forums...

I'm pretty annoyed, all of Heliolisk's abililies are awful, really. And make no sense. Why is the solar panel lizard being hurt by intense sun? It should have the very opposite of Dry Skin, healing in the sun and suffering in the rain.

My Typhlosion's Hidden Power is Rock, sadly. Not very useful. And her Atk is low so Brick Break is not very good. I may put in Lava Plume in that fourth slot.

And yeah, that's how I got those items. Gotta love abusing oversights :P


Better not post at all than post without reading the OP, you know?

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