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Eh...I might as well Showcase my team


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Just to note: My main focus for this team wasn't really breeding or Ev Training, I don't really have the time for that stuff and I even hate grinding but you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyhow this team got me past Terra and now I might as well show it off. Also if I could try to get myself some items, I think that might be cool, so I'm willing to take suggestions for those. On a side note, I probably should breed cause most of these natures are bad.

At a glance (3d models are overrated as fuck)

Meet The Pokemon

Valor (Male) Level 69
Ability: Speed Boost. Nature: Lax
Moves: Sky Uppercut; Flare Blitz; Brave Bird; Dual Chop

This is potentially my fastest poke sadly. Helped me throughout so many gyms, especially once I got speed boost on this thing. Sky Uppercut is just a placeholder till I get High-Jump Kick, Superpower, or maybe Low Kick. I'm also sorta iffy about having Dual Chop, and I was thinking maybe replace it with bulldoze or maybe something better, I honestly have no idea, maybe even bulk up. Also Nature doesn't hurt or harm too much, especially sense it fucks with defenses and Sweepers don't really need those.

Envoy (Female) Level 66
Ability: Mummy. Nature: Mild
Moves: Trick Room; Shadow Ball; Curse; Will-O-Wisp

Honestly, this is probably a somewhat standard set. I wish I had excess to rest though, it would probably make recovering with this thing so much easier, and waste less resources. Curse helps out a lot, and sense the rest of this team is somewhat really slow, Trick Room might also make my life easier. Besides that, its Cofagrigus, what do you really expect from a defensive wall.

Deliliah (Male) Level 65
Item: Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator. Nature: Gentle
Moves: Toxic; Spore; Giga Drain; Clear Smog

This is my main SpD wall. I like having two statuses, and spore and toxic are both somewhat useful. Also this things HP is fire, so honestly I have no idea if I should cut Toxic for HP Fire or Spore. Besides that, sadly this thing can't learn Sludge Wave, but that can be somewhat okay, sense Clear Smog can also help out in the many double battles this game has. Also some black sludge if I can find some would be lovely.

Jasmine (Female) Level 66
Ability: Static. Nature: Adamant Bashful
Moves: Dragon Pulse; Power Gem; Thunder Wave; Discharge

She can hit hard, (I wish she can hit harder, but that god dam adamant nature sucks), not to mention has natural synergy with Ignite the Flygon, so that she can just Discharge for days without fucking myself over. Besides that, sorta self explanitory. Sometimes I wish I had something else though so that I could have better type coverage on my team. (Maybe helioisk or magnazone)

Dexter (Female) Level 64
Ability: Adaptability. Nature: Naughty
Moves: Knock Off; Crunch; Crabhammer; Brick Break

(I wish this thing got theif), This thing hits hard like a truck assuming it doesn't die (hense why I'm considering trying out Trick Room). This is also what I use to surf, but when I'm not surfing, I just put brick break on him. I probably should atleast make an attempt to breed one with DD and catch myself a Kingdra. Also Crunch for the usual trainers, and Knock off for the Gym Leaders.

Ignite (Male) Level 69
Ability: Levitate. Nature: Brave
Moves: Earthquake; Earth Power; Rock Slide; Dragon Claw

Probably why I have two ground moves, is so that I don't hit my very own Jasmine (My Ampharos) but also kill what I need to kill, considering Flygon's SpA is still somewhat strong. Besides that, It seems to be like somewhat standard. But maybe I should replace EP, IDK with what though...

Yeah...I mostly came here on ideas on like how I should polish this. Also I do not have any mons on Rotation, so if you can think of any that I could probably use and be interested in, that might be nice.

Edited by bote
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Well 1st thing is you can change natures in this game (for a heart scale i think...) in 7th street and considering your levels you've been there before, and can go back there provided you beat Terra and beat episode 14, just head back to Route 1 through Agate Circus. This would be AMAZING for your Ampharos.

Besides that Keep Dual Chop for Blaziken, overall nice coverage for now in my opinion

Get another Physical Move for Flygon I see no reason to have Earth Power, again personal opinion.

Last piece of advice I have to give is Black Sludge, which will help Amonguss immensely, is in the Bybxysion Wasteland, Idk where exactly just use the itemfinder and you'll find it.

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Well 1st thing is you can change natures in this game (for a heart scale i think...) in 7th street and considering your levels you've been there before, and can go back there provided you beat Terra and beat episode 14, just head back to Route 1 through Agate Circus. This would be AMAZING for your Ampharos.

Besides that Keep Dual Chop for Blaziken, overall nice coverage for now in my opinion

Get another Physical Move for Flygon I see no reason to have Earth Power, again personal opinion.

Last piece of advice I have to give is Black Sludge, which will help Amonguss immensely, is in the Bybxysion Wasteland, Idk where exactly just use the itemfinder and you'll find it.

You can change Natures...Shet why I didn't I do this before. And Thanks for letting me know where I can try to find some sludge, I'ma go do that now.

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