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Help me choose an awesome team!


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Hi! I played this game through episode 13 a while back, but after that I had some technical issues that resulted in me losing my save file. Now I'm planning on starting a new playthrough and want to catch up to where I was without much trouble... so I was hoping you guys could recommend me an amazing team! I don't mind leveling a few more than 6 Pokemon. I would be really grateful for any advice!

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Goomy is all you need... His divine powers will surpass anything in Reborn.


Ok so if you have Protean Greninja, Iron Fist Infernape, or Speed Boost Blaziken then you will have an easy life so I totally recommend one of them.

For the rest of your team....well I'm not really good at making teams I just know which starters were easy to use through-out Reborn sowwy :(

Edit: I think someone was messing around with my post e_e it said NO_SUCH_TOPIC for like a good 5 seconds....

*Stares at Jericho*

Edited by DoubleAA14
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Well since I had way too much time on my hands in the summer while hangovering, I might have some great suggestions! Based on my own level 55-70 pokemon (which I all love equally).

Elektross, Bisharp, Gengar, Chincinno, Golem, Hawlucha, Swampert, Braviary.

Metagross, Alakazam, Lickylicky (stab explosion), Gardevoir, Houndoom, Reuniclus, Chesnaught, Gourgheist, Pinsir, Blissey, Magnezone, Jynx, Crawlauncher, Machamp, Clefable, Armaldo, Roserade, Porygon-Z, Empoleon, Walrein, Kingdra. (And lucario/galvantula are in training)

I hope you like my list, if you have any questions about specific sets for any of those pokemon (or any pokemon) I'd love to be of service.

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I found traveling with Damp mdukip quite easy, especially for the first gym. Although after that with a lot of grass battles it makes it a bit harder. then the 3d gym it rules again, and the 4th gym makes it a bit harder again. So it switches a bit.

But just take what you like, check the location thread if you can find em anytime soon at the beginning and enjoy :)

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