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My team

Delaphox- Flame Charge, Psybeam, Psyshock, Fire spin

Skuntank- flamethrower, toxic, poison gas, smokescreen

Panpour-water gun, scald, bite, rock smash

Pumpkaboo- trick or treat, worry seed, razor leaf, leech seed

Pyroar- fire fang, work up, headbutt, echoed voice

piloswine- mud bomb, icy wind, ice shard, take down

Now i take down his gengar, golett with ease but then comes chandelure and rotom and they wipe me out, sometimes im able to defeat chandelure.

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How about trying different pokemon? You team has 2 fire types and even skuntank has flamethrower.. I think we have access to the obsidia slums(not sure about the playground though) at this point and a pancham should be available.. If you can find one with scrappy then you are in luck..

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If Skunktank had a reliable dark move he'd actually be really good for this battle. Try nabbing an arbok and leveling it up as glare can paralyze rotom and he learns crunch allowing him to deal some hurts. He should be able to take a hit or two consistently so long as he's leveled. mIne was underleveled but glare helped a lot.

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You have access to Mining at this moment, go under the Grand Stairway, then head north and use rocksmash to go into a different room. There's a guy that will teach you how to mine. Look for a water stone to evolve Panpour.

Shame you didn't put Aecrobatics on it tho, it's a very strong move that takes care of grass types (if it isn't holding anything that is) and with Semipour's speed it's awesome against the likes of Gourgeist and maybe even Chandelure.

Get Skuntank a dark move by the way, train it up to 41 for Night Slash and then bring it back down with a common candy.

And don't you have that linkstone yet for Pumpkaboo?

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My team

Delaphox- Flame Charge, Psybeam, Psyshock, Fire spin

Skuntank- flamethrower, toxic, poison gas, smokescreen

Panpour-water gun, scald, bite, rock smash

Pumpkaboo- trick or treat, worry seed, razor leaf, leech seed

Pyroar- fire fang, work up, headbutt, echoed voice

piloswine- mud bomb, icy wind, ice shard, take down

Now i take down his gengar, golett with ease but then comes chandelure and rotom and they wipe me out, sometimes im able to defeat chandelure.

Flame Charge + Fire Spin and Psyshock + Psybeam are redundant. You only need one of each, but I don't know why your Delphox doesn't have Mystical Fire.

Skuntank doesn't need both Toxic and Poison Gas. I personally don't like accuracy/evasion moves, either.

Again, Panpour doesn't need two attacks of the same type. Get rid of Water Gun for something.

I sincerely hope that Trick-or-Treat and Worry Seed will be replaced with better moves later on. As it stands, your Pumpkaboo only has two actual moves.

Pyroar actually doesn't seem too bad, although I'd replace Headbutt with another special move. Get rid of Fire Fang for Flamethrower as soon as you can.

Piloswine also doesn't seem bad.

Edited by Foamy
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