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What do you like and dislike in reborn


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so I want to see what people like and don't like about this game

for me I like:Story the most(best story ever)

the challenge is fun not like in the real game that some gym leader is easier than ordinary trainer and after I defeat reborn leader it feel like HELL YEAH!!!I FINALLY!!! good feeling.proud of myself.

I have more but now for dislike:do you sometime feel like this is not Pokemon,I know it have Pokemon in game and Arceus is the main plot element and gym thing but it feel like this is not Pokemon,It more like...Idon't know

But in the end Idon't even care,just look how awsome this game is

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Likes: The diffuculty, characters, Decibel(What? I really love this protags), many reborn pokemon events, the city design etc, most of the field effect.

Dislikes: The hide and seek events(cuz of the lag and it's annoying for me trying to find these pokemon in a big place), some dialouge in reborn, the heracross and pinsir sticker event.

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Likes: Story, difficulty, puzzles, having to really use your brain to do everything.

Dislikes: although I like the options for different short stories by small decisions, it'd be better to actually get that part of information later on anyway. Through the forums I noticed how some small decisions opened a new battle and new information as alternate story, but I hope to get that info in game too (like the story of Dr.Connal's sister in the Yureyu building or the battle with Aster in Ametrine).

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Like: Difficulty, Field Effects, Music...

Dislike: ...which fades in and out instead of constant looping, some of puzzles where I think Ame goes overboard with this, no being able to rebattle Trainers after reaching the Agate Circus

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Like: Field effects. Gym Leaders having 6 Pokemon, and there being one for each type. Pokemon from all regions are available, instead of there being a regional dex first. You don't need to have someone to trade with if you want certain Pokemon. Some trainers have creative/cute nicknames. There's a lot of Gym Leader involvement in the events, so they feel more like complete characters instead of just someone you have to beat in order to get a badge. It's nice to have a way to keep track of EVs, and I actually pay attention to them sometimes because I have a way of knowing what they are.

Dislike: Route 2's puzzle was tedious. Not because it was difficult for me, it just felt like a lot of running back and forth. That was probably the intent, but yea. I also agree with Helia about the split decisions thing. I like the concept, but there's certain information that I think would be nice to have sometime later either way. I also kind of feel bad Eclipse's dad might always hate me.

When Sigmund asked if I wanted to fight him, I didn't know about the split decision and assumed it was one of those rhetorical question things where you have to tell the game/NPC what they want to hear. I would've saved Heather anyway because that's what I would do IRL, though.

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Like: Story, difficulty, challenge and the fact that you have to be strategic to win. Also, love the new field effects. But most of all, I like the game's originality. It's like a pokemon game for grown ups.


1) It's kind of annoying that good pokemon tend to be pushed later in the game to make it even harder, because I hate having to constantly get better mons to replace my old crappy ones. Plus you get some good pokemon early on anyway (Azumarril, Diggersby, Blaziken etc) so why not others (Gardevoir, Gyarados, Magmar (which is only good for sunny day and I don't understand why it was removed))

2) I love the story, and the characters are all intresting and have their own backgrounds etc but it feels like the drama is too damn much. Everyone has a dirty secret, a mental disease, familly issues, involvement with terrorist groups, loss of a dear person, it feels like the only sane person in the whole storyline is your own character (and maybe Shelly).

Edited by Palteau
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Likes: Cain (of course, duh!), most of the main characters, Vero is friggin' cool, most get-this-pokemon events I also think are cool, the "impossible-to-beat" battles are very wtf moments, thing that I also love, and the story overall I like (despite some minor details, like when you had to backtrack all the way to jasper for that policeman to give you HM cut, or when Kiki says you have to climb a damn volcano, defeat a guy, then come back, defeat her, get her badge and THEN get HM rock smash to save some abducted children). The PULSEs are a nice touch, and some maps and scenarios are incredibly well done (Terra's glitch world, for example, is a really wonderful place).

Dislikes: the above mentioned bits of story that make little sense, the puzzles when Ame switches into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE (the one of the crustles, the one of chrysolia forest, route 1's and sometimes Shelly's gym's, being the four that take the worst part of me). Also, while I don't mind backtracking and long walks (I've played DMC4 so I know what backtracking is), I do hate I have so little money that I have to get through all those places without a single repel, because I can't afford them (well I can, but potions and healers are more important), and every single wild battle makes me die a little. Do you have any idea of how much my gameplay would have been shorted if we took out all the unnecessary and unwanted wild battles? Other than that, I don't really hate anything.

Well, there's fern, but as I said sometime ago, you are forced to LOVE to HATING him.

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Like: The difficulty and story etc., been said enough times I think.

Dislike: A lot of things seem like they make the game more tedious - I mean, i get that they didn't want us to just grind to beat gym leaders every time, but the ridiculously low exp gain in the wild doesn't really disincentivize grinding - it just makes it way slower, and particularly it makes it really annoying to try switching any of your pokemon out for new pokemon. If grinding past the badge levels becomes a problem you could probably reduce the exp gain for pokemon that are above the badge level limit at the time (I don't know how the game is coded so I'm not sure how difficult that would be, but it doesn't seem like it should be that difficult to implement that). The exp. share also comes pretty late in the game, and I don't feel like it was necessary to withhold the exp share (the exp. share has no value in helping you win fights, so I don't see that it breaks the balance in any way - it's just a convenience item, and I don't feel like convenience items should be made difficult to get. It just makes the game more annoying, not harder when you can't use the exp. share). Similarly for things like fly - not having fly isn't making the gym leaders any harder (well, except Samson I guess because fly is an actually really good move against him), it's just making people waste their time more.

While I like the psychologist that lets you change your natures, it's really tedious to actually use him too since he just randomizes the nature every time - can anyone honestly say that they use the psychologist without just save/reload spamming until they get the nature they want? And if nobody uses him without save/reload spamming then what's the point of even making it random instead of just straight up choosing - the only thing it would cut out is the tedious save/reload spamming (I wouldn't even mind if his cost was higher if it felt too easy afterwards, at least it wouldn't feel so repetitive then).

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Likes: Challenge and Difficulty, Story, Music.

Dislikes: Low Exp From Wild Battles, Not Enough Pokemon for a sturdy team early on.

Have you checked the pokemon location guide? You can get a Numel, Electrike (both require weather events, just change the pc date), Woobat, Litleo (requires to trade a Bibarel), Trubbish, and a Whismur. All located in the Peridot area.

Likes: Pretty much everything and Shelly

Dislikes: No shirtless Cain, Fern, and Voltorb Flip.

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Like: The Sheer difficulty of the game, the awesome music, variety of Pokemon/where they are implemented in game (Makes for an awesome challenge and lets me use Pokemon I never considered using before), The darker story, and the field terrains.

Dislike: Would like to see more of Kiki and Julia (Both characters seemed underdeveloped in my opinion), the lag in game, Grinding does feel tedious (probably got spoiled by X, Y, OR, AS), and I would love to see HM items implemented in game, kinda like Zeta and Omicron (But be INCREDIBLY difficult to acquire, like damn near impossible)

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My major and probably only complaint is having to put alot of time in things that are kinda worth it but are just so time consuming.

The normal pokemon games already have this problem. Getting 510 Evs into a pokemon = killing 510 small pokemon, 255 medium level or non-evolving pokemon, or 170 big pokemon, which I think is honestly rediculous! Halve those ev's and make them double the value or something, anyway, this is insane.

Pokemon reborn likes to top that with certain activities like acquiring hearth scales, because a 50% chance of getting a heart scale makes the game "easier" it was put down to 10%.

Now listen to me for a second, if I want my Nidoking to learn mega horn, I need a heart scale for that (I think, I may be switching this up with the psychologist who changed natures, anyway:) I would have to travel to (name) lake and fish 10 times, get 2 luvdisks, have the luck of one having a heartscale, go back, and get my Nidoking mega horn. But now, I need to catch/thief/covet around 10 luvdisks to get a heartscale and then go back yada yada yada. This is not any more difficult, the difficulty of the 2 tasks is exactly the same! The only difference is that now I spend half an hour on getting my Nidoking mega horn instead of a mere 5 minutes!

So this is my complaint, I want a game that's fun (fun isn't the right word for reborn but it'll do for now) and difficult/challenging but not time consuming. Please Ame, heed my advice and turn that rate t̶o̶ ̶1̶0̶0̶%̶ to 50% up again. :)

Oh I'll end on a positive note of course, I love the difficulty of the game, absolutely love it, also I live for the dialogue, no pokemon game can top that! Heck, not any game can top that! Kudo's to the developers on that, you guys are amazing! (I went more in detail on the bad stuff but I just wanted to get that point across).

@ Kithros This is exactly what I meant, do you know what this means? We must be besties now, and no this is not optional, the universe has decided.

Edited by Amethyst
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My major and probably only complaint is having to put alot of time in things that are kinda worth it but are just so time consuming.

The normal pokemon games already have this problem. Getting 510 Evs into a pokemon = killing 510 small pokemon, 255 medium level or non-evolving pokemon, or 170 big pokemon, which I think is honestly rediculous! Halve those ev's and make them double the value or something, anyway, this is insane.

With EV boosting items at the dep. store + Exp Share EV training is a piece of cake eventually. In my previous save file (which I lost becau my hard drive broke down and had no back up :'( ) I EV trained tons of pokemon. There are locations to get EVs for every stat too. You also have access to EV reducing berries and you can actually see your pokemons' EV/IVs. So You can pay little to no attention to EVs up to some point and then fix them when it's easy (it's not like they matter that much until that point). And you can also grind easily with Tauros/Bouffalant.

But yeah what you said about chances being reduced feels kinda bad. I understand it's done to discourage people from, say fishing Grimers for Nuggets, getting Black Sludges ftom Trubish or Heart Scales from Luvdiscs easily, so that they will be forced to find another solution instead of what they were planning. And trust me the options are endless (I've beaten Solaris' Garchomp on 3 different playthroughs with 3 different strategies and without using FEAR). The problem is, that you might have something in mind, like a pokemon you want to use just because you like it and it's either too hard to get or you can't give it the move/ability/nature you want so easily. This, in turn, results in making the game more annoying than challenging. I mean, finding Belldum is hard enough as it is, why should you have to battle it and catch it with that ridiculous catch rate?

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This, in turn, results in making the game more annoying than challenging. I mean, finding Belldum is hard enough as it is, why should you have to battle it and catch it with that ridiculous catch rate?

Because that's the whole point of a Pokemon game: to battle and catch them, but really why are you complaining? It's a pseudo legendary do you want Ame to remove it like Gyarados?

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It's catch rate, which is 3; is the default capture rate for the normal games.

Yes I know, but after going through all that trouble to get to it, you could at least get it in a pokeball without a battle.

It's a pseudo legendary do you want Ame to remove it like Gyarados?

Metagross is cool, but it's not even that good compared to other pseudo-legendaries or Gyarados or even Blaziken which is obtainable anyway.

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Metagross is cool, but it's not even that good compared to other pseudo-legendaries or Gyarados or even Blaziken which is obtainable anyway.

Good, keep saying that, maybe she will not notice...seriously though Metagross is really good in game (in my experience) and saved me on multiple occasions

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