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Spriting Ninja's Hideout


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[color="#9932CC"]Spriting Ninja's Hideout

Recolors: Give me the Pokemon, the Gen, and the colors I'll get right to it. No Gen means you get Gen V.
Revamps and Devamps Available

Communist Pokemon: Means what it means. Pick the Gen and the Pokemon

Pokemon Animations:These I prefer to only do Gen V, but will do others if asked (thou shall pay extra)

Trainer Recolors: Pick the Trainer and I'll do it.

Fusions: Pick 2 (or 3) Pokemon and I'll fuse 'em. If you want a specific Gen tell me.

Pokemon Icons: I'll recolor the icons if you want

Berries: I'll do berries and recolors if you want.

Items: Yup, I'll do Item too just ask. If you want I'll recolor.

Trainer Cards: Give me the trainer (and Gen if you want), Pokemon (same as for the trainer), and background color
See siggy for more examples

Eggs: Pick the Pokemon and the Gen and the egg shall be done.

Pokeballs: Ask for the pokemon and the ball done. (I'll post an example in a bit.)

I'm Thinking about charging Rupees for the stuff in my shop. Not sure yet[/color]
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I really like the bottom trainer card on your siggy.

How much would it cost for something like that of my ML team?

I don't mind what sort of effects you do, have fun with it.
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[color="#9932CC"][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Hark.gif[/IMG] Enjoy. First one I've made for someone other than myself.[/color]
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
[color=#4b0082]Introducing my newest product, (along with some other things) TEAM POSES! :D Simply list the pokemon, and trainer sprite and I'm on it.[/color]

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Can you do something with my sprite, [IMG]http://i1100.photobucket.com/albums/g405/DominsWolf/Sprites/DJWolfTrainerSprite.png[/IMG]
and Kabutops, Typhlosion, Sableye, Lucario, Manectric, and Haxorus... and can you make Sableye, Manectric, and Haxorus Shiny by chance?
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  • Developers
If you need any help with spriting and whatnot, I can do so. Just saiyan.

[color=#800080][i]It's true, with internet like his, there's nothing better for him to do during the day~[/i][/color]
[color=#800080][i]~Ikaru [/i][/color] Edited by Ikaru
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[color=#800080]Sexy ain't they? The personas for my newest team.[/color]
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  • 1 month later...
*Massive fanfare*

Introducing my newest product:

Super Sexy Userbars





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  • 2 weeks later...
:o i want one!
wolf and Haxorus???
or this and typhlosion
or this with Relicanth
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