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To Swap or Keep - Noibat


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I currently have level 41 Noibat and it's only 7 levels now away from evolving. Problem is that it can't really take hits now that I'm closing in on the 5th Gym Badge. In your opinions, should I swap it out or keep going til it evolves into Noivern?

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No pain, no gain. It's kind of the same way for older episodes when people tried training a Togepi. That thing gets metronome & ancient power as it's only /usable/ attacking moves until the Shiny Stone for Togekiss on Azurine Island. ;_;

Edited by Lostelle
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I suggest find a new pokemon to replace it Noivern mey be a dragon type but it can't one shot anything from my playthough of reborn,I must admit that this thing is fast but the atk or spf.atk does't do much as you think and it super weak too

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I recommend swapping it out. Sure Noivern is fast, but one strong hit is all it takes to go down. I'd recommend an Unfezant or Skarmory. Just my thoughts.

skarmory isn't available yet in-game. as for unfezant... i'm not a competitive battler by any means, but i'm fairly sure that a noivern with the proper training/moveset is better than an unfezant.

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