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If you were a Gym Leader...

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Greetings friends. I was surprise to see how something like this wasn't brought up but it's a good thing I am here then :Kappa:

What I would like to know about you is what type of a gym leader would you be? Now this may be a disguised topic where you just share your favorite types so I can take over the world get to know you better.

Well we all know that a Gym Leader with his/her own gym isn't one without an obstacle that are given to trainers to test them. So what I'm really asking you is that: What type of a Gym Leader would you be and what would your gym be composed of?

For me, I would go as a Psychic gym leader. (No that doesn't explain why I can talk/type) And my obstacles would be a series of a riddles that the trainer must solve if they wish to progress.

The riddle would be a Lie and Truth game. You would have to talk to the NPCs inside the gym and they would tell you statements that are either true or false.

For example:

Hiker: The lady in the green dress is lying.

Lady: The Bug Catcher is telling the truth!

Bug Catcher: The Hiker is not to be trusted.

Guess the right person, and you can progress into the next floor and eventually to me. But, guess it wrong and all the NPCs in the room will battle you.

Now that I have shared mine, I am curious of what would be yours?

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I would be the Mythical Gym Leader. I would use Fairy and Dragon Types. My gym would look like a Castle and I would be the Final Gym leader. The Trainer must beat all the trainers in the castle to unlock the door to the throne room. The Ace Trainers would be in the Great Hall. Gentlemen and Ladies would be in the Lords and Ladies Chambers. A chef in the Kitchen. One of those monks from Sprout tower in the Chapel. A maid in the wardrobe. etc. All males would use Dragon types and all Females use Fairies. The throne room would open my "Queen"(co-gym leader) and I(The King) would be there. It would be a double battle where I use Dragons and she uses Fairy types. My Team Garchomp, Hydreigon, Tyrantrum and her team would be Gardevoir, Togekiss and Mega Altaria(It's shiny tooooo). My ace would be Garchomp and her's would be Altaria.

TL;DR I'm an awesome double battling Fairy Dragon Gym leader.

Edited by TheJawsOfDeath
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Mine would be a Duo-type Gym of Dragon and Water types.

My riddle would be to answer questions about the loyalty to the great Lord Goomy/Goodra and Emperor Wooper/Quagsire

My two aces will be Quagsire and Goodra.

There will be people in my gym telling you about the practices of Goomism and the divine power of Emperor Quagsire. Some will battle you along the way and some will keep filling your heads with Lord Goomy scriptures

Eventually when you get to me you will see me praying to a statue of Goomy and next to me, my Goomy. As I am praying to the statue I ask for the almighty power of Goomy to evolve and access his true power.

As the challenger is witnessing Goomy's evolution I introduce myself and wish them good luck, when Goomy finally evolves into Goodra and roars throughout the gym the battle will commence.

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  On 3/7/2015 at 2:47 PM, DoubleAA14 said:

Mine would be a Duo-type Gym of Dragon and Water types.

My riddle would be to answer questions about the loyalty to the great Lord Goomy/Goodra and Emperor Wooper/Quagsire

My two aces will be Quagsire and Goodra.

There will be people in my gym telling you about the practices of Goomism and the divine power of Emperor Quagsire. Some will battle you along the way and some will keep filling your heads with Lord Goomy scriptures

Eventually when you get to me you will see me praying to a statue of Goomy and next to me, my Goomy. As I am praying to the statue I ask for the almighty power of Goomy to evolve and access his true power.

As the challenger is witnessing Goomy's evolution I introduce myself and wish them good luck, when Goomy finally evolves into Goodra and roars throughout the gym the battle will commence.

And here I believed that you would said Type Goomy

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Don't bump this thread here, but it's been done before, I'll just quote mine from there.

[Ground] Gym Leader Jericho: So it seems you've arrived. I expected as much, but I was hoping you wouldn't. Conflict isn't particularly in my nature, but I've got a job to do here. Lets make this quick.
Ace: Flygon, Supporting Pokemon: Quagsire, Mamoswine
I'll give one final push., Well at least it's over now., Maybe now you'll let there be peace.
Dig - Tremor Badge
[steel] Gym Leader Jason: It's marvelous isn't it? What the world has become, modern society. Travel, shelter, weaponry, all revolutionized by this wondrous alloy. Now allow me to show you it's power in battle!
Ace: Excadrill, Supporting Pokemon: Skarmory, Empoleon
We shall lead everyone to the future!, It seems there are some things not even steel can withstand., Rebuild and come back stronger than you did before!
Steel Wing - Alloy Badge
[Fire] Gym Leader Felix: They say the world was born of fire, and so shall it one day return, in the mean time I plan to harness it's immense ferocity. If you think you can withstand the flames, let me demonstrate it's fury in the heat of battle!
Ace: Infernape, Supporting Pokemon: Houndoom, Talonflame
It's time to turn the heat up!, Man, I guess I burned out., Can't stand the heat, get out of my face!
Flame Charge - Inferno Badge
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I'd be a gym leader of the psychic and fairy type. After the challenger would succesfully beat my assistants, when he'd talk to me and was ready to battle me, i'd teleport us to a different dimension, where things would be floating around. In that field the poison moves's damage would be lowered while no pokemon would be able to be poisoned.

Edited by timbla
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  On 3/7/2015 at 5:01 PM, Jericho said:

Don't bump this thread here, but it's been done before, I'll just quote mine from there.

Oh my, I did try to find if there is a similar forum about it already but I appear to miss that one. Although I did try to focus on the people's idea of their own gym.


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I'd be in a region where gym leaders don't have a set type.

8th Gym:

A large building with many Pokemon running around. As the challenger enters the gym, they'll be welcomed by one or more of my Pokemon, bringing them to a sign that tells them I'm out till a certain time of day, and where I could be found/contacted. A PokeGear number is on it too. The challengers calls me for a challenge, but as I pick up I'm stuck somewhere and the challenger has to save me first. Back at the gym I will thank the hero with a battle that is still pretty tough.

"Thank you very much, [player]. Out of gratitude for saving my life, you may choose whether we have a Double Battle or a Singles Battle."

My team: Froslass, Flygon, Galvantula, Whimsicott, Houndoom and Tentacruel.

Last Pokemon: "Not today Satan, not today!"

Defeated: "This was fun. Not only are you good at saving lives, but you're also a strong battler. I hereby present you the Team Badge, for showing how well your team works together. Is this your Eighth Badge? Ah, congratulations! I wish you the best of luck in your Elite 4 Challenge! If you ever want to battle again, don't hesitate to call or drop by! Bye Felicia! *tonguepop*"

Edited by Helia
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I would be a gym leader of the Steel type. My gym room would be filled with puzzle doors. A set of lights above would flash in a certain order e.g. red, blue, red, green, white. If repeated correctly, the door will open, if repeated incorrectly, a trainer would appear.

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Like Blue and Helia I wouldn't have a set type instead using my personal team, the location would be a fairly large church and the gimmick would be that you are asked questions by a priest on Sinnoh, Unova, and Hoen legends, answer correctly and you move on, if you guess wrong you are challenged by a Old Team Plasma member.

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  • 3 months later...

I would have to choose either fire or psychic.

Fire team would include Charizard, Blaziken, and Arcanine.

Psychic team would include Gallade, Gardevoir, and Metagross.

I'd probably be a pretty early leader since I've never done a monorun before and may have some difficulties covering the weaknesses of my team...


Maybe, just to mess with people, I'd run a team of 6 Imposter Dittos, all at the level cap, holding Brightpowders.

Edited by Drymus
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_ Steel type Gym (because Scizor is my bae) with my Trainer Card team, lead with Klefki, and Metagross can Mega Evolve.

_ I guess my gym's puzzle would be 3 rooms, each room will have 2 trainers and 6 knight statues with special symbols on them. At the end of each room will be a lock that will only be opened when you enter the correct symbol according to the clue given to you. When you've passed all 3 rooms, you'll be teleported to the main chamber where i'll be waiting. If you enter the wrong symbol however, the statues will kick your ass out and make you do it again, also the right symbol and the clue will randomize after each time you get kicked (cause why not ? ). You can get the clue by beating the 2 trainers in a double battle.

_ The gym battle will have the Solid Room field effect which boosts Steel + Electric + Rock type damage by 1.5, lowers Fighting + Fire type damage by 1.5, makes Steel type pokes immune to status conditions, and the field can't be disabled or replaced. Also every non Steel type will get a -1 Speed drop upon entrance ( cause why not ? ).

_ The weather will be Sandstorm ( cause why not ? ).

_ My special move will be Solid Charge (cause why not ? ), a Physical Steel type move with 60 BP and +1 priority and 30% to flinch the target. My Scizor (replacing Bullet Punch), Metagross (replacing Bullet Punch) and Bisharp (replacing Iron Head) would have this move.( cause why not ? )

_ If you win, i'll give you the Solid Charge TM, which can be learned by all fully evolved Steel Type pokemons, and the Absolute Badge which increases your pokemons' Def and Sp.Def by a little bit ( cause why not ? )and make all pokemons from 1-90 obey your commands.

_ As for meeting me, i guess i'll be joining you in some double battles for an event against an evil organization, you'll help me with a request and then i'll invite you to my Gym. My team for those double battles would be Scizor lead + Magnezone + Bisharp. Also if you don't agree to help me or fail my request, my Empoleon will be replaced with a Mold Breaker Excadrill holding Life Orb with Earthquake/Solid Charge/Rapid Spin/Rock Slide ( cause why not ? )

_ My request would probably be beating a lvl 100 pokemon on a very high mountain i can't get to because i'm lazy exhausted from the previous event ( cause why not ? )

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Fire gym all the way. My puzzle would be a series of pipes you have to connect them correctly then a fire Pokemon would heat the pipes and steam would open the door.








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My gym would be a rock-type gym mostly based on stall because that's always fun.


Corsola - light screen, reflect, recover, scald

Omastar (lord helix) - spikes, muddy water, ancient power, toxic spikes

Probopass - sandstorm, volt switch, toxic, flash cannon

Carbink - calm mind, rest, sleep talk, moonblast

Magcargo - stealth rock, recover, lava plume, toxic

Shuckle (the ultimate stall god) - toxic, infestation, rest, shell smash (contrary)

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Wellp, since we can be a dual type gym, let me try this again

My sprite would look like the one in my trainer card, but possibly with some purple here and there instead

That said- Dual Type Gym- Poison/Dark . Probably the 8th gym of a game for the purpose of actually using evolved Pokemon

Gym would be situated in a dark town where only small amounts of light reach due to the giant forest surrounding it. The building itself would be a big poison ivy-covered mansion. The townsfolk NPCs would speak to you and most of them would comment on the gym leader and/or the mansion in various ways such as telling you rumors about the mansion's history , stories of what happened to people who went in there , comments on the gym leader herself and so on.

The gym puzzle- The mansion is dark, the use of Flash provides only a small circle of light. Upon entering the building, your character trips on a poison Ivy vine that's been spreading around the doorway, landing and dropping their pokeballs into a nearby shallow pool of poisonous liquid. Due to the infection, character and their entire pokemon team is forced to progressively receive poison damage as they go through the puzzle, causing one or more of their Pokemon to lose HP+ regular poison damage every few steps (akin to receiving damage after breaking the wrong wall in Serra's gym, but with added poison). The poison can be healed via the use of status-healing items, but damage is dealt to a random 1 or few pokemon for every teleportal you go through.

That said^, the puzzle itself would be via teleportals in the dark. There would be 4 trainers in the gym, each one a battle that can't be skipped. Upon being sighted, player is forced to move towards the trainer, thus stepping on a poisoned tile which results in nullifying the effects of having healed your team of poison. The player's team receives poisoned status upon battle entry. The outline from teleportal to teleportal would be akin to scaling a mansion with various obstacles/walls to annoy you in the darkness until you reach a room with 1-3 teleportals. Naturally, some of them would lead to the wrong route or to going in circles, but the presence of a trainer should guide the path to the gym leader.

The Gym Leader- as stated, would look like the sprite in my trainer card, but clad in black and dark purple. Personality of a playfully sadistic tease, but ultimately meaning no harm....or does she?

Darkness in itself is Poison. A poison present in one's mind. But you...getting this far, you've done well fighting the poison in your mind. Kukuku. Now show me how you fight the poison in your veins!

Player vs Dark Mistress Ivy - Umbra Badge- TM Given: Poison Jab

Drapion @ Black Sludge/Battle Armor/Careful- Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Knock Off, Aqua Tail

Honchkrow @ Life Orb/Moxie/Adamant - Brave Bird, Sucker Punch, Roost, Substitute

Weavile @ Life Orb/Pressure/Jolly- Icicle Crash, Knock Off, Poison Jab, Ice Shard

Gengar@ Black Sludge/Levitate/Timid- Hex, Sludge Wave, Dazzling Gleam, Thunderbolt

Sharpedo@ Life Orb/Speed Boost/Naughty - Poison Jab, Crunch, Waterfall, Protect

Dragalge @ Black Sludge/Adaptability/Calm- Sludge Wave, Dragon Pulse, Scald, Focus Blast

Quote when down to last pokemon- Heh? I might consider giving you the antidote after all.

Post battle: You fear no poison of any kind, do you? I suppose I'll give you this then -receive antidote, badge and TM- . Keep on walking forward, let no darkness shroud the strength of your mind... Ah, come play again sometime, Ok? Kukuku...

I'm no expert on competitive stuff but oh well, I tried. Also had to fit in the poison jab theme and all that jazz .

Wellp, that's about it!

Edited by Masquerain
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Screw this dual-typing trend! My gym leader will be just a pure fire type with a lot of FYAPOWAH!

Location of the gym will be in the cliffside city, build around a dormant volcano. Vast network of geothermal mashinery beneath it would supply energy all over the region. While the living in the town has it's benefits thanks to the cheaper energy cost, many residents complain about the Gym Leader, saying that his subterrain work is causing slight tremors and may lead to a volcano eruption. The gym, of course, will be build inside the mentioned volcano, just deep enough underground to reach the magma level.

To get to the gym, challengers will need to take cable cars to the top of the volcano, and proceed down, hoping to reach the gym leader waiting at the bottom of this unbearably hot facility. The gym puzzle would require the challenger to navigate through underground corridons and manage the level of lava flowing through the pipes. With the changes of lava level, some routes will close and others would open. Most of the gym trainers would also working as workers maintainig the machinery, but one could also find some ace trainers training under the Gym Leader.

Now onto the gym leader himself. He's an adult man with short black hair and a strong tanned skin. His wear of choice is modified working attire also weared by other workers.

Despite being a fire type trainer, he has cold demeanor and calculative mind. The geothermal facility is a project of his life, and he dedicated his entire life to it. Many would say that he would be more suited beeing an ice type trainer, and wants nothing more then work on his project. Well... that is what people would say if they didn't see him in battle. When he senses a strong opponent heading torwards him, he can bearly contain the excitement. When the battle starts, that is also when the cold personality evaporates, and his roars become louder the the volcano itself.

Before battle: Finally. Took you some time to reach me. Still, you are the 149th person who made it above the marker I set as the average time. Furthermore.... AAAAAGH! There's no time for talk now! I've been waiting for some good battle! Hope you won't dissapoint me! LET'S GO!

Player vs Head Engineer Ahi - Thermal Badge - double battle - TM Given: Flamethrower

Ninetales @ Heat Rock/Drought/Modest - Heat Wave, Solarbeam, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot

Infernape @ Life Orb/Iron Fist/Adamant - Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Thunder Punch, Mach Punch

Magmortar @ Leftovers/Flame Body/Timid - Lave Plume, Heat Wave, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast

Chandelure @ Choice Scarf/Flash Fire/Modest - Heat Wave, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Hidden Power(Fighting)

Talonflame @ Life Orb/Gale Wings/Jolly- Flare Blitz, Brave Bird, Sword Dance, Roost

Typhlosion @ Charcoal/Flash Fire/Timid - Eruption, Lava Plume, Extrasensory, Focus Blast

Quote when down to last pokemon: THIS IS IT! LET'S GIVE OUR ALL!

Post battle: "Huff huff" That's what I'm talking about! You got skills boy/girl! Here's your badge! I will also give you this TM, it's one of the most popular fire moves there are. Now, move along. I have work to do.

Edited by Jaromir
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I would have a Ghost/Dark type gym. The Idea is fear. The gym is a forest full of dead trees with a few trainers around to fight at first. They say things like "Beware" and "Turn Back" they also have glowing white eyes and they disappear after you leave. Some signs will tell you how to get through. If you take a wrong turn, you are ambushed by a creepy figure and black out. You wake up back at the beginning. The music would be quiet and suspenseful. The forest is only the first part, you need to find some notes to figure out the password. Once done, you enter the manor. The manor is like the distortion world where things are floating around and the floor isn't really there except a dark abyss. You fight more glowing eyed NPCs that disappear after. The NPCs that are in the manor, are Maids and Butlers whom tell you how to get to the Lord. By finding the right hidden switches, where the wrong ones would make the spooky figure appear to take you back to the entrance, A staircase appears leading down into the abyss. If you leave the Manor the NPCs will reappear but they won't battle you again and some repeat the clues you need. The only thing you can see at the bottom is the staircase and yourself. The music is cut off as well. If you take a few steps in the stairs will disappear and a large red circle is formed suddenly with a figure appearing in the center out of nowhere with the cry of Giratina. He is the gym leader. He doesn't speak at first when you talk to him, but if you turn around, he will roar again and attack.

The Battle is a double battle and his team includes, Cofagrigus, Jellicent, Chandelure, Zoroark, Cacturne, and his ace Krookodile. When you beat him, He turns back to normal and his manor does as well. It was all an Illusion by his Zoroark. The basic structure of this challenge is that a calm steady head will make you triumph through the worst of dangers. He'll tell you to check your pockets which you'll find the Fear Badge and the Tms for Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse.

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I'd either be a pure Psychic gym leader or a Machine leader.

Psychic just because it's my favorite type and since I wouldn't care too much about how good teams are in OU, I'd use

Delphox named Lilith

Gardevoir (Mega) named Melanie

shiny Meowstic M named Teemo to piss off everyone

Metagross named Stark

Espeon named either Rui or Wes depending on gender (characters from Colosseum names)

Malamar named Cthulu

Only using my favorites. My title would be Tactician Fresh, and my gym puzzle would be Zelda-style block puzzles.

If I was doing the machine theme, I'd do what I must, because I can. My team would be mostly robotic/machine looking Pokemon





Metagross (Mega)

Rotom Wash

My title would be Aperture Scientist Fresh, and my gym puzzles would be portals. Yes, Portals.

And based on the Pokemon I'd be using, both of these gyms would likely be either 7th or 8th in a region.

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