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If you were a Gym Leader...

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my type would be the fire type which is one of my favourite types. ill probably post my other leader options later.

my team would be:

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my puzzle would be a mix between battle and task.it would have paths from left to right behind a giant cauldron where you u lit a giant torch by bringing the little torches at the end of each paths to the giant one making it bigger. the giant cauldron when interacted would say. "if u wish to battle me, build up that fiery passion of yours and build the flame, when ur soul is fully lit you will be ready for the match where our souls will clash". once the cauldron is fully lit a chamber will open where I will standing.

my field effect would be called pure light: opening statement for the field: "the light from the heat fills you with power" it would take the effect of drought reducing water moves and would make moves with status reducing and increasing qualities be nullified. it would be like a reborn field effect and it will not expire or disappear unless a field move is used (ex rain dance)

my quote once I bring out my ace would be "that's it! that's the fiery passion that led you to me. Now face my burning soul! Burn! Charizard!"

my badge would be the soul badge. a flame shaped badge. the tm I would give would be overheat. and as a bonus, for one time only I would teach a pokemon flare blitz if they were able too.

Edited by Jmanultrax1
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Always wanted something like this. I would be a dark gym leader.


Title :Dark Knight







Mega Absol(Pride)

The gym puzzle involves 5 rooms where 5 dark type Pokemon reside. Each of them holds an item which you must steal from them. Once all 5 are stolen you are allowed to challenge the gym leader.

The gym is modelled after an abandoned castle. The interior is badly lit and snarls and roars are heard from time to time. Successfully brave The Darkness and you might be able to beat the gym leader himself.

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  • 6 months later...

This is my first post, so bear with me.

What would your type and team be as a gym leader? For those who are indecisive, you can provide three teams with each having a different type focus. For example:

1. Team Type: Ground

Pokemon: Steelix, Flygon, Rhydon, Golurk, Gliscor, Claydol

2. Team Type: Psychic

Pokemon: Gardevoir, Metagross, Exeggcutor, Hypno, Jynx, Slowbro

3. Team Type: Grass

Pokemon: Victreebel, Leavanny, Exeggcutor, Ludicolo, Torterra, Abomasnow

Rules: No legendaries, unless they are those allowed in the Battle Frontier. Limit one legendary per team.

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Hi Tristan, welcome to Reborn!

I would probably be either a Steel, Poison or Grass leader. I haven't got any clear idea of the teams I would build, so I'm pretty much just gonna list some of the mons I'd like to use for each type.

Steel: Ferrothorn, Steelix, Metagross, Magneton, Durant, Empoleon

Poison: Venusaur, Nidoking, Crobat, Gengar, Arbok, Toxicroak

Grass: Serperior, Whimsicott, Breloom, Trevenant, Leafeon, Cradily

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I would be a gym leader who just surrounded my self with rocks that you can't break so you can't challenge me or advance the game.

But if I had to choose, I'd be a Water Gym Leader, Good luck getting through my gym with no oxegyn tanks.

1. Blastoise

2. Gyardos

3. Swampert

4. Lapras

5. Vaporeon

6. Psyduck

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I'd do either a Fire or Dark team.

  • Blaziken (Fire | Fighting)
  • Talonflame (Fire | Flying)
  • Chandelure (Fire | Ghost)
  • Volcarona (Fire | Bug)
  • Magmotar (Fire)
  • Rotom (Fire | Electric)

My puzzle would be based on pushing rocks into volcanoes to stop them from erupting. Once a third rock is pushed into the final volcano, a doorway opens up into a cool room where I will be standing in there. With a click of my fingers, the arena lights up and surrounded by a wall of flames.


  • Greninja (Water | Dark)
  • Malamar (Psychic | Dark)
  • Scrafty (Fighting | Dark)
  • Drapion (Poison | Dark)
  • Bisharp (Steel | Dark)
  • Honchcrow (Flying | Dark)

My dark puzzle would be based off having to find a key. Each room has various Pokemon which are to be approached and a battle ensues with that Pokemon. One Pokemon will have a key which leads down into the basement of the Gym, where I will be in supreme darkness.

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If I were a Gym Leader, my type probably be normal Normal-type gym:

Team Type: Normal

Pokemon: Chansey, Braviary, Wigglytuff, Zangoose, Snorlax (Main), Exploud

Puzzle: Labyrinth covered with rainbow (even trap holes are hidden with rainbow). Good luck finding the way to me or finding exit

Field: Crystal Field + Rainbow weather (Imagine crystal littered mountain top with rainbows above, beautiful isn't it?)

My tag line would be:

People always find themselves bewitched by beautiful things up above, not knowing they are falling down a cliff.


You don't want to face a Snorlax when it's like this...

Edited by Nagisa_Hideyoshi
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  • 4 months later...

I would use my favorite type: Grass


NPC's on my gym would be mostly Pokémon Rangers and Aroma Ladies, since they specialize in Grass-types.


To be honest, my favorite puzzles when it comes to gyms are quizzes, so I'd try and create some challenging quiz.


And so I would use pokémons such as: Exeggutor, Jumpluff, Ferrothorn, Breloom, I would probrably need Tangrowth to set up the sun, and of course my signature pokémon: Serperior would be my ace.


Then, as the challenger destroys me with Fire pokémon. Considering I use a sunny day team, it would make sense to give the challenger the TM for Solar Beam.

Edited by PedroHenrique
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  • 2 months later...

Hope i'm not too late to answer😅

I have this interest towards pathogens which perfectly cimbines with my love for poison types.

My gym would be in a laboratory. Before getting to the final GL battle the trainer wil have to battle with the interns. Each one poses a micro-related question, If the answer is wrong, battle conditions will get harder (Each trainer is studying a pathogen and the field effect will vary accordingly):

-First trainer is studying Salmonella, the player will have three test tubes in front of him and will have to detect the one containing it. If the quest misses, every one of his pokemon becomes infected (except steel types) and loses hp each Turn because of body water loss. Effect is worse If sunny day is used

-second trainer awaits before a CL. botulinum petri plate, trainer will have to press a button to change pH of the solution to inactivate it. If it misses, his whole team will be paralyzed. 

-third trainer has some samples containining a. Niger trainer will have to recognize and avoid the contaminated  sample otherwise all his pokemon become affected by the toxin which can outburst at any point during battle causing either bad poisoning or fainting (according to pokemon hp and def stats)

-last comes the gym leader who's studying s.aureus. and l. Monocytogenes. trainer will have to raise the field temperature to a safe level (prior to battle), otherwise They will form a biofilm which reduces the speed stats of trainer's team and when a physical attack misses They can be either poisoned or confused. Steel types are not immune since these bacteria can grow on it.


Each trainer of corse will provide the trainer with necessary hints on how to solve the following quest, giving a hidden tip on how to sirvive If worst comes. 


My team would be : drapion, roserade, toxicroak, Crobat, muk and dragalge. 

I know i'm a bit weird but i swear i'm not dangerous😅

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  On 7/16/2017 at 6:23 AM, Piloswineseyes said:

Hope i'm not too late to answer😅

I have this interest towards pathogens which perfectly cimbines with my love for poison types.

My gym would be in a laboratory. Before getting to the final GL battle the trainer wil have to battle with the interns. Each one poses a micro-related question, If the answer is wrong, battle conditions will get harder (Each trainer is studying a pathogen and the field effect will vary accordingly):

-First trainer is studying Salmonella, the player will have three test tubes in front of him and will have to detect the one containing it. If the quest misses, every one of his pokemon becomes infected (except steel types) and loses hp each Turn because of body water loss. Effect is worse If sunny day is used

-second trainer awaits before a CL. botulinum petri plate, trainer will have to press a button to change pH of the solution to inactivate it. If it misses, his whole team will be paralyzed. 

-third trainer has some samples containining a. Niger trainer will have to recognize and avoid the contaminated  sample otherwise all his pokemon become affected by the toxin which can outburst at any point during battle causing either bad poisoning or fainting (according to pokemon hp and def stats)

-last comes the gym leader who's studying s.aureus. and l. Monocytogenes. trainer will have to raise the field temperature to a safe level (prior to battle), otherwise They will form a biofilm which reduces the speed stats of trainer's team and when a physical attack misses They can be either poisoned or confused. Steel types are not immune since these bacteria can grow on it.


Each trainer of corse will provide the trainer with necessary hints on how to solve the following quest, giving a hidden tip on how to sirvive If worst comes. 


My team would be : drapion, roserade, toxicroak, Crobat, muk and dragalge. 

I know i'm a bit weird but i swear i'm not dangerous😅


This sounds...so cool.

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If I was a gym leader, I would go for a Water team... With Empoleon, Dragonite and Ditto. Because relying on a single type, is just suicidal. I would have 3-4 water types, but not a full team. Of course my prefered Defogger, my signature Stallbreaker-Sweeper and my LOL Revenge Killer must be there.

Edited by SJMistery
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I would be a fairy type gym leader who's gym consist of few puzzles and few battles, cuz who actually cares about those? I would also have a healing machine for my opponent right before my battle room, cuz I wouldn;t want them to be tired. My team would consist of Gardevoir, Azumarrill, Mimikyu and Klefki

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  On 7/16/2017 at 9:50 AM, Wolfox said:

I would be a fairy type gym leader who's gym consist of few puzzles and few battles, cuz who actually cares about those? I would also have a healing machine for my opponent right before my battle room, cuz I wouldn;t want them to be tired. My team would consist of Gardevoir, Azumarrill, Mimikyu and Klefki


Only 4 pokemon?

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Lets get ready for an nIce time everyone


team: Walrein, Cloyster, Aurorous, Mamoswine, Avalugg, Vanelluxe

Layout: You enter a manor in the arctic city and soon find out someone has just been murdered. Its the Ice Gym Leader who is dead. The mistress of the house battles you, mistaking you for the killer. Eventually, moving a book brings you to the cellar, where you fight 4 thieves. They tell you the murderer escaped through the ice cave via a hole. You fight 3 more trainers in the cave and then you confront the killer. Its the Ice Gym Leader. He fakes his death and tries sending you on a mystery to find out who dunnit.(a rival will be there and have some blame sifted on them)

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