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Need team rating (WIP Team)


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Note: Breeding currently, all moves and stuff most likely aren't final, ofc.

Marshtomp (Level 27)

Ability: Torrent

Nature: Adamant

Moves: Tackle


Water Gun


Scrafty (Level 65)

Ability: Moxie

Nature: Hasty

Moves: Crunch

Hi-Jump Kick

Dragon Dance

Brick Break

Alakazam (Level 74)

Ability: Magic Guard

Nature: Naive

Moves: Teleport


Grass Knot

Shadow Ball

Gyarados (Level 71)

Ability: Intimidate

Nature: Adamant

Moves: Ice Fang


Dragon Dance


Magmortar (Level 70)

Ability: Vital Spirit

Nature: Hasty

Moves: Flamethrower


Flame Burst

Lava Plume

Absol (Level 61)

Ability: Justified

Nature: Lax

Moves: Perish Song

Psycho Cut

Night Slash

Sucker Punch

On my desired rotation

Lanturn, Rotom, Electavire, Roseraid, Ampharos, Togikiss, Renuclus, Sylveon, Epseon, Glaceon, Vaporeon, Toxicraok, Gengar, Gliscor, Metagross, Lucario, Camerupt, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Wailord, Quagsire, Ludicolo, Gastrodon, Azumrill, Machamp, Arcanine, Gardivor, Gallade, Trevenant, Barbaracle, Liligant, Noivern, Crobat, Porygon-Z, Krookadile, Typhlosion, Emboar, Medicham, Ninetails, Druddigon, and Golem. That is how much I can think of right off the top of my head.

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Well, I'll cover the IMO-best for your main team and just point out a move or two for the rest, otherwise I'd be here for 5 days :P

Swampert: Careful, Torrent. Curse, Waterfall, EQ, Rock Slide. Curse is a great thing to have on Swampert with it's high attack and defense and it's non-existent Speed. Run Careful or Sassy to help with special foes as physical ones are no problem, just set Curses up on them.

No point in running Brick Break whatsoever. In fact, go Yanma hunting. With a Compound Eyes user up front, wild ones have a 20% chance of carrying a Wide Lens, which sets HJK's accuracy to 99%. get Ice Punch instead (Hitmonchan>Lopunny>Scra).

It's nature is also bad, after 2 DDs you'll outspeed everything anyways and Moxie boosts your attack stats, so extra defense to help setting up is best, so run either Impish or Careful.

I'd recommend Reuniclus over Alakazam. After Trick Room (which your Magmortar and Absol also benefit from), it's "faster" than Alakazam, has barely weaker Special Attack while being waaaaay bulkier. It also works even outside of Trick Room, but the TR set is it's optimal set

Either way, whichever one you go for HP Fighting is almost a must on them, this should help.

IMO, the best sets for the 2 are:
Alakazam: Magic guard, Modest. Energy Ball/Grass Knot, Psychic, Shadow Ball, HP Fighting.

Reuniclus: Magic Guard/Regenerator, Quiet. Trick Room, Psychic, Shadow Ball/Energy Ball/Grass Knot, HP Fighting

Definitely give it Moxie and the same I said about Scrafty's nature applies here. Also ditch Bite, you can get it it's only Flying STAB, Bounce, at the Agate Circus.

Investing in this thing's Speed is a waste of time. Instead, I say you get Reuniclus with Trick Room and make this thing Quiet or at least Modest. Flame Body is it's best Ability and for moves...well, if you have already used the Magmarizer and gotten this thing, then there's not much I can say. Give it Hidden Power or something, and maybe like Brick Break for Rock types, idk.

Change it's Ability to Super Luck and give it a Scope Lens; Night Slash and Psycho Cut will crit 100% of the time and all other moves have a 50% chance to do so too. Ditch Perish Song, your team is nothing but strong attackers, PS is a waste of a slot there. Give it Play Rough or take the risky and most-likely-not-gonna-work-due-to-it's-crappy-defenses route of giving it SD and spamming guaranteed-to-crit +2 Sucker Punches.

For your rotation, give Roserade Sludge Bomb and Extrasensory pre-E13, Sylveon Trump Card, Toxicroak Drain Punch and Bulk Up via Mienshao>Machop>Toxicroak pre-E13, Gengar T-Bolt and Sludge Bomb via Stunfisk>Grimer>Gengar pre-E13, Metagross Brick Break instead of Hammer Arm and Agility instead of Bullet Punch in case you have those on yours, give Nidoking Ice Beam and T-Bolt via Smeargle pre-E13, Azumarill Belly Drum and Aqua Jet, Gallade can also get a Scope Lens, Lilligant HP Rock, Crobat Nasty Plot via Honchkrow and Venoshock, Air Slash and HP Ground/Fighting, Krookodile a Metronome and Jolly nature, Ninetales Energy Ball via Lotad>Nuzleaf pre-E13 and Golem Curse.

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Should I worry about Iv's?

Never worry about Ivs. Just play the game. Natures and Evs are easier and more important. Ivs are only important for Hidden power and playing competitively. Most of my pokes have bad IVs but I don't care since they are shinies.But I have a Blaziken, Lucario, Gardevoir, Mamoswine, Gengar etc. so who am I to talk.

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-Give it Earthquake, Waterfall, Hammer arm and Rock Slide


-Change its nature to Adamant or Jolly
-Do some chain breeding and get Ice Punch from Hitmonchan/Medicham through Buneary


-Change its nature to Modest
-Get rid of Teleport
-Teach it Calm mind


-Change its ability to Moxie
-Teach it Crunch instead of Bite

Magmortar (Assuming this one is mixed)

-Get rid of Flame Burst and Lava Plume
-Breed Cross Chop
-Teach it Bulldoze


-Change its nature to Jolly
-Get rid of Perish Song and Sucker Punch
-Teach it Swords Dance
-Breed Megahorn

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Never worry about Ivs. Just play the game. Natures and Evs are easier and more important. Ivs are only important for Hidden power and playing competitively. Most of my pokes have bad IVs but I don't care since they are shinies.But I have a Blaziken, Lucario, Gardevoir, Mamoswine, Gengar etc. so who am I to talk.

Definitely agree. The difference between best and worst IVs is just 31 point, don't bother at all unless you're going for a specific Hidden Power.


-Give it Earthquake, Waterfall, Hammer arm and Rock Slide


-Change its nature to Adamant or Jolly

-Do some chain breeding and get Ice Punch from Hitmonchan/Medicham through Buneary


-Change its nature to Modest

-Get rid of Teleport

-Teach it Calm mind


-Change its ability to Moxie

-Teach it Crunch instead of Bite

Magmortar (Assuming this one is mixed)

-Get rid of Flame Burst and Lava Plume

-Breed Cross Chop

-Teach it Bulldoze


-Change its nature to Jolly

-Get rid of Perish Song and Sucker Punch

-Teach it Swords Dance

-Breed Megahorn

If I may:

-Hammer Arm does nothing for you beside letting it hit Normal types super-effectively, but really, how problematic are those, especially with a Scrafty around? Avalanche and Curse are far better.

-No need to go Adamant, Moxie and DD will boost that. More investment in defenses would be best to help with setting up as Speed is also boosted by DD.

-Alakazam really doesn't have the bulk to set up in-game. Maybe on a special attacker, but even that won't be too easy.

-He likely can't breed anything onto his Magmortar considering that only one Magmarizer is available at the moment.

-Absol won't be outspeeding anything anyways. Megahorn would be unnecessary with Play Rough around, PR has better coverage and, everything it hits super-effectively already is, except for Grass, but he already has his ways to cover that. And Sucker Punch literally has to stay on it. Again Absol's Speed sucks, STAB priority is a must.

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