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Every once in awhile I'll drop onto the forums, onto showdown, make a few quips and learn a few things. To save myself some time, i'm just going to ask [title] here.

-Most of the time between reborn episodes, personally, I've felt like the game gets kinda stale without atleast 'something' other than training to do. So on these half updates / the '.5s' am I missing out on anything, or is waiting for the next episode fine?

-Is there any chance we can get some window sizes that aren't "still kinda small" and "stupid large?"

-when kiki's gallade goin to get that 5th move back.


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The .1 and .5 updates are generally updates in regards to fixing certain bugs, adding new sprites, updating Essentials, etc. With the most recent update with 14.5, alot of new features were added and some old bugs were fixed. However, some new bugs have been popping up such as issues with Route 2 and Linkstone Evolution. Anyways, if you want something to do in the current update, try searching for the two Mega Stones that Amethyst hid. Other than that, just gotta rely on doing normal things til then such as breeding, using you item finder all over the place, catching Event mons, etc.

Also, what did you mean by "5th Move" for Gallade? Quite perplexed by what you mean since all mons can only have four moves.

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Press alt+enter.

Thanks, though personally it's not the size I'm looking for. (The size the window is when you boot it up just before it shrinks imo would be the perfect size, if at all possible.)

The .1 and .5 updates are generally updates in regards to fixing certain bugs, adding new sprites, updating Essentials, etc. With the most recent update with 14.5, alot of new features were added and some old bugs were fixed. However, some new bugs have been popping up such as issues with Route 2 and Linkstone Evolution. Anyways, if you want something to do in the current update, try searching for the two Mega Stones that Amethyst hid. Other than that, just gotta rely on doing normal things til then such as breeding, using you item finder all over the place, catching Event mons, etc.

Also, what did you mean by "5th Move" for Gallade? Quite perplexed by what you mean since all mons can only have four moves.

Good to know @ the first part, thanks for answering. Also, I mean 5th move as in Gallade had five moves due to some sort of glitch, though I also don't remember how early on it was fixed.

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Yes, both of them have been found due to credits from bluebomberdude. If you want to see it for yourself, check this thread out -> (14.5) The Great Mega Stone Hunt!

However, if you are looking for the challenge of finding it yourself, you could try to find it based off what Amethyst original hint was:

Although 14.5 isn't a content release, I threw in a couple more Mega-stones.

But honestly, good luck finding them. You'll need it.

But honestly, if you find it out without looking at that thread, I'll be highly surprised.

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I'm just gonna guess its in a Dive location and its gonna be Swampertite or something. Not gonna update to 14.5 though gonna wait for 15. Unless its Blazikenite, Gardevoirite, Galladite, Metagrossite,Gengarite, or Lucarionite since those are the only possible megas on my team.

Edited by TheJawsOfDeath
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@Derpy Simon

The 5th move on Kiki´s Gallade was a claim shofu once made which I´m pretty sure turned out to be false and sofu was simply frustrated by constantly losing against her.

Edited by Yazmat
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Every once in awhile I'll drop onto the forums, onto showdown, make a few quips and learn a few things. To save myself some time, i'm just going to ask [title] here.

-Most of the time between reborn episodes, personally, I've felt like the game gets kinda stale without atleast 'something' other than training to do. So on these half updates / the '.5s' am I missing out on anything, or is waiting for the next episode fine?

-Is there any chance we can get some window sizes that aren't "still kinda small" and "stupid large?"

-when kiki's gallade goin to get that 5th move back.


If all else fails, we -do- have a competitive server...Or a casual server, I guess, depending on what you want out of it.

The reason we have the window sizes we do is because it's a direct ratio of the graphics. Small is normal graphic size, Medium is DS sized (2x normal) and large is 4x normal... Apparently having 4x pixels just doesn't work. Or something.

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