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Fern's Badges


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So everybody knows that Fern started taking the Reborn League challenge, but what are the badges that he have? and how many? If I'm not wrong, the last time he told us how many badges he had he said 8 and that he was trying to find the Normal Leader, so we can expect that by the time we see him again at the stairs he already defeated Noel. Which is what brings me to my next question, does anybody know how many and what badges does he have? I suppose mostly badges that we already obtained, but by the time we meet him in route 1 he had 1 more badge that we did and he didn't have Noel's and probably not Radomus' or Luna's by the way he spoke of the castle.

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As far as we know, he could still be on 8 badges since he is a scrub. But, I would assume he has either 12-14 considering he got to Labradora City, which you need Surf at the least to get to it if he took the same path as we did.

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There's no actual way to find out? I bet he only wants to troll us by saying that he has 1 badge more because he's a grasshole..

Well we know he never defeated Charllotte, he got hot feet and locked himself outta that part of the city as an excuse but we know he's a wuss. Ooooh Burn.

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I doubt that right now he have Charlotte's and Terra's badges maybe he will get them later when all this situation would be over

or maybe not

I even doubt if he have his siter badge.

"Oh look I own that badge so why not to get it for my colleection?"

That's not legit

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I doubt that right now he have Charlotte's and Terra's badges maybe he will get them later when all this situation would be over

or maybe not

I even doubt if he have his siter badge.

"Oh look I own that badge so why not to get it for my colleection?"

That's not legit

Since is Fern we can expect anything... But Florinia vs Fern is a weird battle indeed.

Edited by Absolute_Zero
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I'm gonna assume he has: Julia, Florinia, Shelly, Shade, Aya, Serra, Radomus, and Luna's badges just by how he was talking and how he missed Noel. Although, I would not be surprised if he was talking crap to mess with the player, as with his team composition and levels he would get wrecked by Serra (5 of his pokemon are weak to Ice!), Radomus, and Luna.

Edited by Mighty Kamina
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Against Luna he has Scyther which her Team is weak against and Ferrothorn which can probably take care of Honchcrow. Against Radomus he has Scyther again and Krookodile as well as Ferrothorn again to take care of Guardevoir. Against Serra his only real which wouldn´t die immediatly would be Ferrothorn which can maybe outstall her Pokemon.

Although I seriously doubt he had an easy Team beating those Gym Leaders like he claimed.

Edited by Yazmat
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I'm gonna assume he has: Julia, Florinia, Shelly, Shade, Aya, Serra, Radomus, and Luna's badges just by how he was talking and how he missed Noel. Although, I would not be surprised if he was talking crap to mess with the player, as with his team composition and levels he would get wrecked by Serra (5 of his pokemon are weak to Ice!), Radomus, and Luna.

Well those are the most probable ones, because that's kinda the order of the cities/places where the gym leaders where. For example we can be 100% that he have Aya's badge, but not the other ones though. I would really like that Amethyst could tell us whose badges Grasshole Fern have.

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Actually some of this is wrong. We know Fern could have Terra's badge as he has already been through Agate, had joined team meteor and has probably fought samson before that... So add Samson to the list. He definitely has Terra because the two are a part of team meteor. Wouldn't be hard to just ask for her badge. So he has at the least he has 10 badges. He can have more if he beat Charlotte, Amaria, Titania, Ciel, or Saphira before he joined team meteor and before they each did their own special event thing or whatever.

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EDIT: cant figure out how to make spoiler work hmm

basically though assume he has same badges as us apart from Noel, Charlotte and Luna since he couldn't find Noel or Charlotte until quite late and Luna was with Radomus and probably didn't reveal herself as a Gym Leader to him. We know for sure he has Shelly and Aya's badges though.

Edited by Lord Drakyle
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Someone should do a Fern run and see if its really easy to get those badges like he claims! (Oh wait... no Scyther and Ferrothorn :(...)

I really don't see how he can win against Charlotte with his current team. He's kind of screwed if he loses his Fraxure (maybe Haxorus now?) and Krokodile, which is likely to get OHKOed by Darmanitan's Hammer Arm or Flare Blitz.

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Actually some of this is wrong. We know Fern could have Terra's badge as he has already been through Agate, had joined team meteor and has probably fought samson before that... So add Samson to the list. He definitely has Terra because the two are a part of team meteor. Wouldn't be hard to just ask for her badge. So he has at the least he has 10 badges. He can have more if he beat Charlotte, Amaria, Titania, Ciel, or Saphira before he joined team meteor and before they each did their own special event thing or whatever.

The circus ones are possible but Saphira? I don't think so, her gym is in Labradorra so yeah... And Amaria/Titania? Both of them would destroy him specially Titania even if he have Pokémon to counter both of them he will probably need more to defeat one of them. And if I'm not wrong Titania's battle is probably going to be on the desert. Amaria's one in that door we couldn't enter in her house I suppose.

Edited by Absolute_Zero
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