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PSA: To all those wandering why things might be slow at times...


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So yeah, recently I've noticed that a common question that's been asked around these here parts by a few people is why certain things have slowed up a bit compared to previous progress made in ICs, etc... so I figured, Why_Not help to stem the wondering by offering what I feel is an appropriate explanation for these types of questions.

Now, my friends, please direct your attention to figure A.


As you can clearly see, this is, more or less, a simplified diagram of wave mechanics. We can see it has ampitude, troughs, crests, all that good jazz. Now, as to how this relates to the matter at hand- You see, around here things fall into rhythmic cycles that ebb and flow over time- it's just how it is, near regardless of what roleplay is in question.

Hence our diagram above. It's like a wave more or less; this RP forum has a "Wave length" of sorts, which tends to either lengthen or shorten as it so pleases and as various outside influences and circumstances dictate that it shall. There are times when it rises to it's Crest, the cresendo of overall general activity, and then like any wave, said activity falls gradually and eventually it will enter it's trough period in which overall general activity will be at a low once more.

For example, During times such as summer holiday the wave length generally shortens overall, and the frequency of crest and the rate of rise from trough periods is much more than, say, during the general schooling year or during times such as winter break and the holidays, in which the wave length tends to elongate and the rate of overall rise is much less.

And it keeps going like that, my good fellows, high and low, rising and falling, the times in between the crests changing somewhat predictably though not consistently enough for a scientifically exact figure of measurement.

That's the time cycle Reborn RP forum in a nutshell.

So you see, if things get a bit slow in a particular RP you are a part of, do not fret over it, for it is simply the natural cycle of things here. This does not however, by any means that there are not instances that are exceptions to this cycle; for example, an RP started during the school calender that generates enough hype might be on a roll for a while in terms of posts, when statistics show it should be slow like it's peers. And then there is also the inverse exception of things; in which an RP functioning during the summer months for one reason or another suddenly falls quiet when the cycle dictates that logically it's activity should be at a crest. In these instances, such as a week passing with nothing going on either IC or OOC, it is more than alright to poke your head in and just check around to see if everything's still alright around there or somethings come up with someone, but do recall, my fellow roleplayers, there is a fine line between checking in when things are quiet, and simply bugging about something.

I'd also like to take this time to apprise everyone that we do have a CW forum here, and If you're ever bored waiting or anything, you could always try going out to the CW forum and writing up something while you wait, etc.

Anyways, I have seen through my purpose here, and so I am done. if anyone has any improvements they feel could be made to this PSA, feel free to shoot me a PM regarding it, and edits shall be made to this as deemed necessary. Overall though, the important thing to take away from this Public Service Announcement is this:

Other people have lives too. And in those lives, they have things to do, and occasionally those things might prevent them from being able to come on for a time, and we must be aware of, and respect, this simple fact, and not overly gripe over it. Afterall, treat others how one would want to be treated, no?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I shall go off and wander eternally whence more. Ta-da, my good roleplayers.

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