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[Guide] Borderless Fullscreen and Graphics filtering project


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After searching for a while I haven't found a real guide on how to play reborn or other Pokémon essential games in borderless fullscreen. So I am making this guide for everyone who wants to play Pokémon reborn in fullscreen without borders.

First thing you need is a program called borderless gaming. You can get it here https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming/releases

Now go startup pokemon reborn and change the screen size to large and make sure you save and after that go change your screen resolution to 1024x768.
Now open the program borderless gaming and choose game.exe in the list and press the button make game borderless. You can also add game.exe to the favourite list and the only thing you have to do is startup borderless gaming before starting up reborn. Now you can enjoy reborn in fullscreen. Have fun with all those pixels.

Because the game becomes so pixilated in fullscreen I would like to start a project to filter everything in the graphics folder of reborn to make the game look better. I looked around the web if i could apply a filter like in the gba or snes emulators. What I found was a tool called Image Resizer that was designed for pixel art. Link: https://code.google.com/p/2dimagefilter/wiki/ImageResizer It has a lot of filters that is used in todays emulators and so I decided to filter some things like some tilesets and some characters and pokemon. For most things I resized it with XBR and then back to original size with High quality Bicubic and I was impressed with how it looked. For tilesets I used XBR and then back to original with lanczos because with the blinear and bicubic I would see all sorts of lines everywhere. I would like to do this on my own but reborn has 7900+ images and doing it one by one would takes too long. So I am asking if some people want to help me with this and make a customized graphics folder. Or if there is a way to automize it.

Some comparison pictures(click for real comparison):


As you can see I didn't filter everything but you can see the diffrence clearly and I like it way better like this. Especially in full screen. So if anybody wants to help feel free to ask. Alone I could work around 5 hours a week on this because I am busy with other stuff. Anybody could help out. The program is very easy to use just drag and drop choose filter of choise and press resize then press switch and resize it back using Lanczos or some other lossles filter or High quality bicubic to soften the edges even more. I hope people will help out with this.

Edited by KillerTyphlosion
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