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Gen 2 Run - Eagleby's MonoGen Challenge accepted


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First, I didn't create this challenge, it was created by Eagleby18, please check his MonoGen challenge, it's so nice to read. Sorry for the bad english.

When I read Eagleby's Monogen challenge I was like "This is fun, I should try that". Then I used this to select a Gen. And I got... 2! Number 2!!! Jotho, I'm back. Pokemon Crystal will always be special for me, it was my first pokemon game, so I started pokemon in the Jotho Region. I also played soul silver and all that, so when I saw "2" in the dice I said "This is going to be nice."

This is how stuff is going to work: I'm going to write as I am the main character. With my thoughts about the characters, the storyline, it's like I'm in the reborn region. There is only one exception: Main Battles. Everytime I'm about to face one, I'm going to create a "Battle spoilertag", I'm going to describe the battle like I'm playing the game, not like I'm inside the game. I'm not good at writing, Eagleby's style is the way to go, I'm currently editing the texts.


Feel free to suggest a challenge for make a hard game even harder, for now I have these.

1)Just 3 Healing Items for each Main Battle. Revive items are banned.

2) Yes, I will try to beat Garchomp and Arceus.

3) Set battle style. (I know, this is going to be hard)

Expert Mode: ON. Well, that's going to make the game harder and easier at the same time. Jotho has a huge pokedex. It's basically Kanto + Jotho together. I'm going to catch them all, yes. Exceptions: Heracross and Pinsir event, Igglypuff and happiny event, and all those "pokemon dual choice" events.

Current progress (10/256)

The team + Rotation

159.gifCielo, the croconaw

216.gifTeddy, the teddiursa

95.gifRocky, the onix

188.gif"insert name here", the skiploom

The box

163.gifSage, the hoothoot

174.gifLyanna, the igglybfuff

167.gifTarantula, the spinarak

165.gifQueen, the shiny ledyba

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I think generation 2 is the most difficult generation to accomplish this with, since most pokemon are either not good, or kanto evolutions (Slowking N/A,, Scizor N/A, Politoad N/A, Crobat, Kingdra, Steelix, Porygon2, Blissey) are those allowed?

There are some other very decent pokemon though so do not worry! There is Ariados for the early game, and Furret, there is lanturn for a bit later with Amparos.

When you get to azurine island you can get a Quagsire which is fantastic! Maybe you'll find the time to pick up shuckle too. Lets not forget the broken Azumarill

I think the challenge is hard enough as it is.

I wish you good luck!

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Chapter 01: A new Adventure

I started with a male totodile with torrent and named it Cielo "points to the swimmer". Actually the first battles were quite easy. I would have lost the first one against Cain if I didn't have a potion (A blue-haired girl in the opal ward can give you a potion before you get a pokemon), it was a scratch war, I was afraid of a crit, so I used the potion, and you know what... The Crit came! But I could take it on after the healing. Then Cielo is at level 6, water gun learned, tepig was 2HKO'D.

I'm wondering how that girl got high-leveled from an egg. Also, we recieve the sunubull at level 20, isn't level 20 the first level cap? So the snubull should obey her, I don't know if that is a small fail or what. Also, there is a genius wing in a rock next to the opal bridge entrance. If you started with a sp. att focused starter that is a good item.

Well... I'm going to clean the Opal bridge with totodile, just to get some levels, so I'll be in a better position against the peridot trainers.

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Gen2 has 100 pokemon to use. Pokemon that are found in the Johto area, but belong to Gen1 and do not evolve into a pokemon from gen2 are not viable for the challenge. I was going to start this challenge tomorrow, but you beat me to it, so I'm expecting a good one.

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Gen2 has 100 pokemon to use. Pokemon that are found in the Johto area, but belong to Gen1 and do not evolve into a pokemon from gen2 are not viable for the challenge. I was going to start this challenge tomorrow, but you beat me to it, so I'm expecting a good one.

A pokemon that belongs to gen 2 is a pokemon in this list right? Anyways, 95% kanto pokemon evolve to a gen 2 pokemon, so... yeah.


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A pokemon that belongs to gen 2 is a pokemon in this list right? Anyways, 95% kanto pokemon evolve to a gen 2 pokemon, so... yeah.


I'm sorry but i can't really agree with that list, if I were you I'd go to pokemon reborn's obtainable pokemon list and go from chikorita to celebi.

If there is a gen2 pokemon with other gen pre evolutions, like crobat, I think making an exception would be very reasonable. Besides you get beaten to death in gen2 by team rocket's golbats

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I'm sorry but i can't really agree with that list, if I were you I'd go to pokemon reborn's obtainable pokemon list and go from chikorita to celebi.

If there is a gen2 pokemon with other gen pre evolutions, like crobat, I think making an exception would be very reasonable. Besides you get beaten to death in gen2 by team rocket's golbats

You're right, I'll go for this.

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I will throw a few suggestions in the comment below. I love that houndoom.



-Thunder Wave
-Cotton Guard
-HP Ice/Signal Beam


-Water Absord

-Without TM06 this thing is useless


-Sheer Force

-Iron Tail
-Stone Edge



-Close combat
-Night Slash


-Huge Power

-Aqua Tail
-Play Rough
-Aqua jet


-Flash Fire

-Nasty Plot
-Dark Pulse
-HP Grass

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Chapter 02: Peridot Ward

Peridot ward cleaned! I caught that teddiursa, and named it teddy, it's actually a good pokemon, it came with pickup, and I wanted quick feet to deal with Corey easily, but I really don't want to waste that ability capsule on a teddiursa, when it evolves, guts will be fine too. I choosed Igglypuff, just because wynaut? I won't be able to evolve it anyways, because jigglybuff and wigglybuff are from Gen 1.

After reading the note in the gym's door, I went to face Fern at the factory. Really... even after 5 or 6 save files, I still hate Fern's first meeting. Dude... He doesn't even know who I am to call me a loser. That guy is so stupid. But anyways. Cielo flinched the lotad to death (Who needs sheer force? I'm haxing them to death, lol, who cares), then snivy came, as I'm playing in the Set battle mode, the snivy was able to wrap Teddy when I switched (He was trying to wrap my totodile? I don't even think this thing has a grass move). Then the hax gods were helping him, miss two fury swipes in a row. But then they calmed down and gave me a 5 hit stab fury swipes, that is a dead servine that died taking 1/2 health from teddy. I needed to sack Lyanna just to get a free switch to Cielo, and start the haxing games against the budew.

Gotta check when does croconaw learn ice fang... That's going to be important in the next battle with Mr. Dumbass, cuz really, Jotho just doesn't have OP fire types, just houndoom, and it's in the lapis ward, so... I gotta find a strategy for the school battle with Fern, and another one for Florinia's ferroseed. Ame should give an eviolite to that seed, just to laugh at the "This thing is broken" comments.

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I will throw a few suggestions in the comment below. I love that houndoom.




-Thunder Wave

-Cotton Guard


-HP Ice/Signal Beam



-Water Absord




-Without TM06 this thing is useless



-Sheer Force

-Iron Tail

-Stone Edge







-Close combat

-Night Slash




-Huge Power

-Aqua Tail

-Play Rough


-Aqua jet


-Flash Fire


-Nasty Plot


-Dark Pulse

-HP Grass

Overall very solid picks but I would love to offer a few additional suggestions.

Sassy Blissey with Item: Leftovers

-seismic toss (available from breeding a mawhile with mankey, then the mawhile with chansey)


-Calm mind


Nothing will kill this, nothing special attacking. EV spead: HP and Special defense

Modest Porygon2

-Tri Attack


-Shadow Ball


EV spread: Hp/def/sp.def and special attack recommended, unless you manage to obtain an eviolite, then you autowin the game investing in def and sp. def is very recommended.

Now lets get to the real deal, the supersize ultimate jotho generation 2 monstertruck: Shuckle. Now I have a suggestion, and this will BLOW YOU AWAY.

Remember those pesky double battle gym leaders? Well that is over as of now. You need THIS Shuckle, and a Xatu with max speed and trick room. Or Chimecho might suffice. *que lance music*

Nature -speed +defense (lax?) Shuckle: item: Zoom lens/leftovers (depending on whether you want to smash someone or stall him out).


-Earthquake/Struggle bug

-Rock slide

Wait for it


With maxed defense Ev's, if the trick room is succesively set up and the power trick is completed, the enemy is Doomed, more than a chicken in KFC.

I wish you best of luck, and if you manage to get this set up and running, please inform me, I'd be delighted.

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Totodile is surely a choice you won't regret. And now you can have all the johto starters on your team at some point. Since I'm addicted to suggesting movesets...


-Sheer Force


-Waterfall/Aqua tail


-Ice fang/Ice punch

-Dragon Dance


-Flash Fire




-Nature Power



-Leaf Guard



-Light Screen

-Counter (Chain-breed from Hitmonchan/Sawk > Cacnea > Chikorita)

-Leech Seed

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The pokemon avaliable for Julia are: Totodile, Teddiursa, Hoothoot, Spinarak, Ledyba, Happinny or Igglypuff and Pineco. Gotta catch them all. I'll try those suggestions,

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Chapter 03: The Meteors

Right in the factory, fighting the meteors, I got the evolution. Now I have a powerful TORRENT Croconaw good to go. I couldn't put teddy in work, there are just too many rock types... The good thing is that I got a lot of experience from lunatone and solrock with feint attack + stun spore support, at least Mr. Dumbass pokemon are decent.

I didn't use Cielo in the double battle against Aster and Eclipse. Just because teddiursa did a wonderful job supporting budew with fake tears and spamming fury swipes when needed. I wonder why Sirius couldn't just bring out his chandelure and eat our souls, bam, the annoyers are gone. Also, Julia and Florinia were doing a wonderful job countering his level 50 pokemon with 16-25 ones.

Plans for gym threats: As I don't think a charge beam can knock me out. The strategy for Electrode is 1 Fake tears + 1 torrent water gun, let's see what I can do.

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Oke, but clefable is a generation 1 pokemon still, so you can't use that

I'm just going to make a short expcetion hwen I'm there: get the clefairy, breed it, get the cleffa, release clefairy, cleffa and igglypuff in my PC Box

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I'm just going to make a short expcetion hwen I'm there: get the clefairy, breed it, get the cleffa, release clefairy, cleffa and igglypuff in my PC Box

Wait, why do you need them in the box? Do you need to collect all gen 2 pokemon or something?

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Wait, why do you need them in the box? Do you need to collect all gen 2 pokemon or something?

Yup, that's the idea behind a Gen challenge. Catch ALL the Pokemon from one Generation and don't use any Pokemon that aren't from your Generation.

The second I saw that he has Gen 2 I was like: Well, that's gonna be hard.

Since it only has like 100 Pokemon and IMO not many good ones either, it could get hard. When I played Chrystal I sacked Totodile immediately for a Psyduck when I could. Only used gen 1 Pokemon.

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Chapter 04: Julia

When I entered the gym and talked to the guy, I just noticed that we can't get any ghost pokemon before Florinia, wow, I didn't know that. Anyways, to the gym battle: I did it in the first try, but it was INSANELY HARD because of the set battle style, and I just won because the AI was stupid. I started with Teddy, fury swipes in the helioptile, one down. Next is voltorb, the pokeball outsped Teddy and used sonicboom, while Teddy used fury swipes, Julia waste a potion, and then the next fury swipes is enough to take it down, two down. The same thing with the other voltorb, but this one got sonicboom damage on Teddy, which was really bad, three down. Emolga, acrobatics did zero, fury swipes was a solid 2HKO, four down. Now it's the blitzle, it used t-wave when I healed up Teddy with a super potion, then fury swipes took it down two turns later, because I got paralyzed in the first..., five down. Now the threat came, it used charge beam and got the boost, Teddy fainted. Cielo Vs. Electrode, the Electrode decided to use ROLLOUT, BRO, YOU HAVE A +1 SUPER EFFECTIVE MOVE, WHY WOULD YOU LOCK YOURSELF IN ROLLOUT, then Cielo spammed bite, six down, got the volt badge and TM charge beam.

I think it's time to catch all the pre-Julia avaliable Jotho pokemon since I'm playing in expert mode, I'm also going to clean the bridge again, because there are new trainers there after the first badge. Ah, and I need to help that hiker to get Onix, because steelix is Gen 2, not that the rock snake is going to help me in the next gym... But steelix is definitely worth it, since it's going to smack Noel, Aya. Unfortunately I can't farm metal coats in shade's gym before Corey, but I'm pretty sure Teddy will be enough for him.

Now I'm going to find a strategy for Florinia thatferroseed.

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