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Corrupt Wish Game


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It does, but you know lagless. He'll find something more peculiar and it will become an internet meme.

I wish Gastrodon was put in Gen3 games, as it was supposed to be in the first place.

D: Laggless next target: erasers

Hmm, first of, I want to say that I didn't know that about Gastrodon, pretty interesting.

Regardless, granted, it now is in gen 3 games. But is unobtainable, untradeable, unhackable and there's only one in the whole game, that appears by using the fishing rod over one billion times in the same spot without moving, saving the game or turning off the game (if those things happen, the fishing counter resets).

I wish my wishes were more creative.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger: "Granted, but now, you've just been Erased." (points for getting the reference) "Also, now he will refer to other sharp objects, like scissors and maybe sadistic potato peelers."

I wish for an epic battle between pencil sharpeners and potato peelers to be shown in a movie (or on Ryan's channel, since that's more plausible).

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Granted. Chuck Norris never dies, because he always lives on in our memories.

Oh, you meant his physical body? Sorry, that thing decayed years ago.

I wish to always have a ready supply of 100, 150 and 200 gsm paper for when I need it.

Edited by Spineblade
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Granted. You have all the paper you need... in the Moon.

Oh, you meant to have it in your house? Sorry, but cheer up! is not even that far away. You just need to start thinking with portals! XD

I wish my finger did that E.T. thing from the movie E.T.

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Granted, but the emission is caused due to high concentrations of radioactive elements decaying, of which the released energy in turn excites electrons of the remaining atoms, which cause there to be light when falling back to their ground state. And you die of severe radioactive poisoning.
(Science bitch :P)
I wish for someone to make a poster for that movie about pencil sharpeners vs sadistic potato peelers.

Edited by laggless01
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You somehow through magical Grima's dark power made it into the game. But the player happens to hate Gaius and keeps you in the barracks with Kellam(?) as a level 1 with no waifu.

Good show.

I wish for us hats to live equally among men and be worn with respect.

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Bruh do not even diss Kellam mmk

Granted, but as a hat that is equal among men you are now given all the responsibilities and expectations of men, which you find you cannot fulfill do to your unfortunate lack of arms. And legs. And eyes. And everything.

I wish I didn't have school tomorrow. Or the day after that. Or at all this week.

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What attack? The radioactive material was in his finger, so technically it wasn't an attack...
Granted. I don't have to corrupt this one, because he dies of lead poisoning anyway if he does so, which kills way quicker than the radioactive stuff would. Smart plan.
I wish for Quantum Chemistry to be easy.

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I thought you shot him or something. Anyway, covering his finger with lead (lets also put a thin layer of plastic underneath) stops the radiowaves from reaching the rest of the body and prevents poisoning.

Anyway, granted. Now everyone knows quantum chem, so you have to study another 4 years to find out more that is there. As soon as you do, everyone does, and the cycle continues.

I wish for a rotten potato.

edit: Haven't seen E.T. so I don't really know where the radiation will come from.

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I thought you shot him or something. Anyway, covering his finger with lead (lets also put a thin layer of plastic underneath) stops the radiowaves from reaching the rest of the body and prevents poisoning.

Anyway, granted. Now everyone knows quantum chem, so you have to study another 4 years to find out more that is there. As soon as you do, everyone does, and the cycle continues.

I wish for a rotten potato.

Laggless means I die from radioactive poisoning because I wished my finger did that E.T. thing from the movie E.T., so he says that all the radioactive material needed in order for my finger to glow like that will actually kill me in seconds. Putting lead all over my body wouldn't help much.

Anyways, granted, you get a rotten potato. But oh my! it seems to have spontaneously appeared inside your liver. So... good luck taking it out of there.

I wish I read a creepypasta so good that it'd leave me traumatized 4 life.

Edited by zimvader42
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Done. You're traumatized for life. You don't eat, you don't speak, you don't play pokemon. You stay there looking at the abyss. And if you stare long enough into the abyss, it stares back to you.

I wish airplanes had some kind of coating to protect the passengers from cosmic radiation.

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Done. You're traumatized for life. You don't eat, you don't speak, you don't play pokemon. You stay there looking at the abyss. And if you stare long enough into the abyss, it stares back to you.

I wish airplanes had some kind of coating to protect the passengers from cosmic radiation.

The abyss...wait...isn't that, like, Hukuna's thing?

Oh well anyways granted, they now have. But they're now to heavy to fly. The bad thing is people only realise this when airplanes are already airborne.

I wish people could corrupt my wishes withouth having to resort to my gruesome death by either radioactive poisoning or hukunaabyss-staring madness.

Edited by zimvader42
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Granted. Your clothes will never fit you again.

I wish cameras danced whenever you took a picture.

Thank you.

Now, granted, they now do. And because of it, all pictures are now blurry. Enjoy them.

I wish StrawberryLoveIntervention (SLI for short?) was traped in this thread and could never leave.

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(I thought it was banned because it was too OP?)

Granted. The harsh conditions of Reborn City slows their reproductive rate ten-hundred fold, and they soon die faster than more Fletchling are made and trained. Because no one ever catches them, they cannot be bred in the daycare. The remaining few flee to other regions, where they pass on diseases and germs (from the poor hygiene and general pollution) to their brethren in Kalos and Hoenn. The Talonflame population there also decreases. The diseases are then passed on to other Pokemon as well, and trainers who capture them and trade them around pass those on to Pokemon all over the globe. Within a thousand years, the disease has spread around so much and mutated at such a rate that now all Pokemon are now seriously endangered, if not extinct.

I wish that the above paragraph actually made sense.

Edited by BreezyPonie
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