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Corrupt Wish Game


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Done. But now velociraptors are twenty time bigger and they are indeed very "clever girls" (or were, since they don't exist nowadays :I)

I wish this wish self-destructs before anyone has a chance to corrupt it. Check Mate atheitsts!

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GRANTED! But now they're Thiests and their god allows "ethnic cleansing"

I wish I could go into any and all game worlds I want and level up their way and if I die (in game) I just respawn back in my room and any abilities I learned will be able to be used IRL.

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Granted, but it just happens that what you call "real life" is yet but another videogame, a metaphysical one of sorts, that higher, fifth-dimentional beings play using you as a character, and all the videogame worlds you visit are nothing but mini-games, and the power ups you get and keep after respawning in your room remain simply because the player that controls you saved in all check points available. Too bad that they're starting to get bored of this game and have decided to get the character be killed in the overworld, y'know, just to see what happens.

I wish Tyranitars were fluffy.

Edited by zimvader42
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Granted. She's interested in other people's hats. She looks at yours and feels like she could do better, yet she stays with you until your credit card is empty.

Did I mention you got AIDS as well?

I wish for a real life Totodile

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The shutdown of Pokemon Reborn? Well if that's what you want...

Granted. She's interested in other people's hats. She looks at yours and feels like she could do better, yet she stays with you until your credit card is empty.

Did I mention you got AIDS as well?

Gonna need a burn heal for that one.

I wish for dog

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You get a dog with rabies. It bites you and you have a miserable existence for a few weeks. The authorities deem the dog a danger to society and have it put down.

I wish to finally understand the meaning behind postmodern art.

Edited by Spineblade
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Now you do. You feel the urge to describe it to everyone, so you gradually become hated, isolated and lonely. Your family doesn't acknowledge your existence.

I wish my parents weren't disappointed in me.

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Granted, they aren't anymore. But now you are disappointed on yourself.

I wish Nostalgia Critic became Nostalgia Citric, and was just a shapeless blob of citric acid.

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Granted. At the sudden stop, inertia causes the oceans to slosh around, flooding the whole Earth and wiping out all civilization and a good chunk of the human race. In addition, it was nighttime when the Earth stopped spinning, so the side you live on quite literally never sees the light of day again. Food cannot be grown without sunlight, and you starve to death before you can get to the half facing the sun (because all methods of transportation were destroyed)

I wish I could come up with better wishes.

Edited by BreezyPonie
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Granted, but you forget them before you can write them down.

I wish the word "hubris" in english wasn't so weirdly similar to the word my language uses for "cow tits".

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Laggless means I die from radioactive poisoning because I wished my finger did that E.T. thing from the movie E.T., so he says that all the radioactive material needed in order for my finger to glow like that will actually kill me in seconds. Putting lead all over my body wouldn't help much.

That's not really how radiation works. You'll die in at minimum a few days, but it also can take weeks, or if you're really tough, one-two months. Also, You're exposed to more cosmic radiation when you take the airplane, but the amount is still manageable, and you're not in it for that long. Please, the threat is most times way exaggerated, but of course, your finger full of radioactive goo is not very healthy.

Granted, but it just happens that what you call "real life" is yet but another videogame, a metaphysical one of sorts, that higher, fifth-dimentional beings play using you as a character, and all the videogame worlds you visit are nothing but mini-games, and the power ups you get and keep after respawning in your room remain simply because the player that controls you saved in all check points available. Too bad that they're starting to get bored of this game and have decided to get the character be killed in the overworld, y'know, just to see what happens.

Well, that would be very unlikely, since then there wouldn't exist irrational numbers, since computers can't store those. Relevant Vsauce link here: (10:04)

Now, back to the thread...Granted, but It evolves twice pretty fast, and then acts like a real alligator...which means you become his next meal.

I wish for all people to accept science as what it is, instead of dismissing it for some fairy tales.

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That's not really how radiation works. You'll die in at minimum a few days, but it also can take weeks, or if you're really tough, one-two months. Also, You're exposed to more cosmic radiation when you take the airplane, but the amount is still manageable, and you're not in it for that long. Please, the threat is most times way exaggerated, but of course, your finger full of radioactive goo is not very healthy.

Well, that would be very unlikely, since then there wouldn't exist irrational numbers, since computers can't store those. Relevant Vsauce link here: (10:04)

Now, back to the thread...Granted, but It evolves twice pretty fast, and then acts like a real alligator...which means you become his next meal.

I wish for all people to accept science as what it is, instead of dismissing it for some fairy tales.

Thanks for the info on radiation (not that I needed it, specially since the thread is always exaggerated, but oh well, TMYK I guess...), and yeah I know I would last probably more than "a few seconds", but that wasn't the point. I still want my finger to glow like E.T.'s tho XD

Regarding the thing you said about "irrational numbres would not exist since computers can't store those", who said that these 5th dimentional beings were to use regular human computers? Who said they were to use computers at all?

Also I don't think you corrupted the right wish XD. You were supposed to spoil my wish!

Anyways, granted, now science is accepted for what it is. However, a experiment on how to make fingers glow with radiation accidentally wipes out all life on earth, so there's currently no one left to accept science for what it is.

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Thanks for the info on radiation (not that I needed it, specially since the thread is always exaggerated, but oh well, TMYK I guess...), and yeah I know I would last probably more than "a few seconds", but that wasn't the point. I still want my finger to glow like E.T.'s tho XD

Regarding the thing you said about "irrational numbres would not exist since computers can't store those", who said that these 5th dimentional beings were to use regular human computers? Who said they were to use computers at all?

Also I don't think you corrupted the right wish XD. You were supposed to spoil my wish!

Anyways, granted, now science is accepted for what it is. However, a experiment on how to make fingers glow with radiation accidentally wipes out all life on earth, so there's currently no one left to accept science for what it is.

Whoopsydaisy, it was on the wrong page when I read the wish. Apologies for the stumble,

To make up for it, I'll grant your wish. What in your language was called 'cow tits' gets renamed, and is now a word of 42 characters long. It also sounds way too much like what in your language means: "Burn these black Untermenschen".

Also, about that dimension thingie, that takes away the whole premise of it being a video game, since that requires it to run on a computing device. And since it's impossible to store an infinite amount of data, that means if irrational numbers exist, you can't be in such a system. Adding dimensions is only going to increase variables. Also if you're interested in this, you should search for "hidden worlds theory" and 'hidden variables theory". They both give a possibility why the basis of quantum mechanics s what it is (dual slit experiment and whatnot), yet it's probably impossible to prove which is correct.

And when you're going about that many dimensions, you're going to struggle to maintain your own logic. We know space has more than 3 dimensions, since we can measure the faults in our 3D-world: Space is curved by gravity, instead of the rigid 3D-world your drawing represents when you're drawing an x,y and z axis. In that sense, you light detect those lifeforms simply due to other faults that aren't explained by that theory, and I don't think Dark matter comes from intelligent life forms...

Also, if you lose the tip of your finger and replace it with a LED, you can play ET anytime you want. DON'T CUT OFF YOUR FINGER.

Oh right, I have to wish something. Well, let's wish for brainwashing children to be punishable by law.

Edited by laggless01
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Also, if you lose the tip of your finger and replace it with a LED, you can play ET anytime you want. DON'T CUT OFF YOUR FINGER.


*finds led light and adhesive tape*

I am become E.T., hear me glow!!!!

Dunno about the whole multidimensional videogame though. You just made it too complicated for it to be funny anymore. But what are we gonna do about it? Real life is more complicated than 5th dimensional games, sadly :(

Anyways, granted. But, wait, isn't that like, already illegal? Or it should be I think. Well since I have to spoil the wish somehow, I guess the punish consists on brainwashing the criminals' children in front of them, so yeah, it becomes a vicious circle of sorts.

I don't wish this wish was not a double negative. Or... meh forget that I'm content right now. I'll wish something tomorrow, promise.

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Granted, but I can't wait and corrupt your wish anyway. Nothing happens, causing you to facepalm at how precisely the status quo has been kept. As a result, the status quo changes because this thought has entered your brain. ...Where was I going with this?

I wish I had the patience to train up a Vespiquen.+

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