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Sentret - locked for event?



Hey guys,

Just discovered I can get a Ditto by trading some spoiled brat a Furret. Awesome, go back to that little plot of grass in the Opal ward where I know for sure I KO'd a Sentret at the start of the game.

I checked the guide on here, set my computer to daytime and have now run over 40 battles in that little plot of land. Not a single Sentret (however, 2 Ekans, about 5 Meowth, 7-8 Patrat, 5 or so Pidgey, and a whole lot of Rattata (plus one Pineco and a lvl5 Spearow when I got bored of walking in circles).

For reference, I'm taking a break from beating my head against Tangrowth to grind a few levels, thought a Ditto might help (god knows nothing else has). Am I stuck unable to catch a Sentret until I complete the event or possibly just unable to now that I've actually talked to the little Ditto owning girl? Or is it just bad luck with the RNG?

Do I keep walking in circles in this little plot of land or should I just give up on my dreams of Tangrowth vs Tangrowth action?

(Not seeking advice on Tangrowth defeat YET. Still sure I can just bruteforce a solution if I keep trying the same thing over and over again...)

Thanks :)

EDIT: And... I just fainted a shiny Meowth. In some ways, that answers the question. I don't know if I can leave now...

Edited by Melinda
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If you want a Ditto make sure that u talk again and again and again to the day care couple

then go a walk on Coral Ward.... after sometime on some sidequest u will found a Ditto.

As for the Tangrowth if u want help u can post ur team and we can help you about that

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Oh drat. Well, that will teach me about skim reading amd assumptions.

I won't bother with the sentret now I don't think. Not sure a Castform is worth the effort (although I might stick around a little longer looking for a second shiny Meowth...)

Thanks for the offer. If I'm still stuck in a few days I may take you up on it, but I think I'm on the right track with my Buttetfree (we got halfway there at one point!). Just need to grind a few more level to get it into the 20s and train some backup.

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  On 3/8/2015 at 10:15 AM, Melinda said:

Oh drat. Well, that will teach me about skim reading amd assumptions.

I won't bother with the sentret now I don't think. Not sure a Castform is worth the effort (although I might stick around a little longer looking for a second shiny Meowth...)

Thanks for the offer. If I'm still stuck in a few days I may take you up on it, but I think I'm on the right track with my Buttetfree (we got halfway there at one point!). Just need to grind a few more level to get it into the 20s and train some backup.

You have learned a wise lesson, never skim read in pokemon reborn, you'll miss vital clues and some pretty awesome dialogue unless you talk to Fern, he's a douche

Edited by LeMasterJP
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The thing is, Sentrets don't appear where you're looking for them. You can catch them in Obsidia Park post-Tangrowth. I'm not sure you can get them in the version of the park when Tangrowth is active. So you better have to KO that thing first.

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  On 3/8/2015 at 10:06 AM, Qaaz said:

If you want a Ditto make sure that u talk again and again and again to the day care couple

then go a walk on Coral Ward.... after sometime on some sidequest u will found a Ditto.

just to correct this since you seem to really want a ditto, but this person is also wrong. sorry, Qaaz. you get a... happiny from this sidequest? feel free to correct me. but it's definitely not a ditto.

you can get ditto during the blacksteam factory raid with Amaria, if you manipulate the cage puzzle a certain way. (but do it after the lickitung, please. you get a nice surprise that way.) that's my hint to you, since you should have no idea what i'm talking about. :]

Edited by phoenix_fire
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  On 3/8/2015 at 3:25 PM, phoenix_fire said:

just to correct this since you seem to really want a ditto, but this person is also wrong. sorry, Qaaz. you get a... happiny from this sidequest? feel free to correct me. but it's definitely not a ditto.

you can get ditto during the blacksteam factory raid with Amaria, if you manipulate the cage puzzle a certain way. (but do it after the lickitung, please. you get a nice surprise that way.) that's my hint to you, since you should have no idea what i'm talking about. :]

The Ditto appears on the factory only if u have do those 2 sidequest

nothing wrong, I just doesen't want to spoil everything

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