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Pokémon [No Name]


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------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hello, My name is ! HC ! PokeLuke and I am creating a RPGMakerXP Pokémon game.. This project doesn't have an name yet, but that is yet to change sometime.This project wouldn't of been started if it wasn't for Reborn and Rejuvenation. Anyways I am 13 years old, and this is my first full fledged project, now for the story.

------------------------------------------------------------- Story ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You are an 19 year old just awaking from a coma that you were in for 7 years after a group of mysterious people bombed your home town. You were taken in by an professor who was nearby when when it happened, that professor is Professor Luke, and assistant to the head professor, Professor Jacob. You are told to go meet Luke at the CDL or Central Development Lab in Guana City. There is where you will chose your Pokémon and start your journey!

---------------------------------------------------------------- Screenies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


------------------------------------------------------------ Credits -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I would like to first thank Amethyst for Reborn and SuperJanBro (Jan) for Rejuvenation. I would like to thank Alchemi for helping me map and rating my maps. Finally, for the tileset, I would like to thank Manuxd on DeviantArt for the free source HG/SS/B/W free tile sets.

HUGE NOTE: :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa: JK.... I was thinking about it, but as long as people are ok with for a few versions atleast that it be base tiles (like what Zeta and Omicron did) then this project will be in "full steam ahead" mode.... if you get that, have a cookie.

Edited by ! HC ! PokeLuke
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An interesting beginning! For the name I would've suggested: Pokemon Aftermath. Considering your trainer survived the explosion many years later but I did do a quick search and there is already a fanmade pokemon game with such a title. Shame.

I wish you good luck in your project and will be looking forward to see it.

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  • Veterans

Wait,Pokemon Sage is reborn inspired?

Anyways,i was working on my own project but that kinda fell off when my laptop screwed me over...might start it up again sometimes :/

Edited by Dat Assery
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Wait,Pokemon Sage is reborn inspired?

Anyways,i was working on my own project but that kinda fell off when my laptop screwed me over...might start it up again sometimes :/

Oh my, sorry, I meant to say that other fan-game that appeared in these forums before TopicJan's rejuvenation. I really did think it was Sage, but sage is that other game, the one 4chan did. I don't remember the name of the game I meant then, but just for the record (if anyone remembers) is that game in which your first pokemo is an Espurr, and the game starts when you have to pass a university test that you fail because is super hard and your teacher is an asshole. Anyone got the name?

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Oh my, sorry, I meant to say that other fan-game that appeared in these forums before TopicJan's rejuvenation. I really did think it was Sage, but sage is that other game, the one 4chan did. I don't remember the name of the game I meant then, but just for the record (if anyone remembers) is that game in which your first pokemo is an Espurr, and the game starts when you have to pass a university test that you fail because is super hard and your teacher is an asshole. Anyone got the name?

Was it Goodra?

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Was it Goodra?

Pokemon Goodra? No I don't think it was that. I really can't remember the name for some reason, but I know for sure the first pokemon you had was a Espurr.

EDIT: nevermind all this, I found it: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9275&hl=fangame&st=0

Pokemon Aegis, it is called.

Edited by zimvader42
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I'm very impressed at what you are able to accomplish at a mere 13 years.

Maybe you can get yourself into the development team of reborn?

Thanks, and there is NO way I can get on the dev team, if Jan hasn't I can't.

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  • Developers

It's coming out looking pretty nice! One thing I would suggest doing is to stagger the trees because that way it looks more natural.

When they're aligned like that, it looks human arranged, but if that was intentional, then it's fine!

Looking forward for more!

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That sucks:( But I really don't think you should quit because you suck at spriting, I am horrible at spriting but that didn't stop me from working on my own hack (actually it does but I'm working on it) Anyway I hope you reconsider but hey making a game is tough

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