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Rodamus and Luna I am Disappoint


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The last 2 gym leaders I've faced haven't proven too difficult. I've heard Luna is supposed to be a tough battle, but 2 layers of Toxic spikes and a few Close Combats shut her out. For those curious, my squad for the battle was.

Greninja Lv. 58 - Protean

Water Pulse, Extrasensory, Substitute, Smack Down

Noivern Lv 58 - Infiltrator

Dragon Pulse, Boomburst, Shadow Ball, Hurricane

Granbull Lv. 58 - Intimidate

Play Rough, Fire Fang, Outrage, Strength

Drapion Lv. 57 - Sniper

Cross Poison, Fell Stinger, Toxic Spikes, Crunch

Hariyama Lv. 58 - Guts

Knock Off, Close Combat, Wake-Up Slap, Heavy Slam

Mamoswine Lv 58 - Thick Fat

Ancient Power, Rock Smash, Ice Shard, Earthquake.

This squad has served me well since I got it.

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Oops, i misread the topic, and I didn't even know Granbull is good for late game

Well considering you have a Dark, Psychic, Dragon gym leader late game it comes in handy. Not only that since it's a Fairy-Type you can generally fuck with a lot of the other trainers.

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it's good to know SOMEONE uses Hariyama this late in the game when I'm trying to convince people it's a good Pokemon.

Granbull is generally an interesting Pokemon because Clefable and Azumarill are viable options for a team's Fairy type fairly early - which is why the intrigue is there from some.

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it's good to know SOMEONE uses Hariyama this late in the game when I'm trying to convince people it's a good Pokemon.

Granbull is generally an interesting Pokemon because Clefable and Azumarill are viable options for a team's Fairy type fairly early - which is why the intrigue is there from some.

You kinda have to make that sacrifice when you're going for a fighting type. It's either get Hariyama early game or wait til you can get Scraggy and get a Scrafty.

Granbull is just a monster with how many physical attackers you fight in the gyms now.

I just didn't know because no one uses it. :P

Couldn't find a marill so I went with the next best thing.

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Hariyama is pretty useful throughout the game. Thick fat is the key to its success late into the game letting it at least have a decent chance against charlotte (watch for delphox) and blake (watch for jynx) as opposed to everyone jumping on the heracross bandwagon (have fun with that against the leaders after Luna) or conkeldurr. Well conkeldurr will be better, but hariyama has a few decent niches to hold off grinding up the timburr you get later. Any of its abilities are fine though (well except sheer force, until more TM's/tutors come our way)

Granbull is okay but can't see it being of any use after samson. At least until we get to ciel/saphria.

And yeah, Luna and Randomus really need their difficulties cranked up considerably. Especially Luna who is missing out on so many good dark types she could be using to make life hell for us.

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And yeah, Luna and Randomus really need their difficulties cranked up considerably. Especially Luna who is missing out on so many good dark types she could be using to make life hell for us.

Mmm, maybe not Radomus. I think he's fine. Luna, on the other hand, needs a better lead; her Bisharp is set-up bait.

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Hariyama is pretty useful throughout the game. Thick fat is the key to its success late into the game letting it at least have a decent chance against charlotte (watch for delphox) and blake (watch for jynx) as opposed to everyone jumping on the heracross bandwagon (have fun with that against the leaders after Luna) or conkeldurr. Well conkeldurr will be better, but hariyama has a few decent niches to hold off grinding up the timburr you get later. Any of its abilities are fine though (well except sheer force, until more TM's/tutors come our way)

Yo yo yo Heracross + close combat + guts or moxie + big top = dead whatever you're looking at. Sure it's not too good for Charlotte but it's been great for literally every other gym since it got here.

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Yo yo yo Heracross + close combat + guts or moxie + big top = dead whatever you're looking at. Sure it's not too good for Charlotte but it's been great for literally every other gym since it got here.

Blaziken wipes the floor with you unless the AI is too stupid to protect first, Sash Lucario can SD and pick you off with e-speed, and then there's hawlucha, And I'm not sure but I hope Ame gave samson's mienshao acrobatics...

Also since I'm too daft to link up multiple quotes in an edit, Randomus really needs to get rid of exeggutor. 2 quad bug weaknesses when we already have multiple great bug types at this point in the game is sad. Could be replaced with some fast screen user or something neutral to bug preferably, so as to let reuniclus go to town like it was meant to.

Edited by sound of silence
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It''s true, I found Luna and Radomus both very easy.

Since I like slightly fast Pokemon, Radomus was a cakewalk since he's so slow. I hit all his Pokemon before he could set up his precious Trick Room.

That Bisharp isn't a problem. It's slow, weak to Fire, Ground, Fighting, easily outmatched. When I was there she sent out Bisharp and Tiranitar after eachother. I just let my Mamoswine take both of em down one shot. Honchkrow is also slow, so a Icicle Crash to the beak and it was done.

Malamar, Sableye one word: Signal Beam. (twice for Sableye)

And Umbreon, even with it's bulk, barely a problem for Galvantula.

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I always found Radomus really simple in all four of my playthroughs. His leads aren't that great (unlike Charlotte) so setting up isn't too much of an issue.

Luna... on the other hand, gave me trouble a few times. Her Malamar is just a pain if you don't have a Bug-type move, and that Sableye just annoys the crap out of me.

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On Hariyama: It's bulk and the fact that it get's knock off as a level up move makes it fairly viable.

On Randomus: This guy just mainly caught me offguard with the high level gardevoir, and the fact that with psychic doing rock damage too, it had extremely good coverage against my team, so I literraly went back to get a dark type, drapion in my cast, and he became leagues esier.

On Luna: SHe mianly took me 2 tries cause the first attempt I let malimar get 2 superpowers off and at that point I reset. I didnt have any bug type moves to really take it out, so I mainly just made sure that when she swiched into it, my machamp was at full hp, since he could 2 shot the malimar with dynamic punch, and could take 1 psychic move from it.

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Well, see? Even with the AI cheating most leaders are quite easy. Charlotte might make you rage at first, but once you get the hang of it + take some tips from the forum you'll breeze through it too.

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Randomus, I think he is ok? Unless you have a very good team, he will catch you offguard. I did manage to beat him catching a Bouffalant, he did a lot of damage with Mega Horn (OHKO Malamar)
But Luna, in the other hand, she is quite too easy. My team wasn't the best, the only thing I knew about her was that she uses Dark type pokemon: defeated her at first try (I guess this is cause the type itself, nothing more)

But Charlotte, yeah... she was a pain, being not able to return to Reborn City was like death to me. And I manage to beat Terra at the first try

Dont read if you haven't beat the game yet

Mewtwo, for me, were waaaaay more difficult haha

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And I've swept Charlotte without much effort. Mamoswine Earthquake with Noivern using Hurricane to put out the fire. When Mamoswine and Noivern went down I sent out Golem and using Stone Edge and used Hariyama for Knock off and Close Combat.

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