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Should Guard Spec. trigger a misty field?


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This is totally random and it just came to my mind. In Reborn, the move Mist turns the field into a misty field in addition to conferring protection against stat drops. In the main series games, Guard Spec. and Mist have the same effect and even the same use message ("the ally was shrouded in mist!"). So given that Guard Spec. and Mist are canonically exactly the same, should they both have the same effect in Reborn?

Also, I noticed a contradiction on the field effects page for the misty field:

  • All Pokemon are immune to status conditions
  • The base accuracy of these moves [Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss] becomes 100

The first bullet doesn't specify whether the immunity applies to all status conditions or non-volatile status conditions only (Misty Terrain only protects against non-volatile status in-game). The second bullet says that 2 moves which only inflict status are elevated to 100 accuracy in a terrain that protects against status.

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