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Fire gym strats..


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So I'm having some major trouble with this one.. My main team that I play with that is generally really strong all got OHKO'd ;-; I'm now training a shiny Golem I got a while back (who's sprite looks amazing) and I'm debating on whether I should start training a level 5 panpour because he learns scald. But to train a level 5 up to a level 66ish.. takes soo much time. I'm trying a level 20 prankster Sableye using rain dance and sturdy golem with stealth rocks, but the rocks don't help much when I can't take out a single one of her pokemon.. My pachirisu with thunder wave isn't even fast enough to slow down that monster typhlosion. Any ideas?

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First of all, have you looked at the Gym leader help thread yet? If not, try giving that a shot before making a new topic. Second, you placed the topic in the wrong place.

But on topic again, can you give me your most used team members and their nature, moveset and possibly held-items? Then I can help you further.

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First of all, have you looked at the Gym leader help thread yet? If not, try giving that a shot before making a new topic. Second, you placed the topic in the wrong place.

But on topic again, can you give me your most used team members and their nature, moveset and possibly held-items? Then I can help you further.

First, yeah I did. Not much help there.. And second sorry I saw another topic about Charlotte in this category too, so that's why I put this one here...

Yeah I actually did semi okay on that last run through, but Golem's Explosion didn't make the superheated field a burning field like the field guide says. I don't know if that was a glitch or Ame just took that feature out and didn't change it in the guide. I'll go get their nature and such, but can you do me a favor and list all of her pokemon?

That last run I had was purely luck because I can't come close to that far again. If I could get rid of the superheated field I would be in a much better spot but explosion for some reason doesn't eliminate it..

I really hate this whole being cut off from the rest of the world thing.. I have a pokemon who would do really well that's in daycare and a tirtouga and tyrunt fossil, both who would do amazingly in this gym...

Edited by superlucario603
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That prankster Sableye will work great with the golem.

Turn 1 make the sableye use trick room, golem use stealth rock.

Turn 2 sableye rain dance, golem use explosion/earthquake, probably earthquake.

Then everything is set up for you to wing the rest.

Don't train the panpour, not worth it. Simipour is a pour pokemon Worst pun in the world

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First, yeah I did. Not much help there.. And second sorry I saw another topic about Charlotte in this category too, so that's why I put this one here...

Yeah I actually did semi okay on that last run through, but Golem's Explosion didn't make the superheated field a burning field like the field guide says. I don't know if that was a glitch or Ame just took that feature out and didn't change it in the guide. I'll go get their nature and such, but can you do me a favor and list all of her pokemon?

That last run I had was purely luck because I can't come close to that far again. If I could get rid of the superheated field I would be in a much better spot but explosion for some reason doesn't eliminate it..

I really hate this whole being cut off from the rest of the world thing.. I have a pokemon who would do really well that's in daycare and a tirtouga and tyrunt fossil, both who would do amazingly in this gym...

She has a Typhlosion, Darmanitan, Ninetales, Volcarona, Rotom-H and Delphox.

Heatproof Bronzong and Thick Fat Walrein could be valid counters for her. Or you could utilize a Rock-Slide user with a Trick Room user like in LittleDevilex's video somewhere below.

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My favorite strategy against Charlotte is having a bulky pokemon survive a few hits from her Darmanitan. Then just 1v6 to make her battle you in singles format. So you can use stat boost moves and battle items like x defense to just sweep her team easily. This only works if you have lots of battle items.

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That prankster Sableye will work great with the golem.

Turn 1 make the sableye use trick room, golem use stealth rock.

Turn 2 sableye rain dance, golem use explosion/earthquake, probably earthquake.

Then everything is set up for you to wing the rest.

Don't train the panpour, not worth it. Simipour is a pour pokemon Worst pun in the world

Don't you wish the world was this sweet? Sableye can't learn trick room...

And a lot of good pokemon for this battle you can only get earlier in the game, like in the different wards and such.. Cough fossil pokemon cough

Edited by superlucario603
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You can find Cottonee around Calcenon and evolve it to whimsicott, look for a prankster one and have it set up Trick Room next to a strong Rock Type, with Rock Slide or a Ground type with Earthquake (Whimsicott just eats earthquakes for breakfast) then have it use Rain Dance.

Just thought of it and it might work.

Edited by Helia
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Stealth rocks is essential to getting an advantage over charolette. good thing all her pokemon has a rock type weakness. also eliminate the field effect

I get up stealth rocks on first turn with sturdy Golem.. eliminating the field effect is impossible.. I looked at the field effect guide and decided that Explosion on Golem would be best to get rid of the superheated field, but it didn't work for some reason, it just stayed the same. Can't really find anything else to get rid of it.

You can find Cottonee around Calcenon and evolve it to whimsicott, look for a prankster one and have it set up Trick Room next to a strong Rock Type, with Rock Slide or a Ground type with Earthquake (Whimsicott just eats earthquakes for breakfast) then have it use Rain Dance.

Just thought of it and it might work.

I like it but one the trick room's reverse priority, and it would die on first turn because typhlosion=sonic.

Do you have a pokemon that is quite fast, and can learn rain dance? i find that works. i used emolga and paired it with Golem for SR and rain. shit works, son

Mine is the level you find it when you catch it. My pachirisu knows it but Sonic Typhlosion outspeeds it

Edit: Finally beat her! Didn't have to level anyone up either. Used Rain Dance with Prankster Sableye, stealth rocks with Golem. I reset until Darmanitan didn't use rock slide. After he sent out ninetails and it got the drought, I just used a revive on Sableye and got another rain dance then Greninja sweeped out the team with Water Shruiken from there,

Edited by superlucario603
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