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Worst Pokemon type.


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Rock type

I don't like rock type and I see nobody use it exept it a Aggron and it suck weak to:fighting grass water ground and steel

I prefer grass type more than this one.

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My pick for worst type varies depending on whether you're talking about offensive or defensive.

Offensively, I'd have to say Normal type. Sure, it hits most types with no resistances, but not having any types that it's super effective against seriously hampers it, and being resisted/completely ineffective against two commonly used types (Steel and Ghost) doesn't help any.

Defensively, I'm going with Rock. While it has good defenses and quite a few resistances, it has tons of weaknesses (many of which gravitate towards special attacks, which exploit the lower special defense of rock-types), and it's defensively inferior to types like Steel or Fairy.

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If you mean when giving types to a pokemon, I'd say Rock and Ice (sorry Aurorus, I still love you, but your type is as horrible as Leavanny's. I also love you, Leavanny, but your type...)

The only thing you can combine these two to get a somewhat decent typing leaves them with still plenty of weaknesses and few or no resistances at all.

Ice makes a good combo with either Water or Electric (the only non pure ice type combos that have four weaknesses with none of them being a x4 times weakness; also, NO type combo with ice can possibly have less than 4 weaknesses naturally, that's how bad of a defensive type it is). In my opinion, Ice could really benefit from some resistances: Grass, Flying and Ground, for example (and if you stretch it enough, maybe even Water, since ice floats over it, and Dragon, because some lizards die in the cold...generally), could make it a lot more viable when they're the type of a pokemon, and not just the type of the moves, because I'll admit that as an attacking type, Ice is pretty good.

As for Rock, the most decent defensive combo is when paired with Grass (ironic that the two types with the most weaknesses cancel most of each other's down) and also Flying. In my opinion rock should resist more things: itself, to begin with, and also Bug and Ice, to say the least. Other good resistances, even though a bit farfetched, could be against Dark and Electric. Just like Ice, rock is pretty good offensively, but I don't think giving it five weaknesses is justified just for that.

And offensively, well I think every type has its strengths at some point, in some battle, somewhere. Specially when they receive STAB from the pokemon using the moves. If I had to say one, um, well Steel is pretty terrible outside of Iron head and Meteor Mash/Bullet Punch. All not-so-powerful moves with bad accuracy and that are generally only useful against fairies. A close second would be Ghost, if it wasn't so good to deal with Mega Gardevoir & Gallade. But anyways ghost is more to annoy and burn people than to attack them directly. Poison types aren't as bad as you think, neither offensively or defensively.

It also took me like three minutes to choose a color for every type mentioned, so I don't even know why I bother. It's pretty tho

EDIT: I didn't put grass together with ice and rock because at least grass, while not that good as attacking type (not even against water types generally, only good when thunderbolt can't do its job against water/ground bulkers...), is at least somewhat decent if paired in a good type combo. For instance, Grass/steel has only two weaknesses, and yeah despite one of them being a 4x kind, you just have to make sure there are no fire benders in the field before switching into it. The classic grass/poison is as well pretty decent, and the same for grass/water and grass/fire... if this last one actually existed, that is.

Edited by zimvader42
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Offensively, I'd have to say Normal type. Sure, it hits most types with no resistances, but not having any types that it's super effective against seriously hampers it, and being resisted/completely ineffective against two commonly used types (Steel and Ghost) doesn't help any.

*cough* Scrappy *cough* *cough* STAB moves *cough*

Dear me, I should probably stop by for some Advil.

Sadly I agree that Rock types are usually in tough to go with when you have five weaknesses that have common moves like Earthquake and Surf. Although they can really hold their own with Sandstorm but when you roll with a Rock type independently of it it'll be tough to keep it alive against good players.

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Rock, grass, bug, dark and ice for me.

Dark is currently one of the best offensive types, if not the best.

If we are looking at it at a ratio of super-effective/not-very-effective&immunity, Bug gets the first spot.

However, we are also looking at the pokemon we can work with.

To finish with dark, it can also be used defensively. Remember the dark/ghost combo, which has 1 weakness to the seldom fairy offense.

Moving on with the topic, once more, Bug.

Those little fellows, apart from their mediocre stats, not being able to excell anywhere, are nerfed once again this gen, with an extra resistance, fairy.

Now 7/18 pure thingies cannot be touched. This translates to 1/3rd of all pokemon in existence to be resistant to it and almost 1/3rd of the OU tier, while it's super effective against only 9 OU pokemon (including BL).

Defensively, they can't really do anything. Having a resistance to ground is nice, but birdspam, fire-attacks and the ever mandatory rock attacks (AND SR WEAKNESS) don't give a good prognosis for the little people.

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Fairy isn't really a bad type, really... it's just that there aren't many good moves for it. You've got Moonblast, Play Rough, and Dazzling Gleam for the odd ones out like Gengar and stuff. But that's really it, every other move is just really bad.

Ice is also alright, but it has a lot of weaknesses and is resisted by more Pokemon than Rock.

When you get down to it, no one type is really that bad, and being of one particular type won't necessarily cripple you (unless your name is Aurorus). Each one has their own strengths and trying to find the worst one is a bit like comparing apples and oranges. That's what I think, anyway.

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Up until gen 4 bug was pretty garbage. Poison is pretty bad since it's weak to psychic and weak to one of the most common moves in the game. Earthquake.

Ice is the glass cannon type. Way too many weaknesses.

So yeah I agree rock.

Water has to be THE best type.

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Dark is currently one of the best offensive types, if not the best.

If we are looking at it at a ratio of super-effective/not-very-effective&immunity, Bug gets the first spot.

However, we are also looking at the pokemon we can work with.

To finish with dark, it can also be used defensively. Remember the dark/ghost combo, which has 1 weakness to the seldom fairy offense.

Moving on with the topic, once more, Bug.

Those little fellows, apart from their mediocre stats, not being able to excell anywhere, are nerfed once again this gen, with an extra resistance, fairy.

Now 7/18 pure thingies cannot be touched. This translates to 1/3rd of all pokemon in existence to be resistant to it and almost 1/3rd of the OU tier, while it's super effective against only 9 OU pokemon (including BL).

Defensively, they can't really do anything. Having a resistance to ground is nice, but birdspam, fire-attacks and the ever mandatory rock attacks (AND SR WEAKNESS) don't give a good prognosis for the little people.

I see what you mean with the dark/ghost combo. It was pretty much godly poke type in 1-5 gen.

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I don't believe in any worst type, nessecarily all types have their own play style and are best used at different times or in different ways, each type has sstrengths and weaknesses and based on how or when you use that type you will either find it strong or weak.

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Ok another one. Dragon. Sure it's not weak too grass,water,fire and electric. But only super effectivie attack is just dragon. And fairy, steel. Yeah.

I may be a wrong since most of the pseudo-legendary is dragon type. And other things etc.

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