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This Isn't Fair!


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I'm not hijacking your post,I was simply telling you to get over it;Shinies arent too rare in reborn anyways.If you can't do that,this game aint the one for sadly.

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  On 3/10/2015 at 4:38 PM, RagesSorrow said:

I picked pokemon that would help me counter all of the leaders in the game. Pokemon that had setup moves, bulk, speed, and power. As stated, I simply planned better.

Anywhore back on topic. It sucks when you encounter a shiny that you can't catch.

Not everyone looks up every leader in a pokemon game, then min/maxes there team to beat them with no issues. Everyone plays differently. Also you derailed your own topic, since you started talking about the gym leaders being easy.

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  On 3/10/2015 at 4:54 PM, deadpool848 said:

Not everyone looks up every leader in a pokemon game, then min/maxes there team to beat them with no issues. Everyone plays differently. Also you derailed your own topic, since you started talking about the gym leaders being easy.

I didn't look up any leaders pokemon. I simply picked 6 pokemon I knew would win no matter what. Now let's get back on topic.

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  On 3/10/2015 at 4:02 PM, RagesSorrow said:

So I'm doing the route 2 forest puzzle that involves the Pinsir's and Heracross'. I challenge one of the Pinsir's and I get this: http://gyazo.com/b28ad5a078f61e184be313158a83d0a7 This just isn't fair.

I know that feel. Just the other day I encountered a shiny Heracross via the forest puzzle. Wai Ame wai ;_;

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Since Pinsir and Heracross are wild, then wouldn't they be obtainable by just catching them?

If that is possible, then what's so unfair about catching a shiny? Back in the day, if you saw a shiny, you would do EVERYTHING to catch it. I know I do! Even though there are new ways of catching shiny Pokemon, I still catch them the best I can.

"I don't want to catch a shiny." Said no one ever.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 12:06 AM, Trevo said:

"I don't want to catch a shiny." Said no one ever.

Sadly, I think I'm the one guy that doesn't care about shinies. I mean some of them look really cool, but I prefer the normal sprites for some reason (except Shiny Ludicolo. He's the best shiny).

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  On 3/11/2015 at 12:17 AM, Commander said:

Sadly, I think I'm the one guy that doesn't care about shinies. I mean some of them look really cool, but I prefer the normal sprites for some reason (except Shiny Ludicolo. He's the best shiny).

I agree. I really don't care about shinies. If I find them in the normal games, I catch them because their good trading Pokemon,

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  On 3/10/2015 at 4:20 PM, Qaaz said:

You beat Nerf Noel #3 not Noel

and almost everyone was nerfed

I'm curious, what was the original Noel like? When I first fought him in Episode 10 (before the 10.5 update), he had Cinccino, Swellow, Staraptor, Girafarig, Porygon-Z, and Clefable. I was able to beat him on my first try, but I had a CC Infernape to outspeed and OHKO the Cinccino and Porygon-Z, so for me the battle was super easy.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 3:05 AM, Fury said:

I'm curious, what was the original Noel like? When I first fought him in Episode 10 (before the 10.5 update), he had Cinccino, Swellow, Staraptor, Girafarig, Porygon-Z, and Clefable. I was able to beat him on my first try, but I had a CC Infernape to outspeed and OHKO the Cinccino and Porygon-Z, so for me the battle was super easy.

That was the original. But now, his Clefable is Fairy, and he leads with a Wigglytuff instead of Girafarig I think.

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The original Noel (10-10.5) wasn't too hard IMO (except that Clefable). I can understand removing Staraptor though because that thing could hit hard and his team was already pretty good. Originally, he led with Mincinno and that thing in and of itself was a challenge to take down. If you don't OHKO it (which you probably won't), expect to be hit hard by at least Tail Slap (unless you have a Steel type).

I haven't fought any of the old leaders with their new field effects (except Julia) so I can't tell you which leaders were nerfed and buffed, but Serra was the only leader who was nerfed hard for the 10.5 release. Aya and Florinia were toned down a little bit and a couple leaders got new Pokemon, but that's about it.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 3:06 AM, Lostelle said:

That was the original. But now, his Clefable is Fairy, and he leads with a Wigglytuff instead of Girafarig I think.

He used to lead with Cinccino, that much I remember. If you didn't have a fast Pokemon with a strong enough Fighting-Type attack or a bulky enough Steel-Type, you were going to have a very bad time.

I also fought against him with a different file right after Gen 6 and the first wave of Field Effects were implemented into the game, so I remember the transition from Normal-Type to Fairy-Type for his Clefable, though I wasn't aware that Girafarig was replaced with Wigglytuff. This must have been done recently.

  On 3/11/2015 at 4:25 AM, Commander said:

The original Noel (10-10.5) wasn't too hard IMO (except that Clefable). I can understand removing Staraptor though because that thing could hit hard and his team was already pretty good. Originally, he led with Mincinno and that thing in and of itself was a challenge to take down. If you don't OHKO it (which you probably won't), expect to be hit hard by at least Tail Slap (unless you have a Steel type).

I haven't fought any of the old leaders with their new field effects (except Julia) so I can't tell you which leaders were nerfed and buffed, but Serra was the only leader who was nerfed hard for the 10.5 release. Aya and Florinia were toned down a little bit and a couple leaders got new Pokemon, but that's about it.

Wait, Staraptor was removed from Noel's roster? Aw, now I'm sad. :(

Some leaders are more difficult than others with the new Field Effects. Julia's still easy. I prefer pre-nerf Florinia since half her team back then (Carnivine, Foongus, and Breloom) didn't outright die to Toxic Spikes, but the more Sandstorm-focused team looks really cool since you never see that sort of thing. Corey got a lot more powerful with the Corrosive Mist field, but once you get rid of it, it's really only his Skuntank and Crobat that could give you trouble as usual. Haven't battled against Shelly, Kiki, or Aya with their new Field Effects yet. Don't know if Serra has one by now, but I'm hoping the Ice Field will be implemented soon to make her more difficult (I really, REALLY miss Double Battle Serra). Radomus' is really cool as it checks Bug-Types, which his Exeggutor and Malamar have a 4x weakness to.

I'm saddened that Charlotte doesn't lead with Ninetales anymore. Darmanitan is powerful, don't get me wrong, but going in blind for the first time and seeing her throw out Typhlosion and Ninetales at the same time, have Drought kick in, and have their Eruption/Heat Wave attacks change and compliment the field under Sunny weather just makes you go "woah, calm down". And even if you make it rain all up in there, her second Ninetales checks that. It's a good challenge to have to overcome, but I guess not everyone felt that way, hence the nerf, which again saddens me. :(

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  On 3/11/2015 at 5:46 AM, Fury said:

He used to lead with Cinccino, that much I remember. If you didn't have a fast Pokemon with a strong enough Fighting-Type attack or a bulky enough Steel-Type, you were going to have a very bad time.

Actually I'm completely wrong.

His old team consisted of: Cinccino, Girafarig, Clefable, Porygon-Z, Staraptor & Swellow.

Currently, (Episode 14) he has: Wigglytuff, Cinccino, Girafarig, Clefable, Porygon-z & Swellow.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 6:55 PM, Lostelle said:

Actually I'm completely wrong.

His old team consisted of: Cinccino, Girafarig, Clefable, Porygon-Z, Staraptor & Swellow.

Currently, (Episode 14) he has: Wigglytuff, Cinccino, Girafarig, Clefable, Porygon-z & Swellow.

Oh, so the Staraptor was removed for Wigglytuff while Girafarig stayed. Darn, that's kind of lame. That Staraptor was nice and powerful too.

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  On 3/13/2015 at 1:01 AM, Fury said:

Oh, so the Staraptor was removed for Wigglytuff while Girafarig stayed. Darn, that's kind of lame. That Staraptor was nice and powerful too.

I miss his old Staraptor too (although it was a pain to defeat).

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I had a lot of trouble with noel. I don't know what episode it was but my biggest problem was that Cinccino. None of my pokémon could outspeed it or OHKO it so it destroyed my team with the flinch hax and even if i did manage to kill it that swellow destroyed my team, but staraptor wasn't really that much of a big deal to me. So my strategy at the time was using intimidate gyarados and get at least 2 dragon dances of but that flinch screwed me up. And because gyarados only good stab move at the time was aquatail and those misses. I needed to reset so many times to not get a flinch and a miss.

Edited by Ametsune
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  On 3/13/2015 at 9:23 AM, KillerTyphlosion said:

I had a lot of trouble with noel. I don't know what episode it was but my biggest problem was that Cinccino. None of my pokémon could outspeed it or OHKO it so it destroyed my team with the flinch hax and even if i did manage to kill it that swellow destroyed my team, but staraptor wasn't really that much of a big deal to me. So my strategy at the time was using intimidate gyarados and get at least 2 dragon dances of but that flinch screwed me up. And because gyarados only good stab move at the time was aquatail and those misses. I needed to reset so many times to not get a flinch and a miss.

Cincinno was a bastard to beat

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