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Tomas Elliot

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Ok, sorry. But I thought he could say something like "I'd like to join and use stellarknights" here with a post... Sorry everyone for this misunderstanding.

(response to Tomas)

Edited by Cyaloom
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It really doesn't take all that long if you know what you're looking for. You don't have to type in the full name either, so as a shortcut if you are using a certain archetype, just type the archetypes name or part of it in (It has to be in the name of the card you are looking for though). For example just typing "Noble" when looking for Noble Knights brings up all of them.

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Darklight and I have been practicing for a while. She swept the floor with me the first game, and then I made a huge comeback the second game!

Wait, Darklight is a she?

Now I feel like a total moron for some remarks I made in the past...

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Will the xyz monsters (in general, so not only for number cards) be limited to 1 each deck? Otherwise i'm afraid people will spam multiple (and mostly the same) xyz monsters in the first turn...

Only Numbers are limited. But geez, why so obsessed by Xyz monsters? They aren't the worst not the most spammed/abused mechanic out there... Besides, a quick look at the sheer amount of variety we have in this roleplay (decks completely different from one another, some aren't even Xyz-based) should reassure you...

2z9brti.png On the side of every post she makes ;)

I can't read ok? <.<

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Will the xyz monsters (in general, so not only for number cards) be limited to 1 each deck? Otherwise i'm afraid people will spam multiple (and mostly the same) xyz monsters in the first turn...

That's kind of exactly how my deck is supposed to be played as far as I can tell...

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@Cyaloom: I had originally planned on using Constellars but once I saw they were taken, I scavenged around for a new archetype and was so hyped when I found Tellarknights. They're practically sister archetypes. Also, you have excellent taste in archs.

But yeah, I'd love for Monika and Sidus to be friends. It's the perfect combo! However, I am kind of a novice (just like Sidus) but I like to think I'm a fast learner.

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If it makes anyone feel better, I'm pretty sure I'll be the Tristan of the RP. I actually had to watch a tutorial video to remember the different phases.

Yu-gi-ohs basic structure has never been hard to pick up for anyone i know. Even my parents managed to figure it out and they don't do games at all. It's just all the in-depth mechanics that eah deck uses that will catch people off guard and all the combos. Plus I didn't realise DN was completely manual when I first played Showdown and PO have spoiled me with simulators.

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Yu-gi-ohs basic structure has never been hard to pick up for anyone i know. Even my parents managed to figure it out and they don't do games at all. It's just all the in-depth mechanics that eah deck uses that will catch people off guard and all the combos. Plus I didn't realise DN was completely manual when I first played Showdown and PO have spoiled me with simulators.

Yeah I had a couple matches with Eon earlier and I was used to YGOPro so I slipped up every here and there with the manual thing. But I lost to him is because my only deck on there from forever ago sucks I'm a bit rusty still.

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Phew! Hope I am not too late with this application.

Name: Dominic Volk

Gender: Male


He wears short, black boxing shoes with white detailing. Over them are loose-fitting gray pants. His shirt is a dark blue with short sleeves, over that is an un-zipped white hooded jacket with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He also wears black and gray fingerless gloves that reach up to his wrist.

Dominic is a very out-spoken and loud person, often saying his thoughts aloud without a second thought, for better or for worse. He has a strong desire for victory, and he is not afraid to show it, in and out of battle. However, his consistent wins in past matches has led him to develop a sense of pride in himself, not fully acknowledging the opponent until he himself faces them in battle. He desires duels, with an intense objective of victory over them.

Dominic had an indomitable passion for Boxing, and marvelous skill as a fighter. His fights as they went on became one-sided and ended within the first round, something he rather enjoyed. However, as time passed, his requests for battle slowly died, and his own challenges were swiftly refused. Some time later, he learned that some of the once fierce people he fought in the ring, were now engaged in a new game, Duel Monsters. His spirit for boxing never died, but a new flame of interest grew when he saw the enormous crowds of duelists, and his future opponents. From that moment, he set his task to challenge the ring of Duel Monsters the same way he did Boxing.

Number Holder Y/N: N

Deck of choice: Battlin' Boxers

DN Name: Dominic Volk

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Which by the way is another plus of DN over DevPro: come to think of it, auto-rulings mean you cannot take back a move if you mess up. On DN, if your opponent is patient enough (dunno about the others, but I will be), you can try again... Which is particularly useful for these pre-RP duels we are having these days, as it helps you guys to get the hang of it.

Also, something I should mention: many people noe have told me that this RP is getting very very big, maybe too big. Should I close apps for the time being?

And welcome on board Zechs! I was waiting for you!

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Which by the way is another plus of DN over DevPro: come to think of it, auto-rulings mean you cannot take back a move if you mess up. On DN, if your opponent is patient enough (dunno about the others, but I will be), you can try again... Which is particularly useful for these pre-RP duels we are having these days, as it helps you guys to get the hang of it.

Also, something I should mention: many people noe have told me that this RP is getting very very big, maybe too big. Should I close apps for the time being?

And welcome on board Zechs! I was waiting for you!

IMO, you should've closed it at 10-15ish. Trying to keep track of more then 20 things at once can be hard to say the least though if you can handle it more power to you. But I think you should close registrations

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Ymora is chaotic enough and that's also dealing with mechanics of pokemon, something we're all familiar with. Tracking Yu-gi-oh mechanics and all the other players will be very difficult alongside the isues of running an RP as is. Granted the use of the numbers holders and protagonists idea makes things easier, it's still gonna be hard to deal with this many people.

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Eh, I guess. To b honest I wasn't expecting this kind of success, and I was hoping I could wait for people to claim all Arcana Numbers spots... Fortunately enough, I designed this roleplay specifically to reduce the amount of work on the host's part, but still, I guess I shouldn't push my luck.


Editing OP as well.

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I just counted, we have a grand total of 27 participants including the host. I do daresay this might be a complete clusterfuck at the start.

Which is why the first topic i going to be an "At School" one. I have planned at least this much ;)

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As I have stated multiple times, the first IC topic will be posted on sunday night (GMT+1). Please take advantage of the time at your disposal to test your deck, polish your character's personality, and stuff like that.

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