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Tomas Elliot

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Question. I know it says to wait until everyone has posted before posting again, or if it's been 24 hours, but if you interact directly with a person, they're allowed to respond without waiting so long, right?

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Question. I know it says to wait until everyone has posted before posting again, or if it's been 24 hours, but if you interact directly with a person, they're allowed to respond without waiting so long, right?

To be absolutely honest I still think it would be better to wait, so that more people can try and get involved in the conversation... I mean we are still in the early stages, so making conversations too exclusive might prove a bad idea. With this being said, if two people want to speed up their conversation, I won't stand in their way. Just try and avoid situations in which the posts of those two people are all there is to an entire page of topic, without anyone else being able to say anything in the meantime...

Oh and this cannot be overstated: GUYS REMEMBER TO INSERT, AT THE TOP OF YOUR POST, AN INDICATION STATING WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO, SHOULD YOU DECIDE TO TALK TO SOMEONE IN PARTICULAR. We are 27, if you don't do this, the topic will soon be a mess...

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Noted. I can't post right now, I was just wondering for future reference, best to get it outta the way early. :P

By all means, should you or everyone else need further clarifications such as this one, do ask. That's why I am here in the first place :)

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Well, sometimes individual discussion will be better. It's hard to get closer and more personal when there's 25 other people listening in. I mean, would you talk about yourself in front of the ENTIRE class?

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I think a lot of it also has to do with timing. Conversations, sure, might be fine, but especially limit actions, because then you might have some people moving around and doing a bunch of stuff while another person takes like 1 step.

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@Eonic Eevee you have already made what, 3 or 4 posts? I distinctly remember saying something about having to wait for others to post, before posting again. I understand your enthusiasm but please slow down, and allow the others to post as well.

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You don't have to go back and edit or anything, but for future reference his name is Gawyn not Gwyn since I saw it spelled that way more than once.

Ooops my bad :/

By the way, can we have duel spirits?

The way the plot is structured, it wouldn't make any sense, so no, sorry.

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EonicEevee, can I ask you to please post in third person? The transition between first and third is very jarring whenever you post. Additionally, it's easier to put in more detail, which your posts have been lacking thus far. Try to emulate the other RPers.

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EonicEevee, can I ask you to please post in third person? The transition between first and third is very jarring whenever you post. Additionally, it's easier to put in more detail, which your posts have been lacking thus far. Try to emulate the other RPers.

I... think he is posting in third person, just that the first two posts were entirely dialogue and the third was entirely description. But yeah, it would be better clearer.

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Sigh, so much for allowing everyone to post, I guess.

Is it too early? I mean, I am close to finished writing the post so I don't mind keeping it on the back-burner for a bit until everyone gets the chance to post.

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Is it too early? I mean, I am close to finished writing the post so I don't mind keeping it on the back-burner for a bit until everyone gets the chance to post.

I would prefer that, yes. The tidier we keep the whole thing, the better. Keep in mind that, as the host, I have to keep track of what everyone is doing, so the bigger the difference in post frequence is between players (as in, someone gets to make five posts in the time another takes to make two), the harder it gets for me. Let's try and help one another, shall we?

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Oops kinda posted without thinking. I'm done for tonight then.
For those of you who still need deck help, I've got school tomorrow so I won't be able to get to pms until the evening.

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Personally, I wouldn't mind the clutter as I've learned how to go through 100 replies in one setting (or however many are on 3-4 pages) thanks to Ymora (yes, I do read through all those replies). You just gotta learn what to skim and what to thoroughly read. I'll be making a post rather quickly now.

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