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Tomas Elliot

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Thank you for avoiding me the double post Turbo, I have had this post ready since this morning and I was waiting for someone to post... :)

So firstly, I have prepared a list of recurring NPCs. These are the NPCs that will always be around during "After School" topics: when exploring the city, you will be free to interact with them should you run into them (notice that this is actually recommended, as it is the main way to obtain info for your investigations). Each NPC will have a distinct personality, so the method to obtain info from them won't be the same for anyone: some may refuse to give away ino outright, some may agree only if you address them in a specific way, some may ask for something in return, some may be difficult to approach, so that you'll need to talk about a specific topic to break the ice, and some may challenge you to a duel. Also notice that this list does not cover ALL the NPCs that will appear during the "After School" topics: there will be plenty of one-shot NPCs, and/or NPCs that will appear only in specific occasions. This list only inculdes the recurring ones, that is those who will be possible to meet in ALL of the "After School" topics.

Mister Takeda: owner of the local card shop, he is a very kind old man, who always does his best to be gentle to his customers. He is very popular among children and has owned the shop for a long time, so if you are native of Heartland you surely know him. He hates arrogant people, but as long as you address him politely he will always be very friendly, and will do his best to help you to the best of his abilities. He plays a Gagaga deck, but he considers himself to be too old for the game, so he doesn't duel often. He can generally be found at his shop.

Charles: a motorcyclist and a rebel without cause, he acts like a tough guy, but is actually a gentle and caring individual. He loves women and dueling: to impress a girl he liked he invented the Triple Duel, and is now working on a revolutionary ruleset he branded the "Rotational Duel". He refuses to share details on this latest project of his, so nobody knows what the name is actually supposed to mean. He plays a Red-Eyes deck, but he is not that great at dueling and has no problems admitting it: however, he is very proud of his skills at inventing new games. His dream is to be hired by one of the manufactures of the city and become a game designer. He can be foud at the card shop, at the Bootleg Pub, or riding his motorbike around the city. Since he is somewhat popular for his extravagant persona and his inventions, you might be familiar with him if you are native of Heartland.

Jack: owner of the Bootleg, a pub that is pretty notorious around the city. He is very street smart and knows everything about anyone, an effect of having people of all kinds hang around in his pub, and listening to the rumors they spread. He believes that information is the most valuable kind of goods that exist, so he will tell you everything he knows about a matter only if you can pay the right price. Which doesn't mean actual money, he might simply ask you to do something for him in return. Since he doesn't want to get in trouble with the law, he won't give you a drink if you are younger than 18. He doesn't duel and doesn't even own a deck, and is always found in his pub.

Mister Arclight: owner of a factory that produces Duel Gazers, he is very knowledgeable of all matters involving Augmented Reality Duels, which are the major trend in the city. Hot-blooded, and enthusiastic, he is always promoting the latest products of his factory, and can be found everywhere around the city, carrying around a sandwich board and interviewing his beloved "customers" about their satisfaction with his Duel Gazers. He might seem a bit quirky, but he is considered a benefactor and a model citizen, and people from Heartland know and love him. He has a Gogogo deck and takes duels very enthusiastically (as per usual with him), but he's kinda a pushover.

Lisa Arclight: The 8 YO daughter of Mister Arclight even if, for people who don't know her surname, it might be difficult to believe the two are related. Lisa is timid and silent as much as her father is enthusiastic and hot-blooded, and while her father loves a good laugh, Lisa is hardly ever seen smiling if at all. She speaks in a very low voice and can come off as kinda creepy, because she most definitely doesn't behave like a kid her age: her gothic lolita clothing, that makes her look like a cute doll from the victorian period, only adds to her general creepiness. She can be found around the city, on errands for her father. She dislikes dueling and doesn't even own a deck, much to her father's frustration: despite this disagreement however, Mister Arclight loves daughter son and is very vocal about it. It's just that the kid doesn't seem to appreciate.

Margaret: A fortune teller who works at Heart Park, Heartland's huge theme park. She is a mysterious person who always wears a veil to conceal her face, leaving only her golden eyes and a lock of her platinum hair visible. Her furtunes have a reputation for often proving true, even if they are always worded in ambiguous ways. Possibly because she is used to her fortunes, she always speaks in riddles. She plays a Fortune Lady deck, but she usually doesn't duel unless strictly necessary, and is always found at her stand in the park. There is something unnervingly familiar about her...

The Ice Queen: A mysterious masked duelist. She is said to use cards that emanate a mysterious power, and to challenge her victims to illegal duels. Nothing about this has ever been confirmed with facts, so her very existence is some sort of urban legend. There are many people, including Charles, who would would love to meet her, be it to confirm her existance or to try and romance her. Nothing more about her is known.

Officer Adams: A friendly cop who is investigating Tenjo's death. He is rather talkative and tends to accidentally give away precious info, much to his superior's annoyance. Despite looking and behaving like some kind of klutz, he is a well-meaning individual and a competent cop. He plays a The Agent deck and cannot possibly resist the call of a good challenge, another trait of his personality that often gets him in troubles with his superior. He dreams of finding the truth about the Ice Queen, which is yet another trait of his that gets him in troubles with his superior. When not on duty, he can be found at the Bootleg.

Lieutenant Flagstarr: The direct superior of Officer Adams, she is a no-nonsense woman who is very good at her job, but tends to be a bit rude with civilians. She means well, but she really is lacking in manners, which makes her come off as unfriendly. She hates duels, urban legens and meddling civilians, and because of this she is often annoyed, if not downright frustrated, by Adams' behaviour. When not on duty she can be found at the central square, where she likes to have a seat and watch the people walk. When on duty, she will be with Adams, and she will be scolding him for anything inappropriate she says or does, so it might not be the best time to talk to him...

I'll see if this list fits in the OP. So yeah, enjoy the "At School" topic for now, and get ready to meet these people during the upcoming "After School" session! If you want further info, feel free to ask.

Secondly, I am removing the Arcana Numbers nobody claimed from the list in the OP: those of them that aren't Deck Locked will be threated as normal Numbers in possession of some rogue Number Holder, so you guys will have the opportunity to claim them. As for those that are Deck Locked, I will decide of their fate later on this week.

Thirdly, I have somehow forgotten to mention this publicly, but King Murdoc has agreed to be our co-host. I am adding this info to the OP, Murdoc I am sorry for not mentioning this earlier, I really don't know how I could forget!

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'Twas mentioned to a few people, and I can already see the ideal NPCs for Klive (And Robert if Turbo feels like coming along) to visit

Indeed it was, but it was my duty to also mention it here... Which I always forgot for some reason ;-;

And now I am curious to know what you might have spotted :P

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Heh, I like the speculation side between Robert and Klive, though I remembered something canon I overlooked, but is ironically and unsettlingly similar; the Bio-Bands/ survival duels during Yugioh GX.

And ofcourse Dobby, Robert's more than happy to join along in search of proof.

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Heh, I like the speculation side between Robert and Klive, though I remembered something canon I overlooked, but is ironically and unsettlingly similar; the Bio-Bands/ survival duels during Yugioh GX.

And ofcourse Dobby, Robert's more than happy to join along in search of proof.

But wasn't that all magick-y/Spirity cuz of Yubels power? (I think thats the name of the monster that wrought that whole shtick) It wouldn't make sense for Klive, Robert or anyone else to consider it if so. Plus I can't imagine the events on Duel academy island were told everywhere lest people get scared shitless, they'd be myths, twisted to be as such.


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Oh speaking of GX : as I told DarkLight in private, this roleplay does NOT follow anime's timeline (and there is also th fact that Domino and Heartland are two different city), so please do not exaggerate with the anime references... I mean, DarkLight's one might make sense because she simply said she was a fan of this aweome duelist of the past named Zane, who at some point was involved in illegal duels: regardless of anime's relevance to our roleplay, that's a pretty legit backstory. But bringing up the whole Bio-Bands incident means brining up Yubel, and considering that, in this story, we don't even have Duel Spirits, I'd rather avoid that...

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But wasn't that all magick-y/Spirity cuz of Yubels power? (I think thats the name of the monster that wrought that whole shtick) It wouldn't make sense for Klive, Robert or anyone else to consider it if so. Plus I can't imagine the events on Duel academy island were told everywhere lest people get scared shitless, they'd be myths, twisted to be as such.


While it was science-draining bio-energy to give to Yubel, I do agree that it would be more likely that the information just got shrouded (there were monsters that planned to absorb souls of people and monsters that most people didn't actually know exist outside of a card game, a literal cult of 'fate', and an entire island-campus disappearing IN ONE SERIES! lol).

And I know the reference plainly, but it must be 'veiled' from other's memories.😉

@Tommy_Elliot: Ah, okay then. Limited sense of canon makes sense here.

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I spy with my little eye, a blatant Persona reference and Adachi & Dojima 2.0.

Funny how you'd say this about the least blatant of the Persona references I've made this far :P

Adams is not the killer. I swear.

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Funny how you'd say this about the least blatant of the Persona references I've made this far :P

Adams is not the killer. I swear.

Dammit. My pet theory just went out the window.

Speaking of the canon…why is it that the only duel disks to actually have a slot for the extra deck are the duel disks from Yugioh Arc-V? Someone should complain to whoever designed the ZeXaL duel disks...or in the case of this RP, Mister Arclight (Does he have a first name and is it Byron?) would be the closest option...about the lack of a place for the extra deck.

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Dammit. My pet theory just went out the window.

Speaking of the canon…why is it that the only duel disks to actually have a slot for the extra deck are the duel disks from Yugioh Arc-V? Someone should complain to whoever designed the ZeXaL duel disks...or in the case of this RP, Mister Arclight (Does he have a first name and is it Byron?) would be the closest option...about the lack of a place for the extra deck.

I didn't even know this... I never noticed that Duel Disks in older series lack an Extra Deck slot!

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I didn't even know this... I never noticed that Duel Disks in older series lack an Extra Deck slot!

They had to have for the fusion deck. I'm pretty sure the fusion deck just became the side deck though.

Edit: I don't even know how it worked then. Maybe they just assumed fusion cards didn't exist at the time and stuck with it.

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They had to have for the fusion deck. I'm pretty sure the fusion deck just became the side deck though.

Edit: I don't even know how it worked then. Maybe they just assumed fusion cards didn't exist at the time and stuck with it.

Nope. None of the Duel Disks prior to Arc-V had a spot for the Extra Deck (or what was formerly known as the Fusion Deck prior to 5D's). In ZeXaL, they kept their extra decks in a side pocket or case on their belt, for example. I don't even know where the Extra Deck was ever placed in 5D's, GX, or DM but I can imagine that it was probably similar to what was done for ZeXaL.

In Arc-V, everyone has an Extra Deck slot. Even the motorcycle has a freaking Extra Deck slot on its duel disk portion.


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There was an Extra Deck slot in the 5Ds Duel Disks at the very top from what I remember. I think in one of the earlier episodes, Akiza had her Black Rose shown either going in or going out of it (pic below).


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There was an Extra Deck slot in the 5Ds Duel Disks at the very top from what I remember. I think in one of the earlier episodes, Akiza had her Black Rose shown either going in or going out of it (pic below).


Oh right. I had forgotten about that. Though, I don't think there were any on D-Wheels…or at least I don't remember ever seeing them on D-Wheels.

Also, FTFY.

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I don't remember if they where on the runners, but yeah, it did exist on the normal ones then.

Anyway, Tomas, is it okay if I can split my next few posts up to continue having conversations with Red while advancing Rene further into the story? I would like to finish the scene with Red and Rene, but would also like to have the opportunity to have Rene possibly talk with the other characters too.

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I don't remember if they where on the runners, but yeah, it did exist on the normal ones then.

Anyway, Tomas, is it okay if I can split my next few posts up to continue having conversations with Red while advancing Rene further into the story? I would like to finish the scene with Red and Rene, but would also like to have the opportunity to have Rene possibly talk with the other characters too.

I am not sure I get this, do you mean that you would like to do two things at the same time? Because you are only allowed to do that as long as it stays realitic. I mean, talking to a person and checking out something that takes place across the room makes sense, while talking to a person who is staying in a room, and at the ame time moving to a different room, well, not as much...

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