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Tomas Elliot

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Problem is, with my grandpa hospitalized and the thrice damned italian Easter traditions, I have very limited time at the computer in general... But thanks for the advice nevertheless :P

Best wishes with your grandpa's condition! I hope he gets better.

And being raised Jewish I have no idea what Easter traditions are other than something about rabbits laying eggs and a certain Jewish carpenter being like "lol jk cya"

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I hope your grandpa gets better soon, Tomas! Take all the time you need to make the update, I can wait ^^

I don't celebrate Easter myself (my family is agnostic/Buddhist); the only thing I look for during this time are the Peeps candy.

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Problem is, with my grandpa hospitalized and the thrice damned italian Easter traditions, I have very limited time at the computer in general... But thanks for the advice nevertheless :P

I hope your grandfather gets better. Enjoy the holiday!

Best wishes with your grandpa's condition! I hope he gets better.

And being raised Jewish I have no idea what Easter traditions are other than something about rabbits laying eggs and a certain Jewish carpenter being like "lol jk cya"

Finally another Jew! Passover Doe

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Problem is, with my grandpa hospitalized and the thrice damned italian Easter traditions, I have very limited time at the computer in general... But thanks for the advice nevertheless :P

Hope he gets well soon. Not much I can do aside from offering my sentiments.

Waiting to board at an airport is boring.

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a certain Jewish carpenter being like "lol jk cya"

You know, if a Christian had done such a tasteless joke on a Jewish tradition, he would have been accused of anti-Semitism. Just saying.

EDIT: I don't mean to cause a pointless fight over this, nor to accuse you of discrimination or other nonsense (I know it was just a joke). I am simply pointing out that, in mainstream culture, people always pay attention not to insult cultures like the Jewish or the Muslim one, yet for some reason it is kinda taken for granted that anyone can get away with any joke about Christians. And I will be the first to admit that this can actually be justified, from some points of view. But, albeit admittedly rare, there could still be some devout christians out there who might take offense. I just happen to be one of them. Please keep this in mind.

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You know, if a Christian had done such a tasteless joke on a Jewish tradition, he would have been accused of anti-Semitism. Just saying.

EDIT: I don't mean to cause a pointless fight over this, nor to accuse you of discrimination or other nonsense (I know it was just a joke). I am simply pointing out that, in mainstream culture, people always pay attention not to insult cultures like the Jewish or the Muslim one, yet for some reason it is kinda taken for granted that anyone can get away with any joke about Christians. And I will be the first to admit that this can actually be justified, from some points of view. But, albeit admittedly rare, there could still be some devout christians out there who might take offense. I just happen to be one of them. Please keep this in mind.

As someone with little sense of decency or appropriateness when it comes to jokes, I don't really care what people say about my religion (as long as it's not over the top). However, I respect you a lot for telling me in a calm and appropriate manner and I'll do my best not to offend in the future.

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As someone with little sense of decency or appropriateness when it comes to jokes, I don't really care what people say about my religion (as long as it's not over the top). However, I respect you a lot for telling me in a calm and appropriate manner and I'll do my best not to offend in the future.

I will always address such things calmly and politely, because I am on a personal mission to prove that devout doesn't equal bigot. With this being said, this incident is over as far as I am concerned, let's be friends as before :)

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Hey, guys. For all ygo vets that being at least around 5ds 2nd season. I'll add a xyz but which is harder to summon: draco knight draco-esquite or any 3 lv.8 xyzs in general. I say lv.8


Edited by OmegaRa1der
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I'd say that depends on what your deck is like, if we're talking just in general here. If you build a deck around a certain card, then it may be easier to summon. For example, Gimmick Puppets can summon Rank 8 Xyz Monsters pretty well, but would have a hard time summoning Draco-Equiste. Another example: Most true Synchro-based decks can easily summon the dragon-type monster necessary for Draco-Equiste and you'd only need the Warrior-type component afterwards. However, such a deck would have a difficult time trying to summon Rank 8 Xyz Monsters.

I don't know if you're trying to summon one or the either Omega, but all I can say is look at your deck and see what easier to summon for you. As for your question, it really does depend on what kind of deck you use.

Edited by tails12
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I managed to make the Recap Post!

This is actually very important, because tomorrow will be the day dedicated to moving back to Bologna... So yeah, expect the next one to come out on tuesday!

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It gave me quite a quacking chuckle lol

So many girlfriend assumptions here. Tomas, are you trying to say something?

Well a boy and a girl wandering around on their own, it was an innocent assumptions! And given how the Jory-Azery dynamic is developing, I thought it would make for some funny reaction... :P

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