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Tomas Elliot

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Shit happens, it's a testament to the way things are going well that it was resolved well.

Also, I swear to god that my characters are just unshippable ( Untill i mention it). Both Claude from Ymoraa who was meant to be far too sociable has not been mentioned anywhere near a port let alone on a ship and now Klive, my 2nd character in a ship fest RP has nt been mentioned.

I'm kinda proud of that.

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Shit happens, it's a testament to the way things are going well that it was resolved well.

Also, I swear to god that my characters are just unshippable ( Untill i mention it). Both Claude from Ymoraa who was meant to be far too sociable has not been mentioned anywhere near a port let alone on a ship and now Klive, my 2nd character in a ship fest RP has nt been mentioned.

I'm kinda proud of that.

And then there's me who's characters somehow manages to get shipped in one way or another when it's completely unintentional. I think Drake from aftermath is the only PC of mine who hasn't been shipped yet (too bad he's dead).

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(I've said this in the other conversation but I may post it here too, to notice the other players).

If I am right, the alleyway has one or more curves and ends with a bigger space, with some thrash cans. (Tomas confirmed this).

I am currently with Zander (behind him; this way he'll have the higher priority in the event), and Roy and Paul are behind.

(cit. Tacos):"However, in the same amount of time, they managed to catch up completely and also pass Zander through the alleyway, when I never indicated that he stopped, which is where it gets a little frustrating."

I hope rollerblades could justify this, at least for Monika.

The posts I made in this topic before were made assuming he didn't trigger the important action (which is, in fact, true) - entering the alleyway didn't mean finding the duelist right away. Even before Tomas confirmed this though, I was believing this to be true; so I made those posts. (and here I am partially wrong because I wouldn't have known that).

So, here, Tacos could make a new post where he arrives at the end of the alleyway and triggers the important action (as there is a curve, Monika could still be behind that wall; or Tacos could tell her to stay there). Then the duel begins; Roy and Paul arrive there, and they, including Monika, become the spectators of this duel, between Tacos and Ayatane. (Warning: Only Zander knows this name; Officer Adams only said "mysterious duelist" to Monika). If this doesn't happen before the Recap post... Tomas decides, but, what should happen is that the Important action is triggered, and the first to do that are Zander and Monika, together (As Zander had priority I'll let him do what he wants).

To Zander: I could say that you're my savior, but I'm with Sidus, if Flynn is still ok :P

Of course, sorry for what happened (or for trying to get some crazy things done to resolve everything...). Maybe Tomas could suggest another solution though.

EXlink, sorry for bothering you again, but you'll need to edit your post again (as it states I'm with Paul, but I am with Zander), or find another solution (I'd have to edit my posts again, to state that I'm with Paul... - they are already completely different from the first versions now :))

Edited by Cyaloom
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Can I do a side-story for character development?

Uh... What? You haven't posted in a while, and now you want to make a side-story? How would it even fit in the format of the topic? O.o

Besides, this roleplay is all about interaction: before making the same mistake as Omega, trust me, you are FAR better off interacting with others, rather than striking off on your own...

EDIT: also Recap Post is up!

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Holy crap! A chance to escape a Dead End and maybe start defrosting the Ice Queen!-Me


lol. Defrosting her is pretty much impossible, but you and Zechs deserved at the very least a chance to make it out of this situation alive... You welcome! :P

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lol. Defrosting her is pretty much impossible, but you and Zechs deserved at the very least a chance to make it out of this situation alive... You welcome! :P

Gotcha. Focus on escape. Don't worry about defrosting. Gotta make it happen as naturally as possible.

I need a good visual on that mask though...and perceived height...only if you feel like sharing. Not gonna use it in the post. Just curious.

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Gotcha. Focus on escape. Don't worry about defrosting. Gotta make it happen as naturally as possible.

I need a good visual on that mask though...and perceived height...only if you feel like sharing. Not gonna use it in the post. Just curious.

Well, the girl is really just a girl who for some reason obsesses over not showing a single square millimeter of her skin. Long-sleeved tops, long pants, gloves, and of course the mask, everything to conceal her true appearance. Wasn't it for this aspect she would really be just a girl, she is not particularly tall or intimidating, and her voice sounds normal too...

And the mask is just a plain, white mask. Basically a white membrane that completely covers her face, with two holes for the eyes, and no other features of any sorts.

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Hi yeah, thomas, what about Rene and Klive? They

ir important action was looking around the port O.o

CRAP. I had taken those as mere "let's head to the port", I hadn't realized you had actually arrived there (also because I has said TWICE not to <.< ). Any chances that the whole situation can be reworked without having to insert Rene and Klive in what is going on at the port? Because honestly, I don't have any event in which I can fit those two at the port right now... The only event at the port was the one involving Arclight, and it was scripted so that people who decided to ignore him and investigate the area without listening to him would run into the Ice Queen. Now someone is dueling him, and someone has triggered the Ice Queen encounter, so yeah, there is literally nothing else to do at the port...

But the port and the beach share the same bus stop. So yeah, if your earlier posts ended with you getting off the bus, it should be easy to rework the whole thing...

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CRAP. I had taken those as mere "let's head to the port", I hadn't realized you had actually arrived there (also because I has said TWICE not to <.< ). Any chances that the whole situation can be reworked without having to insert Rene and Klive in what is going on at the port? Because honestly, I don't have any event in which I can fit those two at the port right now... The only event at the port was the one involving Arclight, and it was scripted so that people who decided to ignore him and investigate the area without listening to him would run into the Ice Queen. Now someone is dueling him, and someone has triggered the Ice Queen encounter, so yeah, there is literally nothing else to do at the port...

But the port and the beach share the same bus stop. So yeah, if your earlier posts ended with you getting off the bus, it should be easy to rework the whole thing...

Isn't Ike supposed to be there too?

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Hopefully Zechs can bounce off this properly and I can bounce off of that in the morning after I wake up.

We can escape this Dead End! *Crosses fingers*

[if only I wasn't relegated to my phone because my brother is hogging his computer. Actually, that wouldn't help. If I were at home with my computer, I would be able to write longer and more careful posts.]

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Isn't Ike supposed to be there too?

Well... Yes and no. It's related to the Arclight event actually. And there is always the option "won't find him this topic, will leave him to next one"... Really, I cannot say more than I already have.

we didn't go by bus, bike iirc but renes post said they'd start working towards the beach iirc

Well that's your cue then. Just follow up on that and head to the beach.

My reason for 1-liners posts because I am not really creative with writing plus this is my 1st rp. Just saying, will be heading to the beach.

My issue is not with the one-liners per se, my issue is with the fact that you are hardly interacting with anyone if at all, and you are not providing any reasoning behind your actions and movements. Basically, you are just bouncing from one place to the other without a logic, in the hope to run into some info, but that is not how this topic is supposed to work. And I understand your issues with this being your first RP, but Cyaloom is in your same situation and he managed to adapt: sure, he messed up a lot in the process, but messing up while interacting with people is better than not interacting at all. There are many expert roleplayers in this RP, just by interacting with them you could learn a lot and manage to improve your style, but as long as you keep on wadering from one place to the other at random that won't happen. You need to find someone who feel you can interact with, someone you feel you can create something interesting with if you were to interact. And stick with them. I thought you had finally found it in Chimchain, but then you just walked away: why would you do that? I even suggested that you backtrack to Chimchain's location!

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Omega, I almost did the same mistake but thanks to Blair I got some informations from Officer Adams...

And, I have to say, I am not this happy about this topic... I made some rushed decisions that didn't always fit Monika's personality (also that idea of skates was slightly crazy, but they will be useful).

Something that I don't want to happen in the other posts.

I messed up, and don't want to do that again in the future (not even in Osaf).

But, it's kind of normal, it's the first RP... I (and perhaps you?) need to learn from the previous mistakes.

About short posts, you could just say something about how you feel, why you did something, or just describe something. It should not be a problem: I make walls of text even when I try to be brief!

Edited by Cyaloom
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There is no need to rush yourself into making unnaturally long posts, or to show God knows what level of insight. Just make sure to interact with more expert roleplayers starting next topic. And eventually you will learn. If you keep staying alone, you cannot improve...

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Isn't Ike supposed to be there too?

Crap. That reminds me that I need to update my own RP. Curse you life and being busy. Also, can't really read because my computer light decided to die on me :( This might take a while.

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