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Tomas Elliot

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Well, possession of a, uh, peculiar kind of cards doesn't necessarily imply villainy. One can have such a card and be a perfectly decent person. Or not have one and be a complete SOB. Or have one and still be a complete SOB. Or be just an innocent passerby. Don't make assumptions...

And no, I don't think you would ever say "But you have a tattoo on your forehead! Everyone know that people with tattoos on their forehead are villains!" in real life... Although it could make for good lampshade hanging here :P

This... considering I use it in Graterras to kill characters if they do it too much. Don't assume things due to tropes etc... it is... bad for your health... at least if I am hosting lol. ((I should say especially if I am hosting... since it is an easy trap to led people down.))

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Can the fiery passion of Dominic be enough to thaw him out?! N-.. No? .. Mmkay..

But yeesh, fiery to icy just like that. Just goes to show Dominic never to be calm again. <~<

Edited by Zechs
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Sorry :(...i tend to get buried with paper work...

No problems, we managed to avoid getting stuck :)

I need ideas. Where would you roll a human popsicle to thaw it? The beach seems kinda busy.

Anywhere is fine actually, you could even get away with static a generic distance, as in "I roll popsicle Zechs 100 meter down the pier" and call it a day. Ice Queen left, so it's safe now...

Can the fiery passion of Dominic be enough to thaw him out?! N-.. No? .. Mmkay..

But yeesh, fiery to icy just like that. Just goes to show Dominic never to be calm again. <~<

Lol. Had you been hot-blooded you would have probably ended up killed, so I think it was better this way :P

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Yeah, Setsuna got really frantic there.

Woah, you made the threat of the Ice Queen feel a lot more legit with your show of worry for your friend, I appreciate it a lot. In roleplaying, like in wrestling and acting in general, it is important to "sell" stuff convincingly to make things look al the more natural and believable. Good job ;)

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Alternatively Lisa just got ambushed by at least 3 people, one who is strange xemself and two who seem to be crappng themselves at the action of talking to Lisa

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Woah, you made the threat of the Ice Queen feel a lot more legit with your show of worry for your friend, I appreciate it a lot. In roleplaying, like in wrestling and acting in general, it is important to "sell" stuff convincingly to make things look al the more natural and believable. Good job ;)

I aim to please.:P

Alternatively Lisa just got ambushed by at least 3 people, one who is strange xemself and two who seem to be crappng themselves at the action of talking to Lisa

This has been an interesting day for a lot of the characters. <--Understatement Alert!

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Omega, on what basis do you claim that Lisa is "about to snap in insanity"?

Nothing that I wrote suggests anything like that and in fact, with her gloomy attitude, she gives quite the opposite sensation: a silent, gloomy, creepy kid dressed in black is the farthest thing from a raging lunatic that I can think of. And if you are merely assuming that she is a Rogue Number Holder, you are utterly wrong, as you would know if you had bothered to read the description of the various NPCs in the OP of this very topic. There would also be the fact that your post, with your belligerent attitude justified by nothing more than "just in case", sounds like a blatant attempt at metagaming, in order to place yourself in the position to snatch a Number from under the others' collective nose, by claiming for yourself the right to duel this new NPC (who, again, is in no conditions to duel, as you would know if you had actually read her description)... But why should I suspect you of such a thing? It's not like you have been sending messages to other users to demand that they let you do the dueling, have you? Oh wait, you have.

So yeah, you might want to slightly edit your post. As in, completely rewrite it from scratch. I already told you this, but it seems to me that you didn't understand, so I shall repeat myself: roleplays, and particularly this one, are about interaction. How about you try to actually interact with others for a change? Because no, a goofy attempt at metagaming and a generic "I got your backs guys!" (not to mention the private messages to tell people to leave the dueling to you) do not count as "interacting". Everyone is making an effort but you, including people who are at their first roleplay just like you (thus invalidating your "this is my first rp" excuse: if they can, you can): why can't you try and follow the example of basically everybody else? All you are doing is wandering aimlessly around the city, with no logic behind your actions, with no development behind your psychology, and no goal beyond the obvious "I want to duel people and win Numbers" that your latest post made painfully obvious, and your private messages confirmed.

So far I have tolerated your shortcomings because they weren't causing troubles to anyone, but if you start filling your posts with quite obvious attempts at metagaming, and send messages to people to demand that they let you do the dueling, then I cannot let it slide anymore. And it is sad to see that, to tell you all this, I wrote a post longer than all of your roleplay posts combined.

I need you to make a honest effort at actually playing by the rules, otherwise I cannot help you: for your own good, please follow my advice.

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Well, just edited my post. My basis is before I re-read the op, I simply forgot to. So I assume she had a deck and she is pale so yeah you could see my logic. As for the messages, I admit. I just simply assume she had a deck. But I will albige by the rules.

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Here it might be just me complaining too much, but... Another thing for Omega: the grammar in the posts!

You can't write a verb with the past simple then follow up with a verb in the present simple (at least in Italian) and it doesn't seem right to say "she about to snap". Maybe "she's about to snap". And "sucpiosly?". One more, "she looks unhealthy " and not "unhealthily ".

Something that I've been told is that in RPs grammar errors, chatspeak and typos should always be avoided or corrected.

(also I am Italian)

Here, I'd like to know, if you want, why you are trying to go around the city all the time (did you want to find an event just for you, so you could possibly get a number? Did you just want to discover new places? Did you want a Number badly?) and going fron one place to another: it is kinda useless because where you are not there is going someone else.

About short posts, sometimes there aren't a lot of things to say anyway, but it's better to include some descriptions of your thoughts, or parts of your back story, descriptions of places, etcetera. Justifying the fact that you post one liners by saying that you're not good at writing doesn't make sense (you're surely better than me, as I'm using a foreign language) but, to tell the truth, I don't do one liners. There are a lot of things that could be added, you need to just identify yourself with your character. What personality does he have? What would he think, do or say, then?

Maybe i am not the best person for this, as I have messed up often and this is my first RP, like for Omega, maybe this entire post is unnecessary (if it is, tell me) but I'd like to... Help Omega with this, if needed.

Also, it was referred to the first post, as Omega edited that basically now that I've posted.

Another thing: it seems that, clothes aside, Lisa could look like a younger Monika :)

Edited by Cyaloom
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Cyaloom, bear in mind that English isn't always someones 1st language, in your case I guess? In some cases it may even be a third or fourth and Omega may just not have an accurate understanding of English. Hell, I can barely remember slices of French from my old lessons and the occasional word of japanese from my sad, sad times watching too much anime.

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Well, you are right. I'm not sure about this, but somewhere he stated he was Canadian so he either speaks English or French.

It's just that, no matter the languages, eventual errors could be fixed. ("sucpiosly" though? That is just a typo and could have been changed...)

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Cyaloom I appreciate your eagerness to help, but scolding people is my job, not yours. I told off Omega for his mistakes, there was no need to further twist the proverbial knife... Of course I am aware of the fact that you were meaning well, but you really sounded like the guy who say "yeah, you tell him boss!" in stereotypical delinquent gangs... Keep in mind that people are willing to accept a scolding from their "superiors" (and in this situation I kinda act as one being the host), but not so much from their peers.

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Cyaloom I appreciate your eagerness to help, but scolding people is my job, not yours. I told off Omega for his mistakes, there was no need to further twist the proverbial knife... Of course I am aware of the fact that you were meaning well, but you really sounded like the guy who say "yeah, you tell him boss!" in stereotypical delinquent gangs... Keep in mind that people are willing to accept a scolding from their "superiors" (and in this situation I kinda act as one being the host), but not so much from their peers.

Yeah, you tell 'em boss! nyeheheheheheh

I have no issue playing the lackey so long as it is limited to playing ^^

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If you're typing on a phone or something like a PS4 (I've had to do that a couple times) it can be very difficult to spell things correctly. I mean we all misspell things once in a while and then there's my posts where my english and grammar is horrendous (usually more in the OOC). Just ask anyone from Ymora.

And yeah, it's actually writer's etiquette not to call anyone out on there spelling and grammar errors even when criticizing. It's better to suggest than to actually scold people on their mistakes. And never assume anything like English is a first language (I've actually met people who have English as a second language who can write way better than a majority of the people on here).

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Ok, I'm sorry for this and probably I could have also been too harsh with Omega.

Anyway, I hope that at least I said and pointed out something that made sense :)

Actually, I have to admit that I thought that all chatspeak, typos and grammar errors had to be corrected or avoided all the time; I guess it's for reading the posts more easily.

Edited by Cyaloom
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Actually, I have to admit that I thought that all chatspeak, typos and grammar errors had to be corrected or avoided all the time

They have to. I am simply saying that it is not your role to remind other players of this. Hell I myself would rather call people out on metagaming isues than on grammar: it's just that, when bringing up such matters in a public topic, your chances of sounding like a dick are very very high.

In short: for the host it is ok to call people out on it when they break rules, not so ok to reprimend them for their grammar. For a normal user it is not ok to scold other normal users about anything, because of how easily that could result in a flame war (thanks God it didn't happen this time). Unless their bad behaviour directly affects you (and bad grammar doesn't), but even then it is better to report the matter to the host (or even better, a mod involved in the topic, we have two in this RP) with a private message, like another person did when they informed me of the messages Omega sent them, rather than complain publicly.

With this being said, I would really appreciate it if we could drop this discussion now, as everything that needed to be said has been said, and everything that didn't need to be said... Well, you get the idea. And just so you know, saying "Ok I am sorry, I just wanted to say that..." followed by a reiteration of your points does NOT count as dropping it. Let's drop it for real this time.

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Actually, I have to admit that I thought that all chatspeak, typos and grammar errors had to be corrected or avoided all the time; I guess it's for reading the posts more easily.

Chatspeak is unacceptable, not typos and grammar errors. The latter two are bound to happen, but chatspeak is something that can be consciously avoided. After having basically memorized the rules, I know for a fact that there is only limitation on chatspeak, not typos and errors in your grammar.

Also, as for my lack of posting, I'm waiting for Silver to post before I have Zander do anything, considering they are the main focus of your recent recap.

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