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Tomas Elliot

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"My theory is if this archaeologist is related to the professor somehow, then he is guilty of the info required to find the killer"

A few questions regardning this line by Omega:

1) How can one be "guilty" of an information?

2) Assuming you meant "we need to talk to the guy if we want to find the killer", how would you jump to such conclusion? The archeologist is in town with a very legit reason, and is as "related" to Tenjo just as much as the professor standing in front of you is (which you would know if you had read everything that wa said befor your post, but I get this feeling you just skipped through it): why not suspecting her then? On what basis do you claim that Johnson, a person you didn't know anything about untill a few seconds ago, has something to do with the homicide and/or knows something about the killer?

3) Can you please make one post, one single solitary post, without metagaming, bunnying, randomly teleporting, or making absolutely preposterous assumptions?

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Also, I'd put Klive forward as the group "Overseer" seeing as we have no real leader because xe is good with remembering info and is, y'know tempernce and xyr shtick is watching over others, y'kknow?

That said, xe isn't inclined to step forward.

And how did Dean know Klives name? They've never spoken

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Dobby, I've to admit I've lost track of you: are you in a place where you can hear us? Setsuna is a bit further from the group: now I'll make the two of us whisper so no one understands and no one needs to read.

Jokes aside, I'm just asking too many questions with Monika like I do with Tomas via pm in reality, about numbers and about what Setsuna did yesterday.

Is there the list of students, and does the teacher call out all the names at the beginning of the lesson? That could be a way to know the names of everyone. I have also done that, like Omega now.

Tomas, I think Omega got some informations about the archeology from Lisa, in the last page of the last after school topic, right?

Edited by Cyaloom
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I never moved Klive from the class, where I assume the Team talk is going on.

And Lisa barely mentioned the Archaeologist, her words gave no indication he was related to the death iirc

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"My theory is if this archaeologist is related to the professor somehow, then he is guilty of the info required to find the killer"

A few questions regardning this line by Omega:

1) How can one be "guilty" of an information?

2) Assuming you meant "we need to talk to the guy if we want to find the killer", how would you jump to such conclusion? The archeologist is in town with a very legit reason, and is as "related" to Tenjo just as much as the professor standing in front of you is (which you would know if you had read everything that wa said befor your post, but I get this feeling you just skipped through it): why not suspecting her then? On what basis do you claim that Johnson, a person you didn't know anything about untill a few seconds ago, has something to do with the homicide and/or knows something about the killer?

3) Can you please make one post, one single solitary post, without metagaming, bunnying, randomly teleporting, or making absolutely preposterous assumptions?

For the archaeologist, *points to cyaloom post* and the guilty of info, I said it was a theory and went as far as saying possibly.

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I never moved Klive from the class, where I assume the Team talk is going on.

And Lisa barely mentioned the Archaeologist, her words gave no indication he was related to the death iirc

Sorry, my bad for not finding you.

But, Lisa here said "maybe that archeologist could know more about Tenjo's death than I do."

So Omega seems to just share this information he got from Lisa...

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I'm just gonna stay out of this whole investigation group thing and just have Luna fly more solo if you all are going to put everyone together. It's not worth the clusterfudge of 15-18 people and trying to remember it all and respond correctly.

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I've edited my post to include some of Monika's thoughts and, well, I will probably just exchange numbers with someone and follow another person or go somewhere else alone later... It will depend on what will happen now.

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Oh ok, yesterday my dad got a new contract with a company whose main building is near Venice, meaning he will have plenty of occasions to visit the area where Cyaloom lives. Maybe this means Cyaloom is a murderer.

It's the same logic. Saying "yesterday I got some info in regards to the archeologist's whereabouts" is sharing info. Saying "I think the archeologist is implied in the murder" is flat-out metagaming, because none of the info you got even remotely suggest anything like that. How the hell does the fact that the guy went to the beach after arranging the exhibit at the museum prove that he knows something? And I repeat, mentioning the common background is not an explanation, because Ayatane and Anna share the same background.

No matter how you look at it, at this time whoever makes conjectures regarding the murderer is metagaming, because nobody has enough info to do so. And Omega of all people is the one who collected the fewest info (he got near none in fact), the only thing he knows at this stage is that Johnson sometimes goes to the beach. Clearly, people who go to the beach are murderers, right?

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That example tho...

Well, here it all deoends on the exact words Lisa said... Sorry for this misunderstanding but, to me it still seems Lisa herself mentioned a relation between the murder and the archeologist.

Quote from the Recap, Lisa's monologue :

"Maybe if I was less reliable thy would leave me alone? But I don't really like being alone either, so maybe I should kep on beeing reliable... Oh, but that archeologist knew more about the dead professor than I do, if these nice high schoolers were to find that out, they would probably leave me alone anyway to look for him"

decent way to get rupees

EDIT: I've just noticed that the girl in Hiss13's current avatar looks kinda like Monika...

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Jesus Christ Cyaloom don't join the club of people who cannot read. Lisa said, and I quote the exact words (I should remember them, you know, I WROTE THEM): "the archeologist knew more about the dead professor than I do". This, unless english grammar has been dramatically altered since I last studied it, means that, according to Lisa, the archeologist knew something about THE PERSON WHO DIED, not about HOW HE DIED or WHO KILLED HIM. And that Johnosn knew Tenjo is something now everyone knows, on the account of, you know, ANNA HAVING JUST SAID THAT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE WHO WOULD LISTEN.

There is no hint, in Lisa's words or anywhere else in the "After School" topic, of Johnson being implied in the murder. I should know, I planned and wrote the whole thing. So please, for the sake of my sanity, let's end this discussion here: making any sort of conjecture about the identity of the killer, or even about who could know something about it, or even about who could know who could know something about it, is metagaming for everyone. PARTICULARLY for Omega given that he was the one who obtained the less info. The sole exception, the only one who actually knows something about how Tenjo died, is Kaito, but he already stated he will share his info at a later date. NOBODY ELSE is allowed to make any sort of speculation about the murderer. Those who already did would better edit their posts, and do it now. I hope I made myself clear.

Geez, there is abusing people's patience, and then there's you guys...

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Apologize, too.

So knowing how the teacher died is not possible, and we can't know if the archeologist is not the murderer. Here I understood that Omega had this theory only because he knew that there was this relation.

But, here I can't go any further. After all, Tomas is the host.

I'll just edit this: Those words could just mean Tenjo knew this guy, and a theory was made. Only a theory. And that's what I understood, but probably here I didn't realize there were other informations in that post that would not work.

As it took so long for me to acknowledge this now this happened and I don't even know. I don't even want to reply but I'll leave this as a clarification.

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I'm just gonna stay out of this whole investigation group thing and just have Luna fly more solo if you all are going to put everyone together. It's not worth the clusterfudge of 15-18 people and trying to remember it all and respond correctly.

So, it isn't just me who thought this group conversation has become quite the fustercluck.

EDIT: I've just noticed that the girl in Hiss13's current avatar looks kinda like Monika...

Ehhh…really? Wow…weird coincidence...

The character in my avvy is my inspiration for Nagi in OSAF.

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The scene in our heads kind of reminds me of the Earthbound Immortals from 5D's.

Funny enough, that scene is a lot more reminiscent of this scene from Arc-V.


[Funny enough, that IS Heartland being engulfed by flames (that are not blue tho) as they are being slaughtered by monsters who we call fusion scum]

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Well, Klive can't cling to logic now. Thanks Tomas...

You welcome. It's to troll you better :P

The scene in our heads kind of reminds me of the Earthbound Immortals from 5D's.

That's exactly what I took inspiration from for the Shadow Duels and their symbolism. Happy someone got the reference ;)


Apologize, too.

So knowing how the teacher died is not possible, and we can't know if the archeologist is not the murderer. Here I understood that Omega had this theory only because he knew that there was this relation.

But, here I can't go any further. After all, Tomas is the host.

It's not a matter of being or not being the host, is a matter of damn LOGIC. Here's what you know:

1) A guy died.

2) A guy who knows the guy who died is curing an exhibit at the local museum.

3) The guy who cures the exhibit at the museum goes to the beach after finishing his job.

Please explain to me what logic could possibly lead someone to think, knowing ONLY this, that the guy at the beach is implied in the murder.

Something I have noticed is that many of you guys are exaggerating with the genre savvy. Cyaloom and Omega have been the biggest offenders so far, but they are not the only ones: you recognize, or you think you recognize, the tropes I use in building the story, and make assumptions accordingly.

Tomas took the time to create the archeologist as a unique character, and gave him a backstory that links him to Tenjo: he MUST be important for the plot, right?

Well, don't do this. It's bad for the roleplay, it's bad for the gameplay experience of those who would like to JUST enjoy their characters and see how the plot unfolds, and there is also the fact that the plot I have in mind is much more complex than you think, so your chances of actually reading and predicting my actions are pretty slim. So don't do it. I have said this before and I'll say this again: play as if you weren't playing. Play as if you actually were a kid implied in a crazy murder case, with no clues of what's going on and no savvy on how the Numbers work. And never, NEVER make assumptions. I am saying this for the sake of all of you: if you want to enjoy this roleplay to its fullest, it is fundamental that you don't make assumptions.

Having clarified this for maybe the 15th time, I hope we can now move on. Thanks everyone for the cooperation.

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LOL that image is so damn cute and funny at the same time... But sorry, I don't watch Arc V :P

Well, I think we should fix that. I know how to convince you. Remember Jack Atlas? The King? He's making a return. He's even in the new OP.


Oh yeah, one thing. Arc-V prods at the possibility that the Duel Academy we know from GX and Heartland from ZeXaL may actually be in two different dimensions. I kinda feel weird whenever I see someone referring to Kaiser/Zane in this RP.

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Yeah, it's currently a massive clusterfuck. xD It's why I'm off having side convos instead of contributing in actively. Ken doesn't like to be bombarded by questions, it's more effort for him to answer. :P

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Well, I think we should fix that. I know how to convince you. Remember Jack Atlas? The King? He's making a return. He's even in the new OP.


Oh yeah, one thing. Arc-V prods at the possibility that the Duel Academy we know from GX and Heartland from ZeXaL may actually be in two different dimensions. I kinda feel weird whenever I see someone referring to Kaiser/Zane in this RP.

I had asked them not to mention Zane actually (I think it was in this very topic, a while back), but eh, what can you do? Personally I am not a fan of the whole multi-dimensional thing, and besides, this roleplay focuses specifically on Numbers, so don't expect that to be canon at any point...

As for Arc-V itself, it's not a problem of not wanting, is a problem of not being able to: I need all the gigas I can get to watch RAW, that drains too much of my internet ket offer for me to also watch anime online... And believe it or not, I have no TV.

Yeah, it's currently a massive clusterfuck. xD It's why I'm off having side convos instead of contributing in actively. Ken doesn't like to be bombarded by questions, it's more effort for him to answer. :P

But isn't the chaos fascinating? I actually hope this can become a point for the character development of all of you guys: I mean initially you are all kids who suddenly find themselves thrown into a murder case, so of course you would react chaotically, without any plan or proper organization. But as events unfold, you find yourselves more and more involved, and you grow by necessity into competent, efficient investigators who are able to have full-fledged reunions to calmly share information and throughly plan your next move... Wouldn't it be an interesting development to pursue? At least, that's where I am trying to lead you :P

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So you're essentially throwing us into the best PS2 game ever. xD

And crap, sorry about the Zane thing. ^^; It was just mentioned in episode 1 and you said it was a believable backstory for any pro duelist, and it's not like the real world doesn't get news about pros from other regions/cities, so... apologies on that. ><

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So you're essentially throwing us into the best PS2 game ever. xD

And crap, sorry about the Zane thing. ^^; It was just mentioned in episode 1 and you said it was a believable backstory for any pro duelist, and it's not like the real world doesn't get news about pros from other regions/cities, so... apologies on that. ><

No biggie. And no lol, I am not going to be THAT blatant in my Persona references, don't worry :P

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