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Tomas Elliot

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I figured that out three seconds before your post and made an edit. Luna is just gonna meet up with her fellow ginger (I swear I'm not purposely trying to avoid the plot). I gave Klive and Robert the opportunity of joining Luna on a quest to kidnap a professor, but nooo! You guys wanted to join in on the investigation group.

I mean if you get Klives attention again then xe'd be game. Morals aren't really an issue for xem. Plus it'd be a fun ittle detour from the investigation orgy

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I mean if you get Klives attention again then xe'd be game. Morals aren't really an issue for xem. Plus it'd be a fun ittle detour from the investigation orgy

I'm pretty sure that the 'investigation orgy' has pretty much fallen apart at this point.

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Yeah, took Klive away from that. Fucking Allergies man... (inb4 huk knows that feel)

Also, Klive kinda dismissed the vision. Sneezing takes priority over sight and.. mental images. on't believe me? Sneeze, now.

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Yeah, took Klive away from that. Fucking Allergies man... (inb4 huk knows that feel)

Also, Klive kinda dismissed the vision. Sneezing takes priority over sight and.. mental images. on't believe me? Sneeze, now.

I just sneezed before I came online -.-

Hey, I have seasonal allergies too!

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You and Klive are Sneeze-kin

Yay? xD

Edit: I feel so sorry for Darklight being bombarded with all these posts tagged with Arial in it.

I was confused by that since I kept on seeing only Kaito and Jory's replies until I finally took the time to read through all of the posts... Arial is special, what can I say?

I'm pressed for time at the moment since I slept in, so update will come later~

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The Ice Queen is Elsa of course,LET IT GOOOO~

There's also the fact that the teacher is Anna who in frozen is Elsa's little sister...

Ice Queen confirmed name is Elsa

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Ice Queen-chan is the holder of Numbers 103 RagnaZero.

Aside from that...I gots nuthin'. I will keep that whole "Priestess of Isis and/or Izanami' theory at hand.

Edited by Hiss13
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Ice Queen-chan is the holder of Numbers 103 RagnaZero.

Aside from that...I gots nuthin'. I will keep that whole "Priestess of Isis and/or Izanami' theory at hand.

OR one the ice numbers that isn't 21/103 but the theory is possible.

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The Ice Queen is Elsa of course,LET IT GOOOO~

There's also the fact that the teacher is Anna who in frozen is Elsa's little sister...

Ice Queen confirmed name is Elsa

I thought this was Yu Gi Oh?

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I only remembered the name of Number C103...

Other than Number 103, she could also have Numbers 21 and 94, which would make things more interesting.

Disigma, Paladynamo and Pleiades <3

Edit: 2 posts while I was writing?

Edited by Cyaloom
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Finally the At School has evolved into exactly what I want it to be: a place for people to exchange info and forge bonds. I won't be posting for a while to allow you guys to continue down this road freely (also it will be a good occasion to study lol).

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So basically, you want the "At School" Topics to be this:


Blegh.Unity in a group always seems really forced to me if that's how it starts, or begins from very early on.

The Bond of Friendship must be forged in the Flames of Fury by the Blacksmith of Battle!

Or something like that

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You can treat Zander as just a kid zoned out in class right now. I'm going to be gone until Sunday morning without a computer so I won't be able to make any updates until then. Sorry guys.

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Oh Dobby, you had Klive walk in at a very, very bad time. I was going to throw Luna into a bit of a tangent about losing things, but I like this better. Yeah, Luna is a bit on the crazy side when it comes to taking action (she wouldn't actually spray someone with that stuff though).

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@Commander, did Luna just ignore a grape rolling down in front of her face? She is focused as all hell xD

If she's anything like me, she probably didn't realize it. People from other tables used to fling over food to another table. Sometime it'd take me two or three minutes to even realize I was nailed by a piece of cereal or something.

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