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Tomas Elliot

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And besides that,I need to do something with Charlotte......

Yes. Yes you most definitely do. Maybe obtaining your Number before this topic is over might motivate you a little, or at least give you that, how can I say it, spark to actually get involved in something? I mean having obtained a Number of your own, you would have a valid reason to jump in the interaction with Lane & co even if you haven't really had anything to do with them so far...

EDIT: @Omega when you are done interacting, interact some more.

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Okiedokie then,I'll just have her interact with some people(maybe let her talk to Anna or something if she isnt busy of course)I just feel like inserting someone into a conversation when you don't know too much that the others don't seems a bit weird lol. For now,she's somewhere in the corridors if anyone wants to interact with her.

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You can drop by Anna's location if you want. I'll give you your blank card if you do. Heck Lane's group are actually nearby, so they could see you standing there confused, approach you, and then your blank card resonates with Utopia and nets you your Number... Would give you the perfect excuse to jump into interaction with them.

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You can drop by Anna's location if you want. I'll give you your blank card if you do. Heck Lane's group are actually nearby, so they could see you standing there confused, approach you, and then your blank card resonates with Utopia and nets you your Number... Would give you the perfect excuse to jump into interaction with them.

If I use everything you told me and use Luna logic, that means I get my number card by flirting a bit with Anna, right? If that's a no, would more LaneXLuna be enticing enough?

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Yo commander, Klive actually is a girl. If you thought xe was born a guy cuz of xyr name I think I mentioned in passing a long time ago that xes name pronounced Kleeve.

Then again, Lua probs wasn't paying attention and still dun know whats up with Klive soooooo

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Yo commander, Klive actually is a girl. If you thought xe was born a guy cuz of xyr name I think I mentioned in passing a long time ago that xes name pronounced Kleeve.

Then again, Lua probs wasn't paying attention and still dun know whats up with Klive soooooo

(Googles Non binary) Ohhh so that's what it means. Luna is like me being confuzzled by the whole thing. Then again, Luna probably still thinks it's sorcery. Let's just use it to fuel Klive's anger. Unless you want me to change it, then I'll change it.

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ehhhhh, i'm torn because Klive really isn't an angry person. Most of xyr dialogue has actually very sarcastic humour with a tinge of mocking. Sure xes a little pissed but xe doesn't know why soooooooo.

Anyways, no need to change it. Xe will just enlighten Luna. It can be a running joke that Luna just doesn't get it

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......um Charlotte's already being shipped with Arthur lol.....Charlotte has barely spoken to Dean at all and shipping them from a short conversation?

Edited by Azeria
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I am starting to think I should have Setsuna make the Garden off-limits after school… :/

The only way I can see Luna and Setsuna interacting is if Luna accidentally set the garden on fire while Setsuna was away.

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