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Does thick fat ability work?


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Hello guys,

As the title says, i was wondering if thick fat works or not.

I was battling with my mamoswine who has the thick fat ability versus a houndoom. Normally it gets 2x dmth from fire attack (super effective).

When houndoom used flamethrower (or some other fire attack, i dont remember very well), it said super effective, which made me think, if this ability is broken.

Or maybe it still keeps the "super effective" status, but just halves the dmg it does?

Anyone can confirm this for me plz, or could try it with the needed application to test these values?


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Yea it is a bit confusing that it does work that way, but I can confirm it halves the damage but keeps the SE message. I don't know why they choose to do it that way but they did. It is a similar thing with Tinted Lens. Which is the ability that increases the damage of Not very effective attacks you use. It still says Not Very Effective even though it will do full damage. ((the the case of a .5 resist.)). It is probably for ease of coding since people can usually figure it out pretty quick so it saves very specific case coding. It doesn't feel very clean though, so it kinda bothers me a smidge but eh...

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Sheer Force may not; in shofu's video yesterday his Darmanitan's Flare Blitz burned a Pokemon even though it has Sheer Force.

However, the others work, yes.

I tested a Sheer Force Darmanitan using Flare Blitz last night and set the burn probability to 100%. Always worked with Zen Mode as the ability, but never happened with Sheer Force, and the power boosted properly.

It's been fixed since whichever version shofu's on now. I actually think he might be using 14.1.1 since Ame told him to go back to it because it's more stable which would make sense seeing that I recall Sheer Force being implemented between 14.1.1 and 14.5

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Oh so Sheer Force doesn't work? I don't think I had trouble with that ability while training my Trapinch... because its Bulldoze didn't lower the opponent's speed.

No..... I just said it absolutely should work. I tested it with the most recent version and someone, (probably Kurotsune), has a working version of Sheer Force implemented into the game.

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Sheer Force has been implemented for a long time and was not changed between 14.1 and 14.5

The problem Shofu encountered is because of how the game orders battle stuff. So, when you attack with SF, the game asks, If this pokemon has a working ability of SF, don't do special effects.

The problem is, it was asking if it should do the special effect, AFTER Darmanitan had already died... at which point -because- it was dead, its ability wasn't considered to be 'working', so it didn't see the effect as something that needed to be stopped.

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Sheer Force has been implemented for a long time and was not changed between 14.1 and 14.5

The problem Shofu encountered is because of how the game orders battle stuff. So, when you attack with SF, the game asks, If this pokemon has a working ability of SF, don't do special effects.

The problem is, it was asking if it should do the special effect, AFTER Darmanitan had already died... at which point -because- it was dead, its ability wasn't considered to be 'working', so it didn't see the effect as something that needed to be stopped.

In short, the ability can't function if the pokemon isn't on the field for it to check the ability. Now that's good programming.

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