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Wow. Just got swept by Cain with just one pokemon.


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Battle before bysboxian gate, I get Cain down to his last pokemon with relatively little trouble and have a double calm mind boosted swoobat which brings him down to red with psychic and he uses minimize. He heals so I figure to go for another boost to one shot for good. Of course next turn psychic misses and he disables it. Annoying but air cutter should do it right?

Miss. He minimizes again.

MISS. He minimizes once more.

MISS MISS MISS MISS until he kills swoobat with sludge bomb. Annoying but I still have 4 other healthy pokemon who can do this right? I mean at least one of them has to hit, right?


I miss literally like 15 moves straight, hit once with crunch from arbok that barely does damage and end up losing the entire match because of freakin Muk.. Oh and apparently the last center I used was on the swamp island :/ Like Muk isn't even his ace mon, so it's doubly insulting.

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Battle before bysboxian gate, I get Cain down to his last pokemon with relatively little trouble and have a double calm mind boosted swoobat which brings him down to red with psychic and he uses minimize. He heals so I figure to go for another boost to one shot for good. Of course next turn psychic misses and he disables it. Annoying but air cutter should do it right?

Miss. He minimizes again.

MISS. He minimizes once more.

MISS MISS MISS MISS until he kills swoobat with sludge bomb. Annoying but I still have 4 other healthy pokemon who can do this right? I mean at least one of them has to hit, right?


I miss literally like 15 moves straight, hit once with crunch from arbok that barely does damage and end up losing the entire match because of freakin Muk.. Oh and apparently the last center I used was on the swamp island :/ Like Muk isn't even his ace mon, so it's doubly insulting.

Isn't Double team banned competitively for exacly that reason? It's op, just like moody bidoof

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Actually this is a bigger deal than I realized, as upon arriving at the swamp island no one in my party has cut. Now if my current party was unable to learn it, wouldn't that ruin my file?

Nope. I can help you out with that.

Please attach your save file.

Q: How do I attach my save file? (Taken from Jericho's thread)

1. While in posting mode, you should see an option in the bottom right corner that says 'More Reply Options', click that.


2. Down on the bottom left you will see a Paper Clip and 'Attach Files', click on the button there that says ' Choose Files...'


3. To locate your save file go to Local Disk (C:) > Users > [Your Username] > Saved Games > Pokemon Reborn - and select 'game.rxdata'

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Story of my fight against the Hax Queen Serra. After 60-70 resets, the RNG finally decided to bless me allowing for Glare to hit that Glaceon and to set up a Sunny Day + Leech Seed so that my Scrafty didn't get OHKO'd. I wanted to cry when I won that fight (you're all so lucky she's ridiculously easy now).

Yeah, Reborn leaders will do that to you. At one point you feel confident you're going to win and then BAM! The hax comes in causing you to lose. I think Charlotte is the only leader I didn't have to reset against and that includes non-badge leaders like Sigmund and Cain.

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Isn't Double team banned competitively for exacly that reason? It's op, just like moody bidoof

I think it's more that it's just way too RNG heavy and makes the game way less fun rather than being 'overpowered' exactly - I mean, double team *on average* does about as much as something like cosmic power would, it's just that cosmic power doesn't feel so cheesy because it doesn't vary so wildly.

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@ Lostale: I was able to get off the island but thanks. anyway. I think instead when you black out you should head to the nearest recovery center instead of the last visited one so stuff like this won't happen.

Man to further emphasize how much this defeat sucked this same team beat Aya first attempt without even using the full set. Somehow Cain gave me more trouble than Aya.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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