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Biggest rage moment so far?


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Whelp, I think its safe to say that many people have raged good and well at this game at one point or another. What was your most rage inducing experience with tis game so far?

For me, it was with the second gym. My team at the time was Panpour, Monferno, Loudred, and my cut slave Budew(who is still only at level 5). Panpour and budew were useless to me so I only had Loudred and Monferno to rely on. After KOing a few of her pokemon Monferno leveled up to 26, then 27 and stopped listening to me mid-battle. From that point on, I always carry at least 10 Common Candies on me to make sure that doesn't happen again.

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Any time early game when any of my members were overleveled, the episode I was playing early game didn't have my favorite options for team members so I went through a lot of trouble with a couple main members who were constantly overleveled.

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Fishing for Horsea in the wrong cave for like two hours. I was convinced at that point its encounter rate was lower than a shiny Pokemon. I yelled profanity at my screen every time I fished a stupid Remoraid.

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Fishing for Horsea in the wrong cave for like two hours. I was convinced at that point its encounter rate was lower than a shiny Pokemon. I yelled profanity at my screen every time I fished a stupid Remoraid.

That'd make sense for a main game, but shines have a higher rate of appearing, i mean, ive got 2 shiney durants

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Max rage moment in reborn?

When you face Samson and you calculate damages, thinking like, I CAN TANK THIS SHIT, then only u realized that next one, the Power level is OVER 9000 and......you are down to last pokemon.......a few times.

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My biggest rage moment in game...Luna. I even had a Machamp on my team and i still had to get lucky just to beat her. Even my Aggron was getting beat own pretty bad by Honchcrow :/ the amount of yelling at swearing at my computer that week was unreal! it was worse than Shofu trying to beat Charlotte...

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For me, the biggest rage moment I had would have to be serra and her Shell Smash Cloyster

In my first run through, I had nothing with any sort of status inducing move to deal with that thing, and I ended up soft resetting 4 times before hariyama haxed it out with paralysis from force palm. I mean the rest of serra's team is pretty easy to be (well, except that lapras), but just copping cloyster first up was hard to deal with.

-Bear in mind this was in episode 14, haven't played against her with a field effect active.

Oh and adventurine woods is pretty awful, as someone said. I mean its a great puzzle, but its very easy to get lost, and patience wears thin after the nth time you slay tauros/bouffalant/pinsir/heracross. Chrysolia forest is easy to navigate compared to that nightmare.

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I struggled (a lot) with some battles, but nothing enough to make me rage, the only thing that came close was the PULSE protean Muk with almost perfect coverage... having a really long cutscene before it didn't help in the slightest and if i remember correctly the thing could change it's type even when asleep.

Edited by Claydoll
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YES OMF i hated Noel, that bastard of a thing... curiouslywhat is in his new team?

His Staraptor has been replaced with Wigglytuff.

Oh and adventurine woods is pretty awful, as someone said. I mean its a great puzzle, but its very easy to get lost, and patience wears thin after the nth time you slay tauros/bouffalant/pinsir/heracross. Chrysolia forest is easy to navigate compared to that nightmare.

Chrysolia is always a nightmare for me. I'm alright with the puzzle in Route 1/Aventurine Woods because at least you know what you have to do (even though it gets pretty annoying). As for Chrysolia, I still don't know how many times you have to circle around that blasted forest to clear an opening.

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Honestly? The Crustle puzzle. I like puzzles, but that one wasn't very challenging, just tedious. It wouldn't have been AS bad if not for the lag that made me take twice as long solving it as it would have without it. That was in 14.1 though so hopefully in my next playthrough it won't be as maddening. :)

I haven't really raged at any of the battles... They were all more or less difficult, but not impossible, and I had fun devising strategies and crossing fingers for a crit. I guess when Nomos wasn't taking damage from Toxic (bug) and I ended up having to wait until he Struggled himself out was annoying, but that was just a facepalm moment rather than a rage one.

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That'd make sense for a main game, but shines have a higher rate of appearing, i mean, ive got 2 shiney durants

That's what I actually meant. I felt encountering a shiny on a main game was easier.

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Not acctually rage but had problem with Samson b/c the only way to beat him was to OHKO his Hariyama with Gardevoir b/c he used Heavy Slam so I had to grind a bit

Well I had problem with the cage puzzle on Blacksteam Factory

That's all

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I think the most I raged was in the sneaking segment in the Arceus base. I got caught so many times by just constantly taking wrong turns out of reflex, then when I finaly reached the end, I realized I missed the library... having to go back through those dam guards, read books, get caught like 30 times again, then finaly get past that puzzle. It could be that I play Reborn at x2 speed at all times since regular speed feels a bit sluggish to me, and having the guards move/turn at x2 speed probably made that harder than it needed to be.

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I remember battling charlotte was a very unpleasant experience for me. I had to rebattle her 12 times to realize my team wasn't up to par and had to use my genius to create different tactics. I cam up with explosion lickylicky and earthquake golem, fully exp trained ofc. However, explosion didn't work, it just killed my pokemon and that's all there was to that story. I was very sad. Then I used Golem and Swampert the earthquake bros.

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