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Nice and creative sets!

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This topic works for any tier, as the guidelines that are listed are true for every tier. However, OU is what I play, so I will often say OU in the following topic.

Smogon has listed many movesets that are standard in the metagame, because they're easy to use, effective and common. However, less common movesets can also be effective. This topic's purpose is to keep track of great, new sets that will hopefully make competitive battling be a more enjoyable experience, for those who are looking for something fresh.

A fun and impressive moveset should be able to:
  • Pull off a role for the team successfully.
  • Avoid being outclassed.
  • Take advantage of the current state of the metagame.
While you don't always need to meet these points, you'll rarely find a set that remains effective despite not meeting the criteria.
While there are some nice and creative sets right now, that doesn't mean that they're effective. If they're not effective, they're unreliable and that means they shouldn't necessarily be considered for more than a niche pick.
  • Don't take something from a lower tier so we can use it in OU, for the sake of using it in OU. No one is going to use Carbink instead of a regular Diancie just because it is different.
  • Don't use a moveset that is outclassed by another pokemon fulfilling the same role.
  • Don't use a inefficient move choice just to hit a specific pokemon. Using Shadow Ball as a move for Chansey only to hit Gengar super effectively (which otherwise walls Chansey all day), is completely insane. Chansey is meant to wall special attackers, not deal damage unless it is using Seismic Toss. Using Shadow Ball as a move for Chansey to hit Gengar specifically is inefficient. It's purpose isn't to deal damage, and that kind of choice is a team-specific niche pick.

Here is a example of a fun and impressive set that I have been successful with.


Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 64 HP / 192 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Toxic
The preceding Heatran set fits very well on Balanced teams. It is designed to trap many defensively oriented Pokemon like the common Clefable, and proceed to isolate and remove the Pokemon from being a threat to the team. Here is the idea of the set.
  1. Trap something with Magma Storm that your teammates will appreciate being gone from the game.
  2. Once you trap something, use Toxic so you gradually increase damage every turn.
  3. Use Taunt so the opponent will not be able to recover its health or clear the toxic condition away.
  4. Watch the trapped pokemon torment itself to death.

Feel free to share any sets that you deem are fun and effective. I want Reborn to have a vibrant competitive battling scene that strives to become better everyday! Let's start a archive of amazing and fun movesets!

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Tyranitar @ Assault Vest

Ability: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD

Adamant Nature

- Dragon Tail

- Avalanche/Ice Punch

- Crunch

- Rock Slide

Most Tyranitar sets are either Dragon Dance sweepers, weather support with Stealth Rocks or Mega sets. This is quite a fun set i've been running: Assault Vest eats everything up (often even Focus Blasts). Enemies think they can switch in? Predict it, use Dragon Tail and they're gone. Think they can kill you with Earthquake by switching in with Landorus/Gliscor? Ice Punch to the face.

Edited by Nova
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Rotom-Wash @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 108 Def / 252 SpA / 148 Spe
Timid Nature
- Trick
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp
Everyone uses bulky Rotom, and I can't blame them, but this fella here packs quite a punch, and can help either kill something I need out of the way, or cripple it by burning a physical attacker whom I outspeed or outlive long enough, or tricking a choice item to a wall. It's a utility set that works well against any kind of team.
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Stallbreak Sableye


Sableye @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Trick
- Torment
- Recover
- Shadow Claw
Another form of the troll mon. I'll admit, haven't tried this yet, but it sounds like fun to me. No one will expect this coming. Might not work well either.
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@Assault Vest

Ability: Mold Breaker

EVs: Basic Set 252 HP / 4Atk/ 252 SpDef ((Can be tailored a bit for the team and should be.))

Careful Nature


-Iron Head

-Rapid Spin

-Rock Slide/Filler Slot

This is a bulkier take on your typical Exacadrill made to better put up with common switch-ins to it and take out for otherwise tricky to deal with pokes. The assault vest makes it stand up pretty well to things like Heatran and Rotom-Wash and knock them out for staying in. Usually once Exca has removed the Hazards it job is mostly done so it taking a bunch of damage to remove a key member of an opponent team isn't so much an issue. As it can only use attacking moves the last slot for an attack can bbe tough to decide on, but it usually ends up being Rock Slide just because of the Edgequake or Rock/ground coverage. It is one of the most powerful 2 move type combos. Iron Head is taken for the STAB and the quite nice chunk it will do to opposing Fairies.

I will mention Excadrill hits mad hard even with no Attack investment so the investments should almost always be in defenses or in boosting your speed to take care of certain threats. This is on a team by team basis so know the mons you are working with!!!

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Tyranitar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Avalanche
- Crunch
- Rock Slide
Most Tyranitar sets are either Dragon Dance sweepers, weather support with Stealth Rocks or Mega sets. This is quite a fun set i've been running: Assault Vest eats everything up (often even Focus Blasts). Enemies think they can switch in? Predict it, use Dragon Tail and they're gone. Think they can kill you with Earthquake by switching in with Landorus/Gliscor? Avalanche to the face.

ice punch is better than avalanche

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ice punch is better than avalanche

Added it, thanks.


Reuniclus @Kee Berry

Ability: Magic Guard

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Bold Nature


-Calm Mind

-Focus Blast


This isn't a standard Calm Mind set on a not-so-standard (in OU) mon, this is a set to counter the standard counter of all bulky Psychic-type sets: Knock Off. Switch in (no extra damage because of Magic Guard) on a physical not-Knock Off attack and raise your Defense with the Kee Berry. Knock Off will be doubly weak: It's weaker because you aren't holding an item AND you have a defense boost. Now you're free to spam Calm Mind/Recover and sweep.

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Jellicent (F) @ Choice Specs

Ability: Water Absorb

EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Modest Nature

- Water Spout

- Hydro Pump

- Shadow Ball

- Energy Ball

This thing catches people off guard all the time and grabs some easy kills. Most jellicent are specially defensive in its tier so most pokemon don't expect to be hit like a truck on a switch in. It also forces many switches by being very good versus many threats like heatran and completely shutting down keldeo. Note this isn't a set I came up with but it's innovative all the same.

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Trick Gengar

Gengar @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

- Trick

- Shadow Ball

- Sludge Bomb

- Focus Blast

Shuts down all sorts of stall. Also, with the Choice Scarf, Gengar can outspeed almost anything in the tier and speed tie with certain threats such as Choice Scarf Latios, which your opponent won't see coming and may lose one of their fastest sweepers as a result. Typcial Gengar coverage allows for the destruction of many different mons.

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This guy requires some mind games and predictions, but I like using him in UU.

Snatch Druddigon

Druiddigon @ Rocky Helmet

Ability: Rough Skin

EVs: 252 Hp / 4 SpD / 252 Def

Impish Nature

- Snatch

- Sucker Punch

- Glare

- Dragon Claw

If they try to set up on him, I snatch it, and if they go for a physical move, he can take mostly anything, get a sucker punch in, and deal a good amount of damage back with rocky helmet and rough skin. Glare is for utility, and dragon claw is for when you just want to hit something. It's fun when you can steal a DD or SD, but not always effective.

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This guy requires some mind games and predictions, but I like using him in UU.

Snatch Druddigon

Druiddigon @ Rocky Helmet

Ability: Rough Skin

EVs: 252 Hp / 4 SpD / 252 Def

Impish Nature

- Snatch

- Sucker Punch

- Glare

- Dragon Claw

If they try to set up on him, I snatch it, and if they go for a physical move, he can take mostly anything, get a sucker punch in, and deal a good amount of damage back with rocky helmet and rough skin. Glare is for utility, and dragon claw is for when you just want to hit something. It's fun when you can steal a DD or SD, but not always effective.

That is an interesting set for RU that might let druddigon beat reuniclus....

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  • 5 weeks later...

Is this topic still alive? Have a set NU players.

Cacturne @ Assault Vest
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Drain Punch
- Fell Stinger/Poison Jab
Cacturne is such a good pokemon in NU, though it's defenses aren't really that great. Assault vest seems like a solution, it's spdef will jump like this: 200 to 300, while hitting hard with stab seed bomb and priority sucker punch.
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Nidoqueen (King) @ Life Orb

Ability: Sheer Force

EVs: 252 SpA / 212 Sp / 40 HP

Modest Nature

- Earth Power

- Sludge Wave

- Ice Beam

- Thunderbolt

Both of these Pokemon are essentially the same - Queen trades off a bit of power for bulk, King vise versa.

Nidoking and Nidoqueen being offensive isn't terribly a new concept, but the biggest difference is that it drops it's nearly customary Stealth Rock entry hazard (which opponents will immediately assume is in your set at times) for the hard to withstand Ice Beam/Thunderbolt coverage combo - two moves which a few opponents not familiar with the two pokemon may not even be aware of to start with.

BoltBeam takes care of Flying, Water, and Ground types - the latter two of which will pressure your Nidomon, so this Pokemon is a very useful pokemon for punishing obvious switch-ins. Sludge Wave is a powerful STAB that doesn't get affected by Bulletproof, meaning it works against more opposing grass types, as well as threatens Fairies. Earth Power takes out Electric and Rock type Pokemon.

That's the ability to pressure Flying, Water, Ground, Grass, Fairy, Electric, Rock, Fire, and Steel types with moves that are boosted by Life Orb and Sheer Force. That coverage and power is amazing. Both of these mons can find their place in OverUsed with that kind of potential.

(credit - Verlisify)

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UU Tier

Toxicroak @ Assault Vest

Ability: Dry Skin

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Ice Punch

- Drain Punch

- Sucker Punch

- Gunk Shot

This thing stops hydreigon, mega blastoise and completely walls alomomola and crocune. Drain punch + Assault vest is a really great combination, and since it's stab you'll be getting a lot of health back dealing a lot of damage, not like non-stab drain punch on other AV users like regirock where drain punch is almost useless since it's not going to deal decent damage.

Sucker punch is necessary, it's going to help you against faster pokemon and even get some kills in possible AV users or things like chandelure, alakazam (no, it can't eat up a psychic from full HP, but if alakazam's sash has been broken sucker punch is a guaranted OHKO). Ice punch is for damage on things like gligar, hippowdown, donphan, and other physical walls that resist your two stabs. This set only has one problem: Foretress completely walls it, so maybe running a trapper magneton with it is a good idea.
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LC is a fun tier

Fletchling @ Berry Juice
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 5
EVs: 76 HP / 200 Atk / 92 Def / 40 SpA / 100 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Acrobatics
- U-turn
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Snatch

and then you run into fletchling. normally there's overheat over snatch on standard fletch, but who doesn't like stealing setup moves, in LC they're plentiful because Zigzagoon is Scary AF.

HP grass to beat most rock types, uturn for momentum and Acro for damage. simple set really.

Edited by blasterman4
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guess i'll go ahead and post something nice for OU

Victini @ Expert Belt
Ability: Victory Star
EVs: 76 Atk / 192 SpA / 240 Spe
Rash Nature
- Thunder
- V-create
- Glaciate
- Focus Blast
beats a lot of common victini switchins, like lando-t and heatran. glaciate speed drop followed by the appropriate move takes care of nearly anything that tries to switch in.
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Staraptor @ Leftovers

Ability: Intimidate

EVs: 232 HP / 36 Atk / 240 Def

Impish Nature

- Return

- Tailwind / Toxic / Defog

- Roost

- U-turn

Maximum utility set. Staraptor's offensive stats portray it as a physical sweeper, however it can also work as a physically defensive pokemon with intimidate and full defensive EV spread. Having the ability to Roost off the damage is a bonus. There is no other physical wall in OU that has both intimidate and reliable recovery. Standard Return for damage input. Facade can also be used in its place for extra usage, in case one tries to status it. Roost is mandatory. No speed investment means that you outspeed almost all walls and U-turn works as a slow pivot against faster threats to keep momentum after the intimidate and the expected switch. The last slot can be filled with Toxic, for stall wars, Defog for hazard removal, or (my fav here) Tailwind, to ensure a sweep when the opponent tries to set up on Staraptor's defenses and you U-turn out of the place, breaking the opposing sweep (wannabe) and make your own :P . Much gimmick, so unexpected, very power, lots of utility, WOW.

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@Assault Vest

Ability: Mold Breaker

EVs: Basic Set 252 HP / 4Atk/ 252 SpDef ((Can be tailored a bit for the team and should be.))

Careful Nature


-Iron Head

-Rapid Spin

-Rock Slide/Filler Slot

This is a bulkier take on your typical Exacadrill made to better put up with common switch-ins to it and take out for otherwise tricky to deal with pokes. The assault vest makes it stand up pretty well to things like Heatran and Rotom-Wash and knock them out for staying in. Usually once Exca has removed the Hazards it job is mostly done so it taking a bunch of damage to remove a key member of an opponent team isn't so much an issue. As it can only use attacking moves the last slot for an attack can bbe tough to decide on, but it usually ends up being Rock Slide just because of the Edgequake or Rock/ground coverage. It is one of the most powerful 2 move type combos. Iron Head is taken for the STAB and the quite nice chunk it will do to opposing Fairies.

I will mention Excadrill hits mad hard even with no Attack investment so the investments should almost always be in defenses or in boosting your speed to take care of certain threats. This is on a team by team basis so know the mons you are working with!!!

..I actually run this Excadrill set, but with 100 HP and 156 SpDef, which is enough to take most hits and proceed to revenge kill.

I've been using this Latios and it tends to catch people off-guard sometimes.

Latios @ Choice Scarf


Ability: Levitate

EV's: 252 SpAtk, 150 Speed, 52 HP, 50 Atk



Draco Meteor


People will always assume Latios runs max Speed/SpAtk and 4 HP/Def, right? Wrong. This Latios is more or less there to outrun the somewhat slower scarfmons, thinking they can still outspeed a Latios. Not only that, this specific set is designed to break down Heatran/Tyranitar if you predict the incoming Stealth Rock, Toxic or any other status/hazard move. Trick them and lock them into whatever they use, if Heatran decides to stay in for a Stealth Rock (without getting Tricked), you can risk going for Earthquake (which can potentially KO it), then proceed to switch after.

A bit of an unorthodox set, but I don't really have many creative sets for OU.

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2 sets for same poke

1.) Ultimate anti-mega-sceptile weapon of deathruction

Whimsicott @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 184 HP / 252 SpA / 72 Spe
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Giga Drain
- Switcheroo/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power [X]/U-Turn/Filler
- Shadow Ball/Hidden Power [X]/U-Turn/Filler
Enough speed w/scarf to outspeed max speed mega sceptile and infiltrator so it can kill behind sub. Max Sp. Atk. for the damage and to be able to revenge kill any other poke or at least take a huge chunk. Remanding EVs to HP to take more hits.
Moonblast obviously to OHKO mega sceptile and stab, Giga Drain for recovery and stab, and last two is filler moves; Switcheroo to screw over pokes with the right prediction and anything else for coverage that'll fit the team.
Whimsicott @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 36 HP / 252 SpA / 220 Spe
Timid Nature
- Moonblast
- Giga Drain
- U-turn
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Another offensive Whimsicott, this time Specs. EVs are for MAXIMUM DAMAGE w/o boost from nature, and enough speed to outspeed nonscarf latios and Thundurus for revenge killing (originally it was only meant to outspeed Latios but Thundurus gave me trouble, 212 Speed EV outspeeds Latios w/HP Fire and 208 for HP that-will-not-make-your-speed-IV-30) and HP EVs for maybe it can take a hit or two. Moonblast is best and highest damaging move if not resisted or if target not weak to other moves. Giga Drain for bulky water types that always gives me trouble. U-turn for switching in-n-out. Hidden Power whatever best fits the team.

My favorite partner for this whimscott is scarf heatran, whim can take the eqs and heatran can wall whatever threatens my little baby minus excadrill.

Must be careful as whim cant take too much hits (surprise ikr)


-252 SpA Choice Specs Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Latios: 302-356 (101 - 119%) -- guaranteed OHKO

-252 SpA Choice Specs Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Thundurus: 198-234 (66.2 - 78.2%) -- 25% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

-252 SpA Choice Specs Whimsicott Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 212+ SpD Rotom-W: 186-218 (61.1 - 71.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

-252 SpA Choice Specs Whimsicott Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Mega Scizor: 276-328 (80.2 - 95.3%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

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So, I was stunned to discover that Dual Screens Starmie isn't a thing. Here's the set I've been running

Sophia (Starmie) @ Light Clay
Ability: Natural Cure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Scald

Basically just pure utility. Dual Screens helps mitigate the frailty of the rest of my team. Rapid Spin removes those pesky Rocks (esp important since I'm running Charizard) And Scald is there to Burn things and deal a moderate amount of damage

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I don't know how 'creative' this is, but it works.

Rin (Suicune) @ Leftovers

Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Rest
- Roar
I replaced Sleep Talk for Roar, mainly because I got shit rolls with Sleep Talk hitting Rest all the time, and Roar phazes out Clefable who like to CM War Suicune.
There are some negatives like being fodder for two turns, but Suicune has pretty good bulk to last. This set has been effective for me when I need both a sweeper and a phazer.
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Typhlosion @ Power Herb

Ability: Blaze/Flash Fire

EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Eruption

- Fire Blast

- Focus Blast

- Solar Beam

Bluff a scarf (which works every time) and proceed to nuke their Seismitoad switch in next turn without having to predict. Flash Fire if your team is weak to fire, otherwise Blaze is the better option, even without the scarf Typhlosion can outspeed many things in NU and it's already put a massive hole in most teams. The fact you can only really use Solar Beam once is mitigated by the fact that you'll probably only need to use it once per match anyway.

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something that's helped me a lot more than i'd expected it to:

(Tier: UU)

Blastoise @ Blastoisinite

Ability: Rain Dish

EVs: 240 HP / 236 Def / 32 Spe

Bold Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Scald

- Rapid Spin

- Toxic

- Roar

basically, i needed a spinner/defogger and something that worked well enough as a physical wall, and finding the right mon at that time was being a pain in the ass, because i simply refuse to use donphan, tentacruel and empoleon, since i hate them for no proper reason, and other mons such as gligar and crobat just didnt fit too well into the team, at the time. soon enough, i realized my mega slot was still empty and how good of a type water can be when it comes to physical walling.

scald is pretty obvious: stab and the very useful 30% chance to burn. rapid spin is there to get rid of entry hazards, which are extremely common in uu. toxic helps m-blastoise deal with a wide variety of specially defensive mons and things it cant touch or catching something on a switch. i went with roar on the last slot because there are plenty of things that can set up on it behind a sub, which is very undesirable.

the only type of support this set requires is cleric. umbreon and florges work especially well as not only do they fulfill said role, but they can also form a pretty decent physically/specially defensive core with m-blastoise. entry hazard setters such as nidoqueen can also be pretty good, since m-blastoise has roar and residual damage is always nice. also, if you're aiming to build a stall team with this set, id recommend throwing a scarfer in there (i.e. mienshao) to clean up late-game, once your opponent's team has been weakened.

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  • 1 month later...

lando counter :^] (Cresselia) (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Def / 172 SpD
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonlight
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave
This set isn't the creative part, but it's the EV spread. It's designed to check all sorts of Landorus-I and Landorus-T. Allows you to tank 2 Stone Edges from a Double Dance Landorus' at +2, and hit back with a Ice Beam. You can move the Special Defense EVs to Sp Atk to have a better chance of OHKOing both Landorus, but I don't believe that's necessary as it's not a guaranteed kill. It also tanks Landorus-I like stated before, but it should be going to Ubers. If it does not, Cresselia should be have more usage...slightly.
+2 252+ Atk Landorus-T Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 84+ Def Cresselia: 188-222 (42.3 - 50%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
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Talonflame @ Salac Berry

Ability: Gale Wings

EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Swords Dance

- Natural Gift

- Brave Bird

- Flare Blitz

When most people face a talonflame they only expect stab moves and possibly u-turn. Not many people prepare for a base 100 fighting/grass/ground move. I prefer giving Talonflame a Salac Berry which makes natural gift a base 100 fighting move. It can usually KO t-tar and heatran after an sd and still does more damage to rotom-w than either of its stab moves. However, if you feel like you have enough rotom-w checks and heatran seems to be a bigger issue then give talonflame a apicot berry instead (giving natural give a base 100 ground typing). If heatran is not a threat but rotom-w is then give talonflame a liechi berry (natural gift becomes a base 100 grass attack).

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