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Best villain?


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I put more thought into things but here are some of my favorite game villians.

Ganondorf, he is the prince of darkness and always feels so damn good to bring down. There are other similar villians like him example: Castlevania's Dracula. But he is the most bad ass example I can think of. And I have some epic nostalgia for him. Too bad he is a bit misrepresented in smash.

Bowser, a villian I legit sympasize for sometimes. He might not be an evil mastermind of source of ultimate evil. But he is hella fun to watch be evil.

Handsome Jack, he is not only a jack ass who makes fun of you throughout quite literally the entire game, but he is legit funny and legit evil. He is also deluded into thinking that he is the hero of the story. He even proves why not to fuck with him several times over killing some very important characters from the previous games right before your virtual eyes. He normally follows it up with a verbal teabaging.

Kecia Palazzo is infamous for also being funny, but doing something most villians never do in a fictional story... WINNING!
Seriously, how many villians actually win? You as the protagonist usually have some supernatural mumbo jumbo that assists you or the characters will almost literally pull some dumb bullshit sauce thing out of their ass to win... But no...
You go to stop the main bad guys, and just as when you thought you defeated them, Kefka goes NOPE and destroys the world and recreates it. He then rules over it as God and the second half of the game involves you and your allies regaining confidence and challenging his godhood.

Another "funny" Villian who constantly mocks you throughout the entire game. I don't have anything to say about her besides "have you met her? She is a bitch!"

There is also Jester from Devil May Cry, he was one of the main villians in DMC3 but he played more of a side role and he is just a super fun campy villian. Reminds me a lot of Kefka and batman's Joker.

Dr. Nerfarious, he is the main villian and supergenius of Ratchet and Clank. He is way cooler imo than Dr. Wily, Robotnik/Eggman, and Neo Cortex. His evil plans involves decimating all "Squishy" life forms and replacing them with awesome robot ones. Nerfarious has great presentiation and flavor as a character. He also has good body language that reminds me a bit of when Jim Carrey is on stage.

Lastly, Albert Wesker. He is a douchebag evil genius with the super power of "ripping off the matrix". He is cool, confident, and a bitch to fight in Marvel vs. Capcom. Again, don't have too much to say about him.

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Dracula Vlad Tepes from Castlevania.

Originally a human called Mathias Cronqvist, Dracula fell into madness after the death of his first wife, and became an immortal vampire thanks to the powers of the Crimson Stone. With his dark powers, he built his army of creatures and his fortress, Castlevania. Since the 11th Century, the Belmont Clan stood in opposition to Dracula and legendary warriors confronted him each time he came back from the dead.

Let's not forget his speech from Symphony of the Night. Starts around 20 seconds into the video.

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- Princess. Peach. (Shadow Queen) - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.

For being such a light hearted game, PM:TYD is -perhaps- in some since, the first game to breach the possibility of Princess Toadstool being the -real- villain of the Mario franchise... (If you want to delve into the question a bit more, a somewhat tangential "Game Theory" about why the 'Toads' could be something to fear and further Peach's reasonable doubt is out on YouTube - courtesy of the Game Theorists channel.)

However, Thousand Year Door does a fanTASTIC job of concluding an otherwise kid-friendly and colorful title in totality and in a terrifying manner - while still making sense story-wise!

The princess isn't -willingly- opposing Mario and his party members - but as a kid her being possessed by the cataclysmic shadow queen was a real shock. The battle takes two forms a la Square Enix title main bosses, reminding me of ANOTHER villian down the list, and as a kid, this was the exclamation point on a very unassuming game - helping to make Thousand Year Door one of my all time favorites.

Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII

Cmon....how is this guy not mentioned prior to me? The boss I alluded to above just happens to be this guy.

GLaDOS - Portal

Unlike Reborn's AI, this snarky and sarcastic foe will always be remembered for truly being a force to be reckoned with.....as well as the aforementioned snark and sarcasm. Beautiful work Valve.

Majora - Majora's Mask

The Skull Kid often gets misunderstood, and in -my- opinion, it's to the point where he's really -not- Link's adversary in this title. The Mask that Skull Kid wears however is possessed by the evil spirit of Majora - and it's the Mask that causes Skull Kid to call upon the moon. 'Majora's Mask' is one of those games I actually took the time to complete, which grants one with the 'Fierce Diety' Mask....and while the Fierce Deity's Mask makes Majora much easier to handle, it's the dialogue the child wearing Majora's Mask gives you that's chilling. As a theist, this registered quite wonderfully and has preserved the game in my heart.

Majora's Mask kid inside the moon will give you the Fierce Deity's Mask if you give every other mask in the game to the other moon kids first, requiring you to obtain ALL of the masks (which is optional - if you want to just fight Majora without the FD Mask you can always just talk to the Majora kid.) Having done the extra work will cause the Majora kid to offer to play another game, in which he hands you FD Mask and deems you the 'bad guy'. This seemingly alludes to the bad guy giving people hope and pulling them out of their state of greif, as is the overriding theme of the game.

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Sephiroth, if only for the nostalgia feeling of being the first villain to kill a character off(well, first I had seen in my childhood, obv not first period).

Also have to second Kefka. I headcannon that only reason why you are even able to win in the first place is him getting bored. His setup was perfect too, from joke miniboss to 'screw everyone, I dont care what everyone planned, I WIN'.

Dark Gaia from Terranigma. Just man, wow. Amazing not necessarily for any dialogue or character design, but amazing for the philosophical implications. Terranigma is relatively unknown these days despite being one of the best RPGs ever including present titles. Spoilers for those that don't want to fire up a SNES emulator and play it(though you absolutely should):

Not only did Dark Gaia create you, your hometown, and everyone youve ever loved or cared about, but defeating him means you and all your loved ones die. It doesn't stop there either, as it is known that the world is in a constant cycle between Light Gaia and Dark Gaia, in the previous rotation your spirit would have been the bad guy, and the spirit of Dark Gaia WILL return to end the world as that is the natural order of things. Also Light Gaia tells you that you are basically mankinds god since ya know recreated the world and all.

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Mortis/Solienelle Disciples II

Her storyline is such a better love story than twilight I can't even.

I don't know who You are, but I love You! ^.^

And some underrated games had a lot of good villains. For example Two Worlds, that dude is just so nice to You. <3

And Dagoth Ur. If You haven't played Morrowind,You should do that now.

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GLaDOS all the way, i never liked puzzle/platform games so i tried Portal only because everyone was saying it was amazing thinking of dropping it after trying a few levels...well long story short because of her i loved it, Portal was the first (and probably last) puzzle/platform i enjoyed.

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Ulysses from Fallout New Vegas. You followed his trail through nearly all the DLCs before he contacts you to finally confront you in the area where your character accidentally destroyed and nearly left him for dead without knowing. His characterization is amazing, he wants you to pay for it but he also sees something in your character and wants to test your strength, purpose, and skills by making you go through the area that everyone knows about "The Divide"

You confront him there and you can choose to fight him (which is either hard or easy if you have really powerful weapons) or help him see that he is wrong through Speech check, your faction's reputation, companion, or the disks he leaves behind for you to find and use their words against him. He then fights by your side against the corrupted, mutated soldiers under the flag of the old world, America which the event is now known as the "Legend of the Divide".

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Alex from Golden Sun. Across three games, plays the entire cast to become a god. Series ends with the heroes having accomplished nothing that he didn't want them to do.

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Andrew Ryan from Bioshock anyone? I loved that "Would you kindly?" plot twist.

Sephiran from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. For that matter why not throw in the Black Knight too?

Obligatory mentions of GLaDOS and Handsome Jack.

The Illusive Man from Mass Effect.

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Mr Ressetti isn't an antagonist... YOU ARE, you are the douche bag that keeps turning off the game without saving purposely just to piss him off!

anyone that played AC has done that at least once or twice

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Mr Ressetti isn't an antagonist... YOU ARE, you are the douche bag that keeps turning off the game without saving purposely just to piss him off!

anyone that played AC has done that at least once or twice

Lol once or twice? I spammed that reset button to troll my sister for the next time she fired up the game.

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  • 6 months later...

So far I'm liking the idea of Airy from Bravely Default. I especially love how when initially poised as your annoying little Navi-like companion, you eventually learn that she's been manipulating you the entire game to cause the destruction of the world. The title-screen even revealed this, when initially having the subtitle "Where the Fairy Flies," after you reach the point in the game where you learn enough about Airy, the heading transforms into "Where the Fairy Flies." Also we learn that our original assumed Antagonists were actually out for the protection of the world, although in many cases not preforming this task in the most moral manner, and we've been going against the fate of the world the entire time by following Airy's designs.

I also like how the game gives you chances to oppose Airy before the End-Game, or dragging along to face the much stronger final boss at the end.

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